Chapter 660
Huang Han sent troops to Shanxi to fight against slaves in a high-profile manner, reckoning that he would become famous in the first battle.

Because Jiannu is not suitable for fighting against the "Red Banner Army" whose firearms have been popularized, just like the regular battle at Baliqiao will be staged 160 years in advance, Jiannu and Tartars must retreat in a hurry after suffering a big loss.

If the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry were to flee, they would not be able to catch up unless there were motorized troops. Huang Han would not chase after them, because the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" was hard-won.

As long as the "Red Banner Army" can defeat [-] to [-] or even more Manchu and Mongolian cavalry groups in one fell swoop.

From now on, Jiannuhui, who has been taught a lesson, understands that "Jurchen is not enough to be full of ten thousand, and full of ten thousand is invincible." It is a big joke.

From then on, the military and civilians and officials of the Ming Dynasty would respect Huang Han as a god, and the emperor had to weigh it if he wanted to plot against Huang Han.

It is obvious that if Huang Han is angered and this power minister turns his face, his throne will be in jeopardy. Chongzhen should know how to forbear, and he must know how to win over and be kind, so that the monarch and his ministers can live in harmony.

The "Red Banner Army" who entered Shanxi defeated Jiannu and would not withdraw for the time being, but would then garrison the preset cities.

Then began to rectify the local soldiers and horses. The general who conquered the captives had the sword of Shangfang in his hand and had the power of life and death. Who would dare to make a mistake?

There should be no one trying to test whether the Emperor's Sword is strong or not. After all, the buttocks of most Ming generals are not clean. If you want to kill their heads, you don't need to make up "unnecessary" charges, just use "corruption and perverting the law to drink soldiers" "Blood" is enough to overturn a boat.

What's more, grassroots soldiers can learn from the propaganda team how the battalions in Denglai, Tianjinwei, and Dongjiang towns were treated after they were selected as the "Red Banner Army".

To be able to be reorganized by the "Red Banner Army" will definitely try its best to fight for it. If three or five generals want to hinder it, it will be like a mantis' arm.

To collect the hearts of the army and the people in Shanxi, and to arrest the dishonest generals, those rich landowners will naturally be slaughtered without the umbrella.

Huang Han will then suddenly divide his troops to surround the mansions, shops, and warehouses of the eight imperial merchants and many traitors and profiteers, and wipe them all out, trying to return the money and grain to the warehouse.

This is not self-talk. Huang Sifang has been arranged to plot against Shanxi merchants for nearly seven years. In order to break into the interior of Shanxi merchants, he does not care about the cost, and "Sifang Express" is now as close as a family with Shanxi merchants.

What is the scariest?Being betrayed by people around you is the scariest thing!Unfortunately, the stingy Shanxi merchants will soon be denounced by those around them and betrayed by their business partners.

Even how many other courtyards they bought for the Jiutu Sanku, and how many outer chambers they kept, the flag guards have a clear grasp.

It is preliminarily estimated that the assets of each of the eight imperial merchants should exceed one million taels of silver, and it is very possible to reach 500 million taels or even more.

Besides, Jiannu had close contacts with them. According to the reliable information obtained by the flag guards, a large amount of gold and silver treasures that Jiannu robbed after entering the customs were directly deposited in the hands of the eight imperial merchants. Later, these traitorous merchants would transport supplies and food to the Qing Dynasty. .

Huang Han not only went head-to-head with Jiannu to snatch it, but also chose to attack the eight imperial merchants at this time. Not only could he take the wealth of the traitorous merchants as his own, but he could also blackmail the gold and silver treasures that Jiannu had just robbed. Little half.

He did not hesitate to mobilize the army and mobilize the crowd to gather [-] soldiers and horses to fight for Shanxi. Huang Han was not afraid of trouble and chose all the generals from the starting team to complete this fortune-making plan without compromise.

Huang Sifang was inexplicably excited to learn that his family was mainly attacking Shanxi merchants. He personally rushed to Zhangjiakou to sit in town. All the banner guards were mobilized, and Sifang Express' bodyguards were secretly on guard.

Not only the eight imperial merchants, but all Shanxi merchants who collaborated with the enemy are the targets of investigation. Not only Shanxi is acting, all the properties of Shanxi merchants will be confiscated.

There are many Shanxi merchants' properties in the capital, and the banner guards will not notify anyone in advance, they will suddenly rush in when they start, and after a while, they will notify the Jin Yiwei to convey the order of the General Zhenglu to investigate and deal with the spies, and lead the troops to surround them The industry of spies.

Defeating Jiannu will collect a lot of personal and physical evidence, and the crimes listed for the traitorous Shanxi merchants are the headlines of collaborating with the enemy. Of course, this kind of crime can be enforced by military law.

Of course, the flag guards who acted first had a target. The buddies and maids who sneaked in or instigated rebellion had already figured out the treasures of the boss.

It is estimated that this time a clean and thorough vote will be made. The wealth accumulated by generations of Shanxi merchants will become the food and wages of the "Red Banner Army", and the soldiers who fight for the motherland will no longer have to worry about food and clothing in a few years.

It is certain that the hemorrhage of Shanxi merchants will make immortal contributions to the destruction and establishment of slaves. Huang Han is not going to kill them all, and in principle he will not kill any of them.

When a person dies, everything is closed, and only by leaving behind the life of the profiteer and his family, can the deeply hidden wealth be slowly discovered.

Therefore, all the traitorous Shanxi merchants, including their families, will be indiscriminately sent to Phi Island and Shenmi Island to be interrogated slowly during labor reform. After capturing North Korea, they will be the first batch of villagers.

Don't worry that there are too many ministers in the imperial court who have ties to Shanxi merchants. Huang Han is almost self-reliant. With financial resources, material resources, millions of people and a strong army in his hands, he has started bargaining with the emperor. How can he be fooled by those corrupt officials?
If someone dared to jump out, Huang Han dared to kill their heads and search their homes.

If Shanxi merchants who sell out the country can really get precious metals and rare antiques worth 2000 million taels of silver, accepting 100 million households and 500 million people can support them for three years for nothing.

Out of a population of 500 million, there will be no less than 100 million young and middle-aged men, and they have been trained to stab with ash pole spears for half a year. The combat effectiveness of these 100 million people must be stronger than that of the rabble.

The "Red Banner Army" has 2 soldiers and [-] soldiers, and [-] civilians and armed forces to form a front army. Five or six such front troops cast a large net to besiege the rogues. I believe that half a year will be enough to wipe out all capable people Thousands of rogue armed forces.

The front line must be the frontline soldiers, the rear guards, the township armed forces, and civil officials are enough to stabilize the place, the Baojia joint defense has been perfected, the household registration system has been popularized in the system, and it is absolutely impossible to encounter peasant riots that are caught off guard.

It is also beneficial to the "Red Banner Army" system to strictly guard against the Gyeonggi. At least Yongping Prefecture and Tianjin will not encounter sudden Jiannu attacks. Scheduling time.

(End of this chapter)

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