Chapter 654 Shuozhou City

Therefore, unless they encounter an absolute numerical disadvantage, the troops of the fourth battalion of the "Red Banner Army" must use wheelbarrows to defend and counterattack on the spot.

When the soldiers and horses are almost the same, it is absolutely possible to open the way with artillery fire and Mini guns, making the Qing army cry and howl.

The "Red Banner Army" is not afraid of being trapped by the Qing army with superior strength, nor is it afraid that the enemy cavalry will continue to attack and harass the army formation, causing the formation to be chaotic and then being broken through, because the backward Qing soldiers need to approach the army formation within [-] steps to shoot arrows to be disturbed. Possibility of armies.

It's a pity that the "Red Banner Army" will not give the enemy such an opportunity. At a distance of five miles, 36 Hongyi cannons will be fired.

Approaching two or three hundred steps, 160 Francophone one-pounder guns and nearly [-] Miniguns fired in the army formation. How many corpses would be left behind just to get close to the "Red Banner Army" formation?

Jiannu is particularly afraid of fighting a war of attrition. In the final analysis, Jiannu is even more afraid of death. It is impossible to bear [-]% to [-]% casualties and attack with his life.

It is estimated that even if the "Red Banner Army" gains an advantage, it will be difficult to inflict mass destruction on the Jiannu, because the Tunguska savages will take advantage of the cavalry to flee.

However, the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" are not spectators, and it is still possible to choose to rely on the infantry formation to chase for twenty or thirty miles and leave some enemy cavalry behind.

They are not afraid of the counterattack of the Qing soldiers. At that time, the infantry formation will move at a speed of five miles per hour. When they find that the enemy cavalry regroups and countercharges, the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" will be supported within an hour while fighting and retreating.

In the city of Shuozhou, it is not too much to describe the food and supplies looted by the Jiannu and Tartars as piled up like a mountain.

Although they grabbed a large amount of food that they might not be able to transport at all, they were unwilling to give more food to the cowardly people.

The 10,000+ ordinary people who were captured could only receive two bowls of mush and a miscellaneous grain cake on time every day, barely surviving starvation.

There are too many people and large animals gathered, and there will be more and more, so that the city of Shuozhou can't accommodate it at all, and countless shacks and nests have been built around the city wall.

When the night is frosty and cold, the moon is cold, and the wind is blowing, there will be crying one after another. Shuozhou City in the dark night is as gloomy as a haunted house, which makes people shudder.

Wakda was responsible for the capture of Shuozhou City Guardian Gongzhong. The Eight Banners also sent [-] troops here, plus [-] Mongolian light cavalry and [-] Han cavalry led by Wu Sangui and his son. The total force reached [-]. .

There are also many banner men and coat slaves in each banner to manage supplies and livestock. There are four to five thousand traitors wielding knives, and they each drive two or three Han people into slave labor.

Among them, many Han people chose to help the evildoers in order to get a few more grain cakes every day.

At the end of October, the Qing army had entered Daming Pass and plundered for more than four months. Shuozhou City had accumulated even more things. There were more than 30 Han people who were going to bring back to Liaodong. Every day, the old, weak, sick and disabled died of hunger.

Some people were dragged away and buried deeply by the bannermen with Aha while they were still breathing. Now Jiannu actually understand that not drinking raw water can reduce diseases, at least they drink cold boiled water as much as possible.

In Daming, Huang Han emphasized that we should pay close attention to urban sanitation, and he could not hide the health knowledge from the public, and it was understandable to find out the process after being carefully inquired by Jiannu.

It's just that he didn't expect Jianu to learn so quickly, and he even knew how to bury the corpse deeply to prevent the plague.

There is such a large concentration of people, livestock, and supplies in Shuozhou City, Jiannu knew that he couldn't hide it.

They were not worried about being attacked, because there were [-] cavalry in charge of defending Shuofang City, and they also had [-] to [-] bannermen and coated slaves.

Now the slaves have taken in another [-] new slaves. In a real fight, [-] cavalry can go out of the city to attack the enemy. The guards in the city are enough to have [-] old slaves and [-] new slaves.

Counting from the beginning of Nurhachi, Jiannu had never suffered a defeat in a field battle with more than [-] people, and their self-confidence was infinite.

Because two elder brothers died in battle and one died of smallpox, and because his father Daishan eased the relationship with Emperor Chongde, the fourth eldest Wakda was reused, and he was likely to succeed Lao Tzu as the leader of the Red Banner in the future.

This time he was able to command [-] cavalry and thousands of coated servants. This is the best opportunity to perform. If he does a good job, he will definitely be rewarded.

Wakda believes that with such a force to defend Shuofang City well, the benefits of securing the banners are not a problem. He even hopes that there will be a Ming army who dares to come and stroke the tiger's beard, so as to give him a great opportunity to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds.

What's more, the cavalry of the Qing army attacked in four directions, and not every route penetrated thousands of miles into the interior of Daming. At least the elite of the Two White Banners and more than [-] Mongolian light cavalry who attacked westward felt that the oil and water were not good enough and had no interest, so they returned to Shanxi to prepare to seize it. Several cities.

This group of troops was led by the two brothers Dorgon and Duoduo. They will definitely arrive within two days after receiving the news that Mercedes-Benz rescued Shuozhou City.

The banner guards had already reported back the situation in Shuofang City, and now dozens of the hundreds of thousands of Han people arrested in Shuozhou City were banner guards, but most of the banner guards did not know each other.

They usually have a single-line connection, and only know the online, offline and their own team members.

In order to deceive Jiannu's trust, some banner guards took the initiative to ask the bannermen to nod and bow down and ask to be slaves. These people will succeed in all likelihood, and now they can show off their power with a knife in their hands.

The banner guard who took the initiative to be a slave is in the open, and the banner guard who hides among the Han people is in the dark.

They first used the banner guards pretending to be slaves to bully the young and middle-aged Han people they liked. After seeing the reactions of these people, they would have the banner guards to contact them after they found the Han people who refused to bow their heads easily.

At that time, it was revealed that the "Red Banner Army" would soon come to Shuozhou City to rescue everyone, and implicitly told the Han people who refused to be slaves that they were actually working for the "Red Banner Army".

Today is not what it used to be. The "Red Banner Army" has a great reputation and is already a household name in Daming.

The Han people who refused to bow their heads easily learned that the "Red Banner Army" would not sit idly by to build slaves and the Tartars ravaged, and hope rose in everyone's hearts.

When contacting the Han people to fight back, two groups of flag guards were instigating the same group of people. When they had a long talk with the Han people, they dramatically discovered that the other party had the same routine.

After correcting several different versions of the code words, the two groups of flag guards hugged each other tightly in excitement, causing many Han people to be puzzled.

The banner guards who met each other happily began to cooperate. After more than ten days, more than a thousand young and middle-aged men secretly contacted each other. The prepared weapons such as guillotines, hoes, shoulder poles, picks, etc. were also quietly hidden in the shack.

(End of this chapter)

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