Chapter 665
Hongxie's face was flushed with sickness, he suppressed his furious emotions, and said: "The Yanmen Pass is so strong, and it is so dangerous that it was beaten down by Huang Han. What is Xihan doing?"

He swept his eyes and saw Gong Adai with his neck shrunk in the group of generals, and called out by name: "Gong Adai, come and tell me how the battle of Xihan was fought?"

Xihan is Laonu's nephew and Hongjieshi's cousin. He didn't ignore Emperor Chongde's instructions, and really drove the Han people to bring a lot of stones and logs to make full preparations.

When he discovered that the Yanmen Guandong red flag was flying and was about to turn half the sky red, for the sake of safety, he did not lead the cavalry to take advantage of the "red flag army" to launch a surprise attack, but sent a messenger to gallop to Shuozhou City to dispatch reinforcements. stick to it.

At this time, the Qing army was not afraid. They thought they were much stronger than the Ming army. When they attacked Yanmen Pass, they suffered huge casualties and were almost ready to give up. Fortunately, civil strife suddenly broke out in the pass city, and they were able to succeed.

It took three days for the main force of the Qing army to attack Yanmen Pass. The people in Xihan firmly believed that they would be able to hold this place for more than three days. By then, the reinforcements from Shuozhou City would definitely arrive.

Moreover, it was found that the situation was not good, the defenders could retreat from the west gate without being trapped to death here.

Guarding the pass is not defending the city, and there is no need to deploy defenses on all sides. The Qing army has concentrated more than 2000% of them and immediately faced the pass wall in the attack direction of the "Red Banner Army", and can organize [-] bows and arrows at a time.

Xi Han's wish is very beautiful, I'm afraid it won't come true!
When the attacking Ming army approached the city, he intended to lead his men and horses to shoot arrows at random, and ordered the banner men and the coated servants to push down the rolling logs and smash the stones fiercely.

It's a pity that the "Red Banner Army" participated in the attack on Yanmen Pass with as many as four battalions. They didn't play man-to-sea battles with the enemy at all, but played firepower output. No one was stupid enough to be stoned.

General Song Pengfei personally commanded the troops to attack. Sun Yuanhua was in charge of commanding the shelling. Gong Sao and dozens of educated young artillery officers were in charge of aiming the field artillery, and more than a dozen excellent artillery observers were in charge of providing coordinates.

After observing from different directions, it can be confirmed that the Qing army guarding the pass did not have red barbarian cannons, and did not even see anyone using guns and bird guns. It is possible that these barbarians did not know how to play with firearms.

It may also be because of the fierce fighting when the Yanmen Pass was captured, the artillery deployed by the Ming army was destroyed, or the last defender of the Ming army lit the powder keg and disappeared into the smoke and dust with the approaching enemy troops and artillery positions.

Even so, the hundreds of Minnie gunmen still searched the wall at a distance of [-] steps, and found that the enemy had hidden cannons and concentrated on shooting the gunners, trying to prevent the enemy cannons from firing calmly.

A total of 36 Hongyi field guns were erected in the Yanmen Guandong, including nine twelve-pound guns and seventy one-pound Francophones.

If it weren't for the fact that there were no more artillery positions, the four battalions would have 160 one-pound Francophones that could participate in the salvo. If so, only one round of salvo would scare the Qing soldiers to pieces.

That's because the defense materials on the Guancheng piled up like a mountain, and the field artillery of the Ming army fired ruthlessly and accurately. It was definitely a disaster when the solid bullets of the 36 Hongyi field artillery hit piles of stones and logs. Out of the effect of the grenade.

The flying gravel and fluttering giant trees made the Qing soldiers who tried to defend the city cry and howl. I don’t know how many people died without a whole body. When the guards harvested their heads and recorded their merits, they kept lamenting: "It's a pity, it's a's all Silver!"

Of course, Jiannu's heads were beaten to pieces and they could not be collected to report meritorious service to the imperial court.

The Weisuo army still had the thinking of the past few years, thinking that the head of the enemy army could be exchanged for the court's head reward, which is a pity.

As everyone knows, the current General Zhenglu has full power to contract Pingliao, and there is no longer a case of holding Jiannu's head in exchange for beheading rewards from the court.

However, beheading merits still have to be counted, because the ranks of civilians and generals under his command will be promoted, and military merit is a shortcut, and the soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty will be encouraged when they know that they have killed tens of thousands of Qing soldiers.

Xihan is really a brave general. Just before the Ming army prepared to fire a volley, he stood on the top of the city to boost morale, but before he could say that, the ground shook and the Qing army couldn't find the general.

That's because Xihan was so lucky that he was hit directly by a [-]-pound live ammunition, and the body didn't know where it went. Therefore, there was no report from Zhenxihan when the final results were counted.

Gong Adai is the fourth eldest brother of Xihan. He knows that the fifth younger brother Xihan still has some skills in fighting. After losing so many troops and the garrisoned Yanmen Pass, the fifth younger brother can't come back alive. Seeing the master's questioning, he had to bite the bullet and say:
"I guess it's because of the sharp firearms of the 'Red Banner Army'. I haven't heard anything about Xihan so far. I can assert that he has devoted his allegiance to the country."

"It's a firearm again, and it can only be a firearm." Hong Jie gritted his teeth, seemingly muttering to himself, but at the same time seemed to be venting.Said: "Why are the firearms so sharp in the hands of the 'Red Banner Army'? Could it be that my Qing army, who is skilled in bows and horses, can't resist?"

None of the generals of Man and Mongolia answered, and they all knew that the master was in a fit of anger at this time, and no one wanted to be hurt by Chi Yu.

Seeing that the master was shocked by the bad news and seemed to be a little confused, Fan Wencheng whispered:

"Your Majesty, I think it is necessary to speed up the march to Shuozhou City at this time. Judging from the Battle of Yanmen Pass, the 'Red Banner Army' should be killed by concentrated and mobile troops, and the main force of our army is scattered. The Han will suffer a great loss by defeating each of them."

It was originally believed that the "Red Banner Army" did not have the ability to fight against the 2 troops of the Qing Army, but judging from the rapidity of the attack on Yanmen Pass, it may be wishful thinking. Hong is sweating on his forehead.

He thought about the need to adjust his troops at this time, and the ideal result would be that when the main force of the Qing army entered the battle with Huang Han, more than half of the Qing army's troops would enter the pass, and it would be best to reach [-]%.

First-class Angbang Zhangjing Yiergenjueluo Ashan had a close personal relationship with Xihan. He was eager to find the "Red Banner Army" to avenge his friend, and shouted:

"Your Majesty, our army can only march forty or fifty miles a day with two 10,000+ Chinese dogs. I suggest you get rid of these burdens immediately and travel lightly."

At this time, Emperor Chongde was in the worst mood, so he asked angrily, "How does Aiqing plan to get rid of the burden?"

"Kill, kill them all! As long as His Majesty gives an order, I will immediately take action and leave no one behind."

"Bah! You ignorant bastard, you know how to slaughter ordinary people, and I have repeatedly warned you to kill less, and you have completely ignored it."

Emperor Chongde glanced at his ministers and said in a high-pitched way: "The commander-in-chief should be looked up to by everyone, treat himself with courtesy, and help him with peace, so that those who come from Mongolia, Korea, and Han will be satisfied and sincerely convinced. If you count yourself The merits of killing are in vain, and I don't show respect for the reputation of our Qing Dynasty, which is beyond expectations."

(End of this chapter)

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