The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 657 Gold, Silver and Copper Coins

Chapter 657 Gold, Silver and Copper Coins
Zheng Zhihui and Zheng Guochang didn't know what was going on, worried that Huang Han might have a problem, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

Huang Han asked Xu Miaoyan, Tianxiang and Hongxiu to bring dozens of gold, silver and copper coins.

These products have been finalized, and now they are in mass production. They are absolutely exquisite and meticulous.

The standard of silver content in silver coins is similar to that of Yuan Datou in later generations, but only one tael is enough, and one tael in Ming Dynasty weighed 37 grams.

One silver coin is regarded as one tael of silver, and one thousand copper coins. In order to prevent the actual value of a penny copper coin from being lower than the copper material, profiteers return copper coins worth one penny for profit and the people have no money to use.

The minimum value of the coins minted by Huang Han is two coins. Lead accounts for [-]% and nickel accounts for [-]%. The most expensive copper accounts for [-]%. A small and half loss.

Copper coins have two, five, ten, fifty, and one hundred coins. The material below ten coins is the same. Five two-wen copper coins have the same weight as one ten-wen copper plate.

Copper coins of [-] Wen and [-] Wen contain a certain proportion of silver, and two copper coins of [-] Wen have the same weight as one copper coin of [-] Wen.

Gold coins and silver coins are equal in weight, and the gold coins have clearly identifiable big characters of silver ten taels.

Huang Han’s approach is to first affirm the precious metal value of the currency, which can be accepted by the general public and officials, and gradually the credit value of the “Sifang Bank” will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it will be possible to issue banknotes in the future.

Minting coins will not lose money, because a silver coin is slightly less than [-]% pure, minus the cost of production, there is less than [-]% profit, and the same is true for gold coins.

At this time, it is not a future generation, and the price of gold is very low. Huang Han, who knows the trend of gold, does not hoard silver, but only hoards gold as hard currency.

Therefore, in the past few years, "Sifang Bank" has been openly purchasing gold, and basically completed the purchase at a rate of [-] to [-] or [-] to [-].

In addition, Huang Yong went to Nanyang and brought back a large amount of gold, which made the stock in Huang Han's hands enough to control the price of gold. This time, he took the opportunity to set an official price, one tael of gold was equivalent to ten taels of silver.

This simple operation will increase the value of the gold worth more than 500 million taels of silver by 100 to [-]%, which is equivalent to earning less than [-] million taels of silver.

After completing the coinage and promotion, if the currency minted by Huang Han in the market reaches 1000 million taels of silver, Huang Han will get a profit of less than 200 million taels.

It is estimated that the value of the currency that needs to be circulated in the entire Ming Dynasty and neighboring countries is more than [-] million taels of silver. How much will Huang Han earn if he does this?
Therefore, when Huang Han challenged the court and needed the "Red Banner Army" to be ordered in danger, and the court owed Liao's salary for two months, the gentleman was poor and short-lived, so he asked Zheng Guochang and Zheng Zhihui Chengzuo to approve his coinage.

Huang Han thinks that the possibility of being rejected at this time is relatively small, because the Ming Dynasty's private money was flooded and banned repeatedly, and because of the corruption of the imperial court, there was no profit in minting coins.

Without the approval of the imperial court, it has long been unknown how many families are making private money.

Huang Han didn't directly ask for an order. When the "Red Banner Army" was needed to fight hard against Jiannu, Chongzhen would definitely take care of the overall situation, and the emperor didn't even know how big the benefits were here.

Zheng Guochang and Zheng Zhihui picked up the coins that Huang Han put on the table to play with, and they couldn't put it down. It really is that people are born with feelings for money!
Zheng Zhihui said: "General, you are able to cast such good money, which solves the plight of the people who have no official money to use and cheap private money to trap the people. How can the Holy Son of Heaven refuse?"

Zheng Guochang knew that his son-in-law was not profitable, so he wondered:

"Is it profitable for you to make money so delicate? Small coins of two or five coins are harmless, and gold coins worth more than ten or even ten thousand are safe for the common people and officials to use? Don't you want a bamboo basket?" The water is empty!"

Huang Han said confidently: "As long as the imperial court agrees with the 'Red Banner Army' to mint coins, no one needs to worry about how it will become popular in the world. I guarantee that within three months, Shengdou Xiaomin will go to the 'Sifang Bank' to queue up to exchange for new coins."

Zheng Zhihui has completely convinced Huang Han, he believes that Huang Han can do it, and asked: "I wonder how the general can make new money popular in the world?"

Huang Han will have a series of promotional strategies, there is no need to talk about it at this time, a brief introduction:

"Coins are used for shopping. Soldiers, civilians and bureaucrats can buy goods worth one or two taels of silver with one or two taels of silver, and there is no need to weigh them. How convenient? Of course it will become popular in the world over time."

Zheng Zhihui nodded and said: "That's the case, it is really convenient for the people to use it directly without looking at the color and weight. Our family will definitely introduce the benefits of the new currency to the emperor."

Zheng Guochang also thought it made sense, and said: "As long as the money in hand can buy things, the common people will not reject the new money, and this old man will try his best to facilitate this."

The attitude of the old man and Zheng Zhihui, Huang Han was of course willing to accept it, and said with a smile: "Ge Lao and Zheng Gonggong put Shengdou Xiaomin in their hearts, it is very good to say good words for the new currency, I thank you."

In order to reassure the emperor, Zheng Zhihui and Zheng Guochang, the eunuchs in charge of the army, rushed to the capital the next day, and now they will not be tired when they arrive at the capital from Shanhaiguan.

Because the young and middle-aged people will be organized to build roads during work relief, this official road is spacious and flat enough to meet the needs of Mercedes-Benz four-wheeled carriages with shock absorption, and service areas are also built along the way to provide horse-changing services.

It is only six or seven hundred miles from Shanhaiguan to Guangqumen in the capital. There is no need to get up early and take late to change horses all the way. It is guaranteed to reach the capital within two days.

Zheng Guochang returned to Beijing to return to his command, and confronted Hou Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, why he had been in arrears with Liao's salary for two months in the court hall. Didn't he know that the "Red Banner Army" needed far more than that?

How will Daming deal with the mutiny of the "Red Banner Army" caused by the cut off of the imperial court's salary?Who can afford this responsibility?

Zheng Guochang is discussing the matter as it stands, because Hou Xun was one of the parties involved when he discussed with his son-in-law the proportion of Liao's salary last year. overhead.

The Minister of the Ministry of Households delayed Liao's salary for two months. Wouldn't the son-in-law who promised to pay the salary in full on time to collect the military spirit have to pay 120 million taels of silver in advance?The father-in-law loves his son-in-law, so of course he will not be polite to Hou Xun.

How could Hou Xun be willing to back down, make sophistry, and pour out bitter water, pointing out that there are many troops who have been in arrears for food and salaries for half a year or even a year, and the "Red Banner Army" has only been delayed for two months, which is nothing.

This is the truth, Zheng Guochang couldn't help being speechless for a while.

Unexpectedly, someone took the opportunity to make a fuss next time, the cabinet minister Xue Guoguan immediately jumped out to impeach Hou Xunmi for wronging the country, followed by the chief assistant Wen Tiren seconded the proposal, and then dozens of censors and officials stepped on the matter.

The reason is very simple, the party is the same, Hou Xun is an out-and-out Donglin party, Zheng Guochang took the lead in firing the cannon, how can Wen Tiren let go of such a great opportunity?
(End of this chapter)

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