Chapter 662 Killed
Education is very important. Raising awareness and broadening their horizons will naturally enhance their self-confidence.

Many families in Jingzhou prefecture joined the "Red Banner Army" system. A male in the family participated in intensive training during the slack season, not only to practice the skills of killing enemies, but also to feel the strength of the collective.

Holding a white wax pole spear in his hand, Shengdou Xiaomin, who started to read, read, and study, learned self-esteem and self-love because he often listened to the lectures of the "Red Banner Army" propaganda team members and the town governor.

They will no longer be submissive. There are many young and middle-aged people participating in the training of the "Red Banner Army" in the village. Yamen servants and subordinate officials really dare not be presumptuous.

Under Zhao Kun's command, there are five thousand generals of the "Red Banner Army" and 5000 village warriors who have been trained for more than a year. During this period of time, there has not been a large group of bandits gathered within a hundred miles along the river in Jingzhou.

Now Zhao Kun is constantly attacking, and is also sparing no effort to collect war horses and draw horses. He strives to form a cavalry team with a size of [-] cavalry, so that he can wipe out, rather than defeat, those small bandits who try to approach the Jingzhou area.

The "Red Banner Army" in Anqing Mansion has only been involved for a year, and there are not many townsmen who have become regulars. The "Red Banner Army" under the command of the chief general Pei Yuanwu has only five soldiers with a total of 800 troops, including 360 cavalry and training. There are three thousand brave men in the village.

Due to the high proportion of scholars here, the number of propaganda teams managed by Luo Mingshi has grown rapidly. Now there are two hundred generals, including Luo Mingshi, who are all practicing self-generated gun shooting.

The generals of the "Red Banner Army" stationed in the interior have the most cavalry in their hands, Gu Rushan.

He now has two thousand total cavalry, both of which can have two horses to ride, basically a mix and match of a middle and high-grade war horse, a draft horse, or a low-grade war horse.

Gu Rushan also has two Qian Zong musketeers, a Qian Zong cold weapon infantry, and a Qian Zong artillery.

Yingzhou, Huoqiu County and other prefectures and counties were too ravaged by the rogues, and too many ordinary people who had no food and clothing were transferred to the West Liao Corridor for reclamation.

The people who cannot leave their homeland are in danger, and they all voluntarily accept the training of the "Red Banner Army".

After Gu Rushan came to Yingzhou, he had fought against the bandits seven or eight times, and even killed Caoshangfei and Shangshanhu, the famous leaders of the 72nd Battalion.

It is also due to the ability to run and form a virtuous circle, which leads to the ability to attack the bandit cavalry, capture the horses, and draw the horses to strengthen the cavalry.

Yingzhou is united as one, and every household is at odds with the bandits.

And Gu Rushan's team that kept attacking and killing the 72nd Battalion gained some prestige among the rogues, and now the rogues walk around here, basically refusing to flee to Yingzhou.

There were many melees in one year, which directly affected the harvest. Even if maize, potatoes and sweet potatoes were planted in Yingzhou area, they could not achieve food self-sufficiency. Chongzhen urgently dispatched 30 shi of grain in the early spring of the ninth year to stop Yizi from eating. of the Great Famine.

Henan was plagued by exile bandits and slaves in turn, making people's livelihood even more difficult, and more refugees flooded into the Jiangbei area of ​​Nanzhili.

Gu Rushan has been arranging his subordinates to guide the refugees to Anqing and Haizhou for transshipment. Fortunately, the "Red Banner Army" transported in food and transported refugees out. The tragedy of millions of people starving to death in history did not happen.

Since more than [-] million mu of land was preserved this year to complete the autumn harvest, half of which belonged to the reclamation organized by the "Red Banner Army", Gu Rushan obtained potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, and some wheat and miscellaneous grains, totaling more than one million shi.

The millions of people in the hundreds of miles around Yingzhou also had some harvest in their hands, and they would not be displaced if they could get some relief food from the "Red Banner Army".

But this must be based on the fact that they will not be robbed by rogue bandits or Qing soldiers. However, the information sent back by the flag guards and scouts shows that Jiannu has already reached Kaifeng, and it is very likely that they will continue to attack the city to the east.

Gu Rushan was highly nervous, and the propaganda teams organized by Ni Gu and Ni Benchun were also making extensive publicity. Huoqiu County, Yingzhou, and other sites occupied by the "Red Banner Army" were strengthening their investigation and defense.

Many officials were rescued by the "Red Banner Army" not only escaped death, but also saved the lives of a large family.

They spared no effort to promote the Baojia defense led by the "Red Banner Army". There were not a few officials and children who joined the propaganda team, and there were even more than a dozen sons of scholar-bureaucrats.

In order to prevent the rogues and slaves from getting supplies, the propaganda team called on the soldiers and civilians to transport all the grain and livestock to the nearest city.

The Yingzhou soldiers, civilians and officials who have been tortured by the bandits once have seen the horror of the military disaster, and they have no illusions.

He knew that only by working together to defend the city could he and his family be protected. There were more than [-] guards organized in several county towns, and at least there were ash spears for assassination.

Many soldiers, civilians, and officials in Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi relied on their cities to stand firm and had no intention of retreating when they saw that Jiannu was still raging. However, due to the influx of large numbers of people into the cities, there was very little food left.

If this goes on like this, there will be no need for the Qing soldiers to attack, and the tragedy of cannibalism will erupt in the city. Too many civilian and military generals feel desperate.

Many civil servants had the idea of ​​simply hanging themselves, and some military officers began to consider opening the city gates and surrendering as slaves, or simply becoming bandits from thieves.

At this moment, court messengers, four-way express bodyguards, and sentry horses of the "Red Banner Army" continued to appear outside the cities that were still standing. They didn't ask to enter the city at all, but shouted loudly.

Although the content is very simple, it is like a warm current dispelling the cold winter.

"My lords, soldiers and civilians in such and such a city, please tell each other that General Zhenglu led [-] "Red Banner Army" troops into Shanxi to attack the Qing army. The first goal was to attack Shuozhou City, which was occupied by Jiannu."

"Brothers of the Ming Army, we are the messengers of the 'Red Banner Army'. The Duke of Liao did not sit idly by and watch the slaves go rampant. He has launched a sharp offensive and will soon recover Shuozhou City and cut off the return of those bastards."

"Brothers, hold on, the 'Red Banner Army' has killed 10 horses, and Jiannu is not far from death. We must not bring disaster to future generations, and we will be stigmatized forever!"

The "Red Banner Army" was already the only hope in the hearts of the soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty. Even though many civil servants and military generals hated the generals who ruled the army strictly, punished corruption, and refused anyone to eat empty quotas and take cards, they felt that the timely rain had come at this time.

Too many generals who lost confidence and prepared to open the city gates and surrender to the Qing soldiers rather than starve to death suddenly gained confidence. At least many generals whose determination to defend the city wavered would wait to see the effect of the "Red Banner Army" after participating in the war. own stay or stay.

All this was deliberately arranged by Huang Han. He knew that the Qing soldiers had been invading for too long, so too many places could not harvest in autumn, and there were countless cities that were short of food.

(End of this chapter)

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