Chapter 666
At this time Fan Wencheng, Ning Wanwo, Gao Hongzhong, Zu Dabi, Zu Dacheng and other traitors knelt down together and said:

"Your Majesty's heart is benevolent, and the ministers and others are deeply impressed. Tomorrow, the main force of our army can completely break away and go ahead. The ministers and others try to drive as many strong Ahhas as possible to follow closely."

Chongde reiterated the military order again with a straight face: "When marching, don't leave the banner, don't make noise, don't go out to loot privately. Those who resist will be punished, and those who submit will be punished. Don't destroy temples, don't kill pedestrians, don't take people's clothes, don't leave married couples, do not commit adultery with women. Violators will be punished severely.”

Seeing that the master still insisted on refusing to wantonly slaughter the Han people, Dudu, Abatai, Yangguli, Tulai and other Manchu and Mongolian generals had no choice but to salute: "Zha!"

This is not to reverse black and white, nor is it to whitewash slave chiefs.It is of course a great misfortune for the Han people that the mighty Tunguska savages have wisdom.

In history, it is because of the emergence of the Red Devils who reused the Han people and refused to wantonly massacre the Han people by the Eight Banners and the Mongolian tribes, so that there are so many traitors, even Hong Chengchou has become a traitor.

The Qing army did not massacre the 10,000+ Han people who were coerced near Xingyang. The slave chieftains personally led the main force with more than [-] horses.

A group of traitors including Fan Wencheng, Bao Chengxian, Zu Dabi, etc., about [-] cavalrymen of the Han army, and more than [-] banner men and slaves in coats still marched with the Han people, and found that the weak were directly abandoned in the ice and snow.

Zu Kuan, Xu Changyong, and Zu Keyong had life-threatening friendships. Before they surrendered and became slaves, they all enjoyed the treatment of lieutenant generals and generals of the Ming Dynasty. They had high income and high status.

Following Patriarch Zu Dashou surrendered Jiannu, not only the treatment and income were too poor, but also turned into a traitor who was despised by others. Even Yu Ding, who built slaves, dared to show them the face.

This time they followed the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry to plunder Daming. Unexpectedly, the defense line of the strong Guancheng city of Daming seemed to be empty.

This time the entry and looting of [-] li, the loss of Ming Dynasty is unimaginable, and the number of ordinary people who died in the flames of war, freezing to death, and starving to death is probably in the millions, and none of Zu Kuan, Zu Keyong, and Xu Changyong, who have lost their conscience, hurt them. Class is of course preoccupied.

After hearing the news that the "Red Banner Army" rushed to Shanxi to break through the Yanmen Pass, the three of them felt extremely happy for some reason.

The Manchu and Mongolian cavalry took a step ahead, leaving only five hundred Ge Bush Xian Chaoha to supervise the Han cavalry. Zu Kuan gradually discovered that after leaving the Qing army, all the Han troops were extremely slack, and he was indifferent to seeing young and middle-aged Han people fleeing. .

This is not surprising. According to historical records, Li Yongfang, the first hardcore traitor who surrendered to Jiannu, also offended the wild boar skin in an attempt to intercede for the Han people and prevent Jiannu from committing massacres.

It wasn't long before these former Guan Ning troops joined Jiannu, and the life of most people got worse and worse. Of course, they would make false claims with Jiannu, so how could they really serve?
At the beginning of November in the ninth year of Chongzhen, the first Ming capital was established. During this period, news of the defeated generals of the Ming army continued to come in.

Now Jiannu is already in Luoyang and Kaifeng, and may cross the frozen Yellow River at any time and rush to the land of Gyeonggi.

Most of the soldiers and civilians in the capital are gloomy, the air in the capital feels oppressive, and the melodious bells ringing from the clock tower of the city that never sleeps reminds people of the number of days.

Suddenly, a tinge of red appeared on the inner street of Guangqumen in the outer city, followed by shouts resounding from the direction of the Nightless City, and soon countless red flags were waved, and tens of thousands of people rushed out of the Nightless City.

"Great victory, great victory! General Zhenglu took back Yanmen Pass and killed more than [-] Jiannu and Tartars."

After waiting for a long time, finally the good news from the "Red Flag Army" came, and the capital suddenly boiled over. Too many soldiers and civilians flooded the streets to cheer, as if they wanted to vent their suppressed emotions for half a year.

The times were not good, the three provinces and Wubian Town were ravaged by Jianshou, which affected the autumn harvest, and prices in the capital continued to rise.

Grain prices have already crossed the red line set by the "Red Flag Grain Bank" for one stone of polished rice and two taels of silver.

Many grain merchants sell polished rice for four taels of silver per stone. Shengdou Xiaomin has already felt that the "Red Flag Big Grain Bank" is becoming more and more strict in sales according to the grain ratio.

Nowadays, the amount of grain purchased by each adult in one month shall not exceed 22 Ming Dynasty Shijin, which is equivalent to [-] kilograms in later generations.

The small townspeople who have no food left are always worried that the "Red Flag Big Grain Line" will not be able to withstand the cut-off of ration sales. At that time, I don't know how many families will face hunger, and some people will even starve to death. Everyone is praying for the "Red Flag" Army" Lien Chan Lian Jie.

On the day when the good news came from Yanmen Pass, many banners appeared on the streets of the capital.

The content is to inform the army, civilians and officials of the capital that the general who conquered the captives will follow the order to mint coins. Now the new coins are officially issued to the world.

All shops and restaurants under the name of "Hongqi Dalianghang" and General Zhenglu, including all places in the city that never sleeps, will only accept new currency from now on.

"Sifang Bank" openly exchanged new currency without deception, as long as it is within business hours, it can handle exchange business at any time.

In order to meet the exchange needs of the people in Gyeonggi, from now on, the business hours of all the business outlets of "Sifang Bank" will be increased by one hour, and there will be no rest at noon.

Not to worry about the fact that no one cares about the new currency, there was a long queue of changers on that day, but most of them were small-value exchanges, and many families exchanged a little money for rice, so it was even more cumbersome.

In addition, this new business has not been established for a long time, and senior masters are required to set the fineness of all kinds of broken silver on the spot, so the exchange speed cannot be fast, resulting in too many people waiting in line.

I believe that the efficiency of the tellers will increase after they are familiar with it. I believe that people will no longer exchange a little bit and spend it immediately. The trend of queuing for exchange when needed will be alleviated as the credibility of the new currency continues to rise.

There is no way, Shengdou Xiaomin cherishes the hard-earned hard-earned money too much. If it is not because they have to use new coins to buy rice and miscellaneous grains at the "Red Flag Daliang", they would rather hide the yellowed and blackened broken silver at home. Don't trust any new currency easily.

Why is Huang Han so confident in promoting the new currency?That's because they have the necessities of life for thousands of households - food, and the rationed food is far below the market price.

If you can't buy cheap food without using new currency, why worry about the grassroots not submitting?When too many people discover the various conveniences and benefits of using the new currency, it is only logical that it will become popular in the world!

What's more, the "Sifang Bank" is almost equivalent to reaching the world. In addition to the war zones, even as far away as Guangxi, Guangdong, Yunnan, and Guizhou, they have opened branches in several major state capitals, and Jinxiu Jiangnan has already opened in counties.

The branch opened in Xiangshan County under the jurisdiction of Guangzhou Prefecture even has Portuguese and Spaniards opening accounts.

In order to be more conducive to business and trade, the "Sifang Bank" will next open branches in Manila, Little Luzon, Feifu Port, Guangnan, Jiaozhou, Dayue, and Nagasaki, Japan.

(End of this chapter)

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