Chapter 664 Yanmen Pass

Hong Jie's strategic vision and tactical deployment are remarkable, and he also pays special attention to intelligence collection.

He had long learned that Liu Zhilun, Fang Zhenghua, etc. led the Beijing camp and the original defenders stationed in Zunhua to guard against the Yellow River to ensure the land of the capital.

He never thought that under the premise that the Yellow River was frozen, the Qing army could not break through the thousands of miles of defense line Liu Zhilun had set up, but the casualties were bound to be huge when the soldiers and the people in the capital were united.

Chongde didn't naively think that this invasion could completely destroy the Ming Dynasty, and he didn't care whether he could reach the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Is there a difference between robbing and robbing?

The Manchu and Mongolian cavalry came here to make a fortune, and there was no need to lose their lives for this, and they couldn't go all out if it wasn't necessary.

Since it is determined that a decisive battle must be fought with the "Red Banner Army", it is better sooner rather than later to take advantage of the high morale of the Manchu and Mongolian generals.

Chongde looked at the civil servants and military generals who were sycophants, and said with a smile: "Our army has moved to the war for more than half a year and has gained a lot, so we should go back. No matter whether Huang Han is really going to attack Shuozhou City, our army will go there. It’s not like being led by the nose by the ‘Red Banner Army’.”

Hong Xie is also a guy who wants to save face and suffer. He was obviously mobilized by Huang Han to rush to the battlefield preset by the "Red Banner Army" for a decisive battle, but he just refused to admit it.

Yangguli, Dudu, Tulai and other generals didn't worry about the unnutritious topic of who is active and who is passive. They just wanted to seize the opportunity to have a good battle with the "Red Banner Army" and express their anger.

Loudly said: "Your Majesty, if our army fights with the 'Red Banner Army' in a field battle, we must send out troops to launch a rush to stop the possibility of Huang Han escaping into the city, and try to capture that guy in one battle.

After completely defeating the 'Red Banner Army', our Qing army will be in the land of no one in the territory of the Ming Dynasty! "

These words are true. In history, the Qing army invaded Daming in the ninth year of Chongzhen, conquered twelve cities, won 56 battles, captured 28 people and animals such as Chao Pichang, the general soldier, and looted more than 500 million gold and silver treasures. two.

The 11th year of Chongzhen's invasion was even more severe. According to the manuscripts of the Qing Dynasty, Azig, Dorgon, Duoduo, Yuetuo, Dudu and others reported from Beijing to Shanxi, and then to Shandong. They attacked Jinan and destroyed thousands of people. inside.

The Ming army was invincible. The Qing army conquered 57 counties in the three prefectures of Yifu. Governor Xuan, Da, and Lu Xiangsheng of Shanxi Military Affairs died in battle. He broke through Gaoyang County and killed the former Liaodong Economic Strategy, Supervisor, and Ge Lao Sun Chengzong with more than a hundred people.

Captured Ming Dewang Zhu Youliu, County King Zhu Ciyu, Fengguo General Zhu Cidang, Governor-General and Eunuch Feng Yunsheng, etc., who had their residences in Jinan. They killed more than [-] Ming Governor-Generals and garrison officers, and captured more than [-] people.

It can be seen from this that if the Ming Dynasty did not have the Huang Han and the "Red Banner Army", the Qing soldiers could really run amok in the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

Hong Xie said boldly: "Of course, as long as Huang Han dares to fight with our Qing army, I hope that all lovers will go forward bravely regardless of gains and losses. Kill or capture that fellow to reward three futures."

All the generals of the Qing Dynasty said in unison: "Zha!"

After a while, many messengers rushed out of the large tent of the Qing soldiers to convey the highest instructions of the slave chieftains to the camps.

Dorgon and Duoduo's two white-flag troops have been in Shanxi for the past month, and the Red Banner doesn't care whether the attack of the "Red Banner Army" is real or not, and treats it as if it is real.

Shuozhou City has hoarded the harvest accumulated during this period. If the "Red Banner Army" breaks through by chance, wouldn't it make the 10,000+ Qing army busy for a long time?
He immediately sent a messenger to order the nearby Dorgon and Duoduo to move closer to Shuofang City in order to deal with the possible "Red Banner Army".

The "Red Banner Army" is said to have [-] troops, and even if it is doubled, there are [-]. Its strength should not be underestimated!
Chongde had never despised Huang Han, and now he had something on his mind, and lost his intention to continue to attack eastward and expand his victories.

He was worried that if Dorgon and Doduo's troops lost in Shanxi against Huang Han, the "Red Banner Army" would take back the pass and block the side wall, and the Qing army would be trapped in the Mingguo Pass and need to attack again, with Huang Han participating in the defense The troubles of Jiancheng and Xiongguan will be big.

The defense system deployed by the "Red Banner Army" on the front lines of Jinzhou and Jinzhou has sent many generals to observe carefully, and even drew a lot of sketches for research. Unfortunately, there is no good strategy to defeat the enemy so far.

If the "Red Banner Army" participated in the defense of the three outer passes, the Qing army would have to carry out a strong attack to fight for it, and the casualties would be shocking. If this happened, it would not be weakening Daming by entering the pass, but that Baba sent it to be weakened by Daming.

Hong is a character, and he will leave without hesitation.

Not long after, the Ming army reported that the Qing army, which had been attacking the city for nearly two months in Henan, began to retreat westward, and many soldiers and civilians in the Daming city who were facing desperation got a respite.

Obviously, the effect of the "Red Banner Army" was reflected. At this time, no matter whether they belonged to the Donglin Party, the Former Eunuch Party, the Zhejiang Party, or the Chu Party, all civilian and military generals were looking forward to the General Zhenglu's victory over the Qing army.

The slave chiefs are particularly concerned about whether the "Red Banner Army" has gone to Shanxi, where it has appeared now, how many troops there are, and the sentry horses are constantly coming and going.

Soon, Hong Zhe got the exact news, and came to report that the "Red Banner Army" suddenly appeared outside the east gate of Yanmen Pass.

Gushan Ezhenxihan was the Qing soldier who stayed at Yanmen Pass. He had [-] cavalrymen and [-] Mongols in his hands, as well as [-] or [-] bannermen and coated slaves accompanying the army.

Relying on these troops to hold on to Xiongguan should not be easily broken by the "Red Banner Army". Who knows what to fear.

The slave chieftain soon received a report that the Ming army's attack was so sharp that the defenders of the Qing Dynasty declared that Yanmen Pass had failed even after holding on for a long time.

Xihan, the chief guard of the pass, was missing. It should be that there was more than good luck, and only more than 1000 of the [-] troops fled to Shuozhou City.

The bad news was like thunder on the ground, and the fat man Chongde suddenly had a nosebleed, his head became dizzy, and he almost fell off the horse.

Hong Xie was completely startled, remembering that when the Qing army captured Yanmen Pass, they fought for three days and three nights, and the corpses of the Han people who drove to seize the pass were stacked so high that they were almost higher than the pass wall.

In order to ensure the safety of Yanmen Pass, Hong Jie specially arranged for the brave general Xihan to garrison, and asked him to be prepared to stand firm, organized the Han people to reinforce the pass city, and prepared a large number of rolling logs and boulders on the pass wall.

At this time, the retreating Qing army marched to Xingyang, and Hongxie hurriedly gathered generals to discuss matters.

Only three days later, news came that the "Red Banner Army" had defeated the Qing army.

In the former courtroom of Xingyang magistrate of the Ming Dynasty, 200 civil servants and military generals of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties dared not say a word. Needles could be heard in the hall, only the heavy breathing of the master was particularly harsh.

(End of this chapter)

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