Chapter 663
In order to create the effect of wishing for plum blossoms and quenching thirst, Huang Han encouraged the guards to grit their teeth and endure for another ten days and a half months.

Order Liu Zaiqi and Huang Sifang to advertise as widely as possible that the [-] "Red Banner Army" has come to kill.

There is another purpose of doing this, so that the "Red Banner Army" will not go all over the world to find the main force of the Qing army for a decisive battle, and simply have a good battle with the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry near Shuozhou City.

Soon the news that the "Red Banner Army" of 10 troops intended to attack Shuozhou City reached Hong Jieshi's ears. At this time, he was about to give up attacking Kaifeng and continue to plunder eastward and enter Shandong or Nanzhili.

The slave chieftain is skeptical, when will Huang Han and that guy prepare to attack a certain place and make it known in advance?Is there a conspiracy here?

At this time, the Jiannu and Tartars had not suffered a defeat, and their self-confidence was boundless. Emperor Chongde was still talking and laughing with confidence.

He believed that with the deployment of the countermeasures, with the combat effectiveness and mobility of the Mongolian cavalry, he was not worried about being attacked by the "Red Banner Army" and suffered a big loss again.

Now that the fellow Huang Han is here, let us Eight Banners children cheer up and fight!

The drums of the Qing army rang like thunder, and Emperor Chongde gathered for civil and military discussions.

At this time, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were in the rising period, and the military orders were like mountains, and the soldiers were in good order. After the first drumbeat, most of the Manchu and Mongolian generals galloped on horses. After the three drumbeats, the civilian and military generals had already completed their assembly.

Hong Xie took a look at the Eight Banners generals who were blushing because of entering the customs, eating a lot of meat every day and drinking good wine, and said:
"I personally conquered the Ming Dynasty for half a year, and I was invincible in all battles. I took thirty or forty cities of the Ming Dynasty and captured innumerable numbers. Not a single Ming army dared to fight our Qing army in the field.

Now that the spy report was delivered, Huang Han finally couldn't sit still, and actually led the troops to Shanxi, and made a high-profile statement that he was going to capture the base camp of our Qing army and Shuozhou City, where the main supplies were hoarded.

I've been waiting for that guy to make a move for a long time!This time, the 'Red Banner Army' must be dealt a severe blow to comfort the spirits of the Eight Banners who were killed in battle by the Huang Han over the years. "

The second-class veteran Shu Mulu Yangguli is one of the first family members who followed the old slave Nurhachi, and he is also the son-in-law of the old slave. He has fought all his life and belongs to a senior butcher, and he looks down on any generals of the Ming army from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, he said proudly: "Good time! Your Majesty, the elites under my command are looking forward to taking the opportunity to beat up the 'Red Banner Army'. I suggest that our army move west immediately and face Huang Han's fellow as soon as possible."

Anping Belledudu has never suffered from the "Red Banner Army", so he clamored:
"Since Your Majesty succeeded to the throne, our Qing Dynasty has reached its peak, with strong soldiers and strong horses. I still want to lead my troops to take the initiative to find the Huang Han for a decisive battle. At this time, how can he let him go again when he rushes to Shanxi? I ​​invite you to fight, and I am willing to be the vanguard of the army!"

Guarja Tulai is the leader of the Baya Latuzhangjing in the Zhenghuang Banner, that is, the Baya La camp. His strength and courage should not be underestimated.

He puzzled and said: "Your Majesty, the Huang Han in the Ming Dynasty always used troops to cover up the situation. At this time, the news that the 'Red Banner Army' is going to attack Shuozhou is spreading. I am afraid there is a fraud in it!"

Chongde asked: "Since Aiqing thinks there is fraud, what does Aiqing think Huang Han wants?"

Tulai said: "Could it be that the west is attacking the east? At this time, the 'Red Banner Army' is making a high-profile announcement of entering Shanxi to participate in the war, but it is actually preparing to raid Jinzhou?"

Chongde shook his head, and said: "At this time, it is meaningless to play such a conspiracy. Huang Han is not an ordinary person, and the people who are used as suspect soldiers must fight with real knives and guns, otherwise they will be killed as soon as they come into contact with the Qing army." It's revealed."

Tulai scratched his head, puzzled, and said, "Why did Huang Han act uncharacteristically? If he really entered Shanxi to attack Shuozhou, wouldn't he be afraid that our Qing army would concentrate its forces and set up a net to wipe out the 'Red Banner Army' in one fell swoop?"

Yang Guli laughed loudly and said, "It's understandable. My Qing army captured dozens of Ming prefectures and counties. The emperor of Ming was frightened. Why not force Huang Han to fight for his life?"

Du Du affirmed: "The Ming army is responsible for defending the land, and the 'Red Banner Army' is no exception. Our Qing army has already reached Henan. If the Ming country is still so vulnerable, we will go north to the capital in the next step." Or go east into Shandong.

At that time, the water transportation of the Ming Dynasty will be cut off. It is no wonder that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the civil and military generals are not in a hurry at this time! "

Yangguli said with some regret: "This time our Qing army has achieved unprecedented results. Maybe we can fight all the way to Nanzhili to see the beautiful Jiangnan. At this critical moment, it is Huang Han who jumped out to hinder us. Really Damn it, our army must never let him go this time!"

Fan Wencheng saw that the nobles of the Eight Banners were all simple-minded people with well-developed limbs, so he could only say: "Your Majesty, I think Huang Han's attack on Shuozhou City is either true or false, and he is not pretending to be an enemy."

This judgment is unique, and Chongde asked: "Why did Aiqing come to such a conclusion, and explain the reasons."

"What would happen if my Qing army crossed the Yellow River to the north and broke into the capital of the Ming Dynasty? Can the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty sit still? Wouldn't he put pressure on Huang Han? I judged that Huang Han should be in a state of desperation at this time.

He had no choice but to resort to the big move that the Qing army must save us. He pointed out that he would attack Shuozhou, the place where the Qing army operated in Shanxi and where the population was hoarded.

More than half of the seizures accumulated by our army were deposited in Shuozhou. Wouldn't it be a waste of half a year if they were really taken away by the "Red Banner Army"? "

Chongde nodded and said: "That's the case, there are too many people and hoarded materials. Once they are taken away, the losses will be huge. Neither I nor you civil and military can tolerate such a thing to happen."

"So I judged that Huang Han will definitely lead the 'Red Banner Army' to attack Shuozhou, but he will do what he can. If he fights well, he will really fight for Shuozhou City. If he is defeated, he will naturally hide in a certain city and hold on."

"I understand, what Ai Qing said is that our army must ignore it, let the 'Red Banner Army' attack in the direction of Shuozhou, and prepare for a decisive battle with Huang Han there!"

Fan Wencheng said: "Your Majesty, if the main force of our Qing army can find the main force of the 'Red Banner Army' to fight in the field, I am afraid that Daming will lose this powerful army capable of fighting. Who will dare to stop my Qing army from now on?" military?

I am not worried that my Qing army will not be able to defeat the 'Red Banner Army', but that Huang Han is not willing to fight a decisive battle, just like Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou, Chen Biqian, Yang Sichang and so on. "

Chongde said: "That's the case, our Qing army is invincible in field battles, if we can really force Huang Han to fight a decisive battle with my army, it would be great.

The 'Red Banner Army' ran to Shanxi in order to fight against the Qing Dynasty, and it would take a few battles to make sense, and they certainly wouldn't just hide in the city and defend passively. "

The Manchu and Mongolian generals and the traitors all flattered: "Your Majesty is wise!"

(End of this chapter)

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