Chapter 661 Centaurs
Gu Zhun, who was stationed in Kuizhou Mansion, has been expanding his troops. Due to the continuous increase in the production of self-produced firearms in the system, all matchlock guns have been eliminated and become Nanyang trade commodities for sale to Dayue and Guangnan.

Nowadays, even the hot weapons of the guards are self-generated blunderbuss, and the miniguns accounted for nearly [-]% of the musketeers in the regular soldiers.

Now the strength of Gu Zhun's command cannot be underestimated. There are three thousand total mountain infantry with more than [-] soldiers, and two general artillery have sixty one-pounder Francois machine guns that can be disassembled and carried over mountains and mountains. .

Only six hundred soldiers in this puny army use cold weapons, namely spearmen, sword shieldmen, and infantry archers.

There are 27 generals in the regiment training and armed division under the command of Gu Zhun in nine counties. It is obvious that more ordinary people in eastern Sichuan can be trained to form an army, but considering the burden of the gentry and ordinary people in each county, it can only be enough.

In principle, a county should keep three generals armed with bravery, and usually two generals will stay behind to participate in maintaining public security in the county, and one general will be united with troops from other counties to go into the mountains and pull nets under the command of Zhengbing led by Gu Zhun. Eliminate bandits, bandits, and rogues.

The white pole soldiers actually controlled more than a dozen prefectures and counties, and they also sent troops to organize village bravery and regiment training to strengthen law and order. The territory in their hands was larger, and they owned more acres of land. Qin Liangyu and Ma Xianglin gradually increased their money and food.

Passive defense will be beaten sooner or later, Gu Zhun got the order not to let his subordinates idle before Huang Han left, and plan to launch an attack as long as it is not a busy farming season.

Therefore, Gu Zhun's Ministry continued to encroach on the surrounding area and fight the bandits as much as possible on the periphery, making the central area of ​​Kuizhou Prefecture under the control of the "Red Banner Army" a royal paradise.

With the joint efforts of the "Red Banner Army" and the Banner Guards, and the support of the friendly white soldiers, more than one million ordinary people in eastern Sichuan have been able to support themselves under the firm defense of Ma Xianglin and Gu Zhun.

Due to the large-scale planting of potatoes and corn to increase the grain yield, it is estimated that there will be 10,000+ stone surplus grains that can be used to support other places after this fall.

During the uninterrupted fight against bandits and rogue bandits, work-for-relief is also often carried out, and the organization of people to repair roads and strengthen passes is always in progress.

On the premise of obtaining favorable geographical conditions, with artillery fire, self-generated blunderbuss, and mini guns assisting in defense, it is not a problem to have the "red flag army" and white pole soldiers join hands to defend the eastern Sichuan and Shizhu areas to protect the water and soil of Sichuan from being trampled by bandits. .

The "Wangchuan Fort" where Zhao Kun is stationed is not only impenetrable, but also thriving.

Because the rogue bandits plundered Huguang, many landlords, wealthy officials and dignitaries who trusted the "Red Banner Army" came here to buy houses to avoid the banditry.

A lot of wealthy people have been added to the population, and consumption has naturally increased, which has led to large-scale production in the surrounding villages. Vegetables, chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, and live pigs can all be sold at a good price.

The "Yangtze River Detachment" now has more than 180 warships and more than [-] sailors.

The crew of the smallest sentinel ship is 11 people, everyone has self-propelled guns, and a one-pound Fran cannon on the bow and stern. Today's sailors are all-rounders, not only able to sail, paddle, and helm, but also manpower. Everyone fires the francophones.

The largest inland river warship has a displacement of less than 56 tons, a crew of [-] people, and two three-pounder, four one-pounder Furlong cannons and one six-pounder Hongyi cannon. Such firepower can run rampant on the Yangtze River. avoid.

The 10,000+ people belonging to the "Red Banner Army" system in Jingzhou Land Boundary [-] have completed the Baojia joint defense and established household registration books and food books, which means that they can enjoy cheap food and many government-priced commodities.

Owner farmers who donate their land to scholar-bureaucrats may still be exploited to the limit, but donating to the "Red Banner Army" can guarantee half of the land's income from now on, and the land ownership will not change.

Farming for the "Red Banner Army" is of course a part of the system. As long as each household contributes one ding to participate in the training camp, they can receive five buckets of miscellaneous grains and six coins of silver per month. Not only do they get benefits such as cheap commodities, but they also have a protective umbrella.

Local yamen servants and subordinate officials will no longer send corvees to collect exorbitant taxes, and the "Red Banner Army" will pay for any money or important people.

In the late Ming Dynasty, the government exploited the people to make their lives miserable. Could it be that Chongzhen wanted it?no!No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for the people to be displaced by adding regular taxes to Liao's salary. Moreover, Chongzhen often gave relief and tax exemption to a certain place.

It will not be the big officials in the frontier that drive the common people into desperation, but the most low-level officials and yamen servants.

These people carry the sign of working for the imperial court and act recklessly. It is normal for them to distribute food and get cards randomly, but these people are bullies and fear the hard. Whispering?
It is very easy to collect criminal evidence of a subordinate official or servant by taking bribes and perverting the law. Zhao Kun just arranged two or three times. No one dares to stroke the tiger's beard again.

Xu Mingyang has made great contributions in organizing the army and civilians to defend the city. He was promoted to the prefect of Jingzhou Prefecture the year before last. This is the result of a joint letter from Jingzhou local officials and squires to keep him. Otherwise, Xu Mingyang would be transferred after he was promoted.

During the past three years, Xu Mingyang was really happy. Seeing that under his participation in the management of Jingzhou, hundreds of thousands of people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and never had to worry about the court taxes that should be completed.

He has a deeper understanding of the importance of force, and he will also encounter difficulties from his colleagues during his administration.

Whenever he felt that the policy of reassuring the people and raising the army was being resisted, his confidants contacted someone, and immediately collected a basket of scandals about those officials who disobeyed the discipline.

There is no need for tit-for-tat, the officials who have been caught have awakened, knowing that in this term in Jingzhou, they still live on their salaries in a regular manner, and they may die if they try to scrape the land.

Now the local officials in Jingzhou know that being an official here is guaranteed to achieve political achievements, but they are also guaranteed not to get benefits. You can't have both fish and bear's paws.

In this fertile and beautiful place near the Yangtze River, as long as there are no man-made disasters, the power of natural disasters is not terrible. Man-made disasters are not only robbers who loot their homes, but also violent expropriation by the government.

Now that Jingzhou has a good official like Xu Mingyang and the strong backing of the "Red Banner Army", the water and soil here can not only feed the people here, but also save a lot of food to support Shanshan and Henan.

This is Huang Han's later ruling program, and the most important one is to strictly manage officials, officials, and yamen servants.

These people are equivalent to the civil servants of later generations. As long as civil servants do not eat and get credit cards and act according to the law, and are not lazy or slack in government, the country will naturally prosper and the people will definitely be able to live and work in peace and contentment.

(End of this chapter)

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