Chapter 656
Just when the officials were talking nonsense again, Zheng Zhihui's suggestion was unanimously recognized.

During this period of time, Zheng Zhihui traveled between the capital and Shanhaiguan. His main task was to pay for the "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han deliberately made this great eunuch return to the capital often to show his selflessness and magnanimity.

Zheng Zhihui followed Huang Han to witness the reorganization of the "Red Banner Army". He believes that General Zhenglu has been actively preparing for the war, and he can assert that more than half a year has passed. With [-] to [-].

He suggested that the emperor recruit the "Red Banner Army" to enter Shanxi to attack Jiannu, and not allow Jiannu to attack the hinterland of Ming Dynasty unscrupulously.

When the main force of the "Red Banner Army" regained the lost ground in Shanxi, Jiannu would definitely choose to concentrate his troops to Shanxi to deal with the attack of the "Red Banner Army" in fear of being cut off. It is absolutely impossible to continue to march forward.

Damn, it's only been a few months, and the emperor and his ministers have to break their promises and lose weight. The promise of not mobilizing the "Red Banner Army" for five years is gone.

Chongzhen's self-esteem was very strong, he was embarrassed to directly issue an imperial edict, and sent Zheng Guochang and Zheng Zhihui to Shanhaiguan to solve the problem through negotiation.

Huang Han's original intention was to launch an autumn offensive, first to seize the second half of North Korea and then take the whole of North Korea.

The ravages of slavery in the three provinces will cause many areas to fail to complete the autumn harvest. This year's food problem is even more acute.

Therefore, at the end of July, Huang Han issued an order to all the villages and barracks, requiring civil officials and military generals to work together to ensure that the autumn harvest in the system and in the garrison was carried out normally, and as much as possible, the grains should be returned to the warehouse.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the autumn harvest was basically over, Huang Han was ready to launch an attack to take down Seoul, and then lead a large army to drive the Qing army across the Han River.

In order to make the military action sudden, he deliberately disclosed in front of a group of civil officials and eunuchs that the target of the "Red Banner Army" was about to attack Jinzhou.

However, reliable information was obtained just after the autumnal equinox. Jiannu was so unscrupulous that he penetrated Shanxi and went to Henan. The information sent by the banner guards about the Qing army in Shanxi was very specific, especially mentioning that Shuozhou City had been occupied by Jiannu.

The grain in the city is piled up like a mountain, and there are countless precious and heavy items of gold and silver. It is known that there are three 10,000+ Han people who need to be rescued urgently. Otherwise, these people will be taken to Liaodong as slaves.

Huang Han is faced with a multiple-choice question, should he continue to carry out his original plan to fight for North Korea?Or change the plan and go to Shanxi to recapture the population, livestock, grain and gold and silver treasures?

No matter where you go to fight, you need elite soldiers. It is very important to strengthen the training before the battle. Huang Han once again ordered the whole army to train and change defenses, so as to test the mobility of each battalion.

After completing the task of changing defense again, Huang Han believed that after ten months of reorganization and training, the newly formed "Red Banner Army" has the ability to fight a big battle.

Huang Han was about to temporarily abandon his plan to seize North Korea, and ordered Huang Yong to leave most of the navy and marines to participate in the defense, and asked him to take more warships to continue to travel to Nanyang and transport rice back again.

Huang Yong's spring trip to Nanyang was more than a month early, resulting in insufficient rice in the agreement. This time, only less than 80 shi were shipped back.

He immediately signed a supplementary agreement with the governor of Manila, Spain, the lord of Quang Nam, and the Zheng family of Day Viet. He estimated that there would be no less than 80 shi of rice that could be imported in another trip, but he would definitely not be able to make it in time to go home for the New Year.

Huang Han was thirsty for food, because he entered Shanxi to fight, and there might be a lot of silver, gold and valuables there, but there was definitely not enough food to eat, and Henan, which was plagued by Qing soldiers and bandits, had millions of refugees waiting to be fed?
Getting a stone of food now means that at least two Han people can be saved. It is more important to take back the population, livestock and supplies in the struggle for North Korea.

Huang Han is thinking about asking the imperial court for an order to lead the "Red Banner Army" into Shanxi to fight a big battle with the main force of slavery.

He made an agreement with the emperor that he would not ask for an order when launching the Ping-Liao War, as long as he saw the right time, he could take action.

However, if you move to the west and enter Shanxi, if you still make your own claims, it will appear that you have no king, so you need to ask for an order before you can send troops.

Unexpectedly, the imperial court was the first to be impatient, and Huang Han was surprised to meet the old man who had rushed to Shanhaiguan.

After welcoming the two into the living room and having tea, Zheng Guochang spoke dignifiedly in front of the superintendent, and he said directly:

"The purpose of the old man's coming here is to let you immediately lead the troops into Shanxi to attack and kill Jiannu. If you have any requirements or difficulties, just ask, but don't talk about the imperial court's promise not to mobilize the 'Red Banner Army' for five years. Such nonsense.

If you can't repel Jiannu, there is no need for you to pacify Liao, Jianu will directly pacify Daming. "

Huang Han looked sincere, and said without hesitation: "Father-in-law's words are wrong. At this time, my son-in-law is making a request to the court. Isn't it a self-respect for the soldiers? My son-in-law promised to send troops immediately without preconditions!
But also ask father-in-law Cheng to play the emperor, the Ministry of Households has not paid the salary on time for two months.If you want the 'Red Banner Army' to fight the Jiannu and Tartars, you should pay them enough, right? "

The Qing soldiers invaded the pass, and the imperial court needed money and food everywhere. The east wall was torn down to make up for the west wall for a while, and Liao's salary had been owed for two months.

Zheng Zhihui and Gao Youmou were in charge of dealing with the imperial court. For this reason, they often went to the capital to negotiate with the Ministry of Households in person.

Gao Youmou knew it well, and told Huang Han many times that he should give Hou Xun some benefits.

Huang Han knew Hou Xun's ending, and he didn't want to have anything to do with this kind of Donglin party member who seemed to be dignified and was full of filth behind his back. For Liao affairs, never compromise with any corrupt officials.

At this time, the emperor sent the old man to come to talk about the deployment of troops. Huang Han didn't take the opportunity to expose the fact that the court was in arrears with Liao's salary for two months.

Zheng Guochang knew that although the imperial court's finances were tight, they had to make up for the military's salary when they were employing people. He expressed his position:

"When the old man returns to Beijing, we will meet to discuss this matter, and he will also urge the Ministry of Households to allocate Liao's salary as soon as possible. If that old man Hou Xun dares to make things difficult, the old man will definitely call him a bloody head in front of the emperor and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty!"

Zheng Zhihui also echoed: "The 'Red Banner Army' is fully paid every month. Our family has seen it with our own eyes. For this reason, the general has no idea how much money has been posted. The Ministry of Household Affairs has gone too far. Our family also wants to impeach the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs. "

Huang Han said without losing the opportunity: "Since this is the case, I have asked Eunuch Zheng and father-in-law to act as Cheng Zuo, and I ask the Holy Son of Heaven for permission."

(End of this chapter)

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