Chapter 658 Hou Xun Goes to Prison
As for whether Hou Xun, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs, is a good person or not, I don't want to judge.

But it can be proved that the two people he recommended to the court—Yuan Chonghuan and Zuo Liangyu—are not good birds, and they almost cost Daming half his life.

It can also be confirmed that his son Hou Fangyu is a scum-level traitor. Hou Fangyu is very famous and one of the four sons of Fushe.

In order to flatter the Manchu Qing court, this kid mixed up a half-job, and actually offered advice to Zhang Cunren, governor of the three provinces of Zhili, Shandong, and Henan in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. people area.

This action used water instead of soldiers to kill millions of people, and suppressed the uprising army in Yuyuan, which claimed to have millions of people, and successfully resolved a major crisis in the early years of the Qing Dynasty.

The money and food of the imperial court were so tight that the Minister of the Ministry of Households actually misused the country with excessive salaries. The emperor, who was short-tempered and turned his face, threw Hou Xunban into Zhao Prison on the spot, and Cheng Guoxiang, the left servant of the Ministry of Households, took over the post of Minister.

Zheng Guochang didn't expect to be used as a gun, which led to Hubu Shangshu being imprisoned. He didn't apologize at all, because he was not a member of the Donglin Party.

The old man has a firm stand now, thinking that anyone who cheats his son-in-law is not a good person, and should be knocked down and stepped on.

Because the son-in-law has great ambitions, he wants to complete a five-year Ping Liao plan that will benefit the country and the people, so he is willing to destroy the family for the country.

Zheng Guochang then took out the coins minted by his son-in-law, and explained the benefits of the new coins, which would save fire consumption and be convenient for the public if they were widely used in the world.

The result was satisfactory. Wen Tiren had just squeezed out a senior Donglin party general Hou Xun who was in an important position. He was in a good mood. Besides, he was a high-ranking official, and it was impossible for him to have any personal interests in the minting process.

The Hubu Shangshu who had just been promoted was still in shock. He didn't want to go to jail, and he didn't dare to disobey the chief assistant. Besides, he was also a high-ranking official, and he had no interest in minting coins, so he seconded it on the spot.

As soon as Zheng Ge went to court, he fired at the Minister of the Ministry of Households, and then openly asked for an order for his son-in-law to mint coins, but he didn't mention the "Red Banner Army" dispatching troops. Chongzhen couldn't wait, and asked:

"How is Zheng Aiqing going to Shanhaiguan to negotiate with General Zhenglu? I don't think about food and drink these days, just waiting for Aiqing to bring back good news!"

Only then did Zheng Guochang remember that he hadn't reported back to the emperor, and let the emperor know that Huang Han had issued an order that day, and that [-] to [-] soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" who were stationed or training would gather at Zijing Pass.

He said: "The old minister just conveyed the intention of the imperial court to send the 'Red Banner Army' into Shanxi to fight against the Eastern slaves, so there is no negotiation.

As soon as the old minister finished speaking, the General Zhenglu stated that the 'Red Banner Army' and the imperial court would not be separated from each other. He announced the dispatch of troops on the spot, and immediately issued orders in front of the veteran and the supervising army.

Now in training, the "Red Banner Army" who is going to launch an attack to regain Jinzhou at the end of the month hastily gathered at Zijing Pass. "

The ministers were discussing the minting of coins in a mess, and many people were about to jump out to oppose it, but the emperor changed the subject and talked about whether the "Red Banner Army" would send troops, and then calmed down to listen.

Zheng Guochang will of course do his best to demonstrate the loyalty of his son-in-law at this time, he continued:
"When the imperial court didn't pay the salary for two months, the general Zhenglu didn't even complain. In order not to break his promise, he went all out to pay the salary on time.

I saw the old man the day before yesterday and learned that the emperor was in trouble, so he readily agreed to suspend the implementation of the Ping-Liao plan, and immediately led the troops to Shanxi to fight against Jiannu. "

As he spoke, Zheng Guochang couldn't help becoming emotional. He looked at the ministers with piercing eyes, and asked loudly: "I don't know how the adults who discussed Liao's salary together that day felt at this time? Not only did they not pay Liao's salary on time. On the one hand, if the promise is broken, the court will be shameless?"

When questioned by Zheng Guochang, the officials had nothing to say, because too many important officials had witnessed the five-year Ping-Liao plan, and the Di Bao had already published the specific content.

It is obvious that Jiannu's first intention was to break through from Jizhen, but the "Red Banner Army" was properly deployed, and Jiannu retreated despite the difficulties.

General Zhenglu warned in time, and the court also took precautions, but Jiannu chose to strike at the side walls of the three towns of Xuanda and Taiyuan.

The imperial court did not only have the "Red Banner Army", and the military expenditure was not only 30 taels of silver a month's Liao pay. The troops of other frontier troops and generals were also supported by the imperial court.

Now it seems that most of the other armies that the imperial court spends several 10 taels of silver to support each month have done useless work, and in the end the "Red Banner Army" has to turn the tide.

This time, the enslaved people invaded the country on a large scale, and the general who recruited captives did not have any responsibility. According to the agreement, the imperial court could not recruit those soldiers and horses who were in training to recover Liaodong, which missed the five-year plan to pacify Liaodong.

However, General Zhenglu refused to be a spectator, and readily agreed to send his troops to Shanxi regardless of gains or losses.

The emperor was relieved when he learned that the "Red Banner Army" was already in action, and said: "The general who conquered the captives is commendable for his loyalty and bravery. I am very relieved. The Ministry of Households must allocate the owed Liao salary within ten days without any mistakes!"

Cheng Guoxiang was originally the second-in-command of the household department, and he knew that Hou Xun had more or less intentions to deliberately make things difficult for the general, and reckoned that he was trying to collect benefits in vain.

Unexpectedly, in more than half a year, the "Liao pay" has become an iron cock, so it was maliciously delayed for two months.

The Ministry of Household said that if you have no money, you must have no money every day. If you say that you have money, you will always get money.

He immediately went out to express his opinion: "The minister led the decree, and definitely will not lose the salary of the 'Red Banner Army' who is about to fight against the slaves."

Zheng Guochang hit the iron while it was hot: "Your Majesty, the old minister doesn't know why the General Conquering Captives wants to undertake the minting of coins, let alone what benefits it will bring?
But the veteran knows his son-in-law, he never pretends to be a criminal, let alone harm the court.

He asserted that the minting of coins by the 'Red Banner Army' will benefit the country and the people, and this veteran firmly believes in this, so I ask Your Majesty for your permission! "

Chongzhen didn't know what would happen if he agreed with Huang Han to mint coins, but they got along with each other all these years.It seems that Huang Han never deceived Daming, nor did he deceive himself.

He agreed without hesitation: "Zheng Aiqing asked for an order to mint coins on behalf of General Zhenglu, and I approved it. The cabinet immediately drafted an order and issued it with the approval of the Supervisor of Ceremonies."

Many civil servants and nobles who had interests in the coinage were dumbfounded, but Zheng Guochang was in the limelight at this time, the emperor was in a bad mood, it was not good to jump out and be thrown into Zhao Prison, and he looked at each other for a while, no one was stupid Silly early bird.

Huang Han is destined to be happy to get the power to mint coins. With a series of reforms in the future, the days of corrupt officials exploiting ordinary people by eating fire will be gone forever.

(End of this chapter)

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