Chapter 668 Field Battle
Obviously, Qiwei's secret assistance to Jinyiwei's strict investigation of spies has had an effect, and the standardization of storage and production processes has improved safety.

Recorded in history, the explosion of the gunpowder depot of Anmin factory occurred again in September of the seventh year of Chongzhen, which caused thousands of casualties among military and civilian officials.

Enemies are everywhere. Jiannu and rogue bandits may send spies into the city that Daming is still defending to destroy. It is too difficult to identify refugees one by one. Strict control is adopted, and no one is allowed to enter.

So Huang Han led 10 people out of Bauhinia Pass. Not long after, too many people found the red flag fluttering. Thousands of hungry and cold people stumbled to join the "Red Flag Army" to find a way out.

Fortunately, Huang Han was mentally prepared and had done his homework long ago. This time, more than half of the [-] wheelbarrows and [-] four-wheeled carriages he carried were grain, with a total of [-] shi.

Because there are still a large amount of canned sea fish and meat products transported with the army, the soldiers can supplement protein, and 30 shi of grain can meet the consumption of a [-] army for more than [-] days, or can support the basic survival needs of [-] ordinary people for more than three months.

Huang Han was not afraid that the "Red Banner Army" would go hungry. As long as the Qing army had something to eat, the "Red Banner Army" would never be hungry. They killed Jiannu and Tartars to grab food, and the horses they killed could provide meat.

When you are really facing a desperate situation, you can consider killing Jiannu and Tartars for barbecue.

In fact, there is no need to worry about the food problem. Jiannu robbed a lot of food. It is conservatively estimated in Shuozhou City that it will not be less than 50 shi.

After taking Yanmen Pass, more than [-] stones of wheat and miscellaneous grains have been seized, and there is even beef. This should be the cattle that the Tartars and Jiannu killed the Han people.

Liu Zaiqi organized [-] young and middle-aged people who passed the screening to form a self-defense team to participate in management and labor, and gave them three meals and two biscuits a day.

All the Xiangyongs wear a numbered red cuff on their left arms, and hold a white wax pole spear in their hands.

The simplest and most effective weapon is a spear, which is cheap and easy to master. Liu Zaiqi, who was mentally prepared, carried a total of [-] gun heads mass-produced by the Huxue City Arsenal.

There are everyone among the refugees. There are too many carpenters, blacksmiths, and plasterers. It is not difficult to find suitable gun barrels.

With the protection provided by the "Red Banner Army" and even though the two meals are full, there are tents that can shelter from the wind and rain, and there are 10,000 people holding white wax poles and long guns on continuous patrols, the [-]+ refugees in the camp are finally able to Get a good night's sleep.

Even the infant child seemed to have a sense of comfort and stopped crying.

The township warriors are full of enthusiasm, and everyone is serious about doing things. They look forward to being favored by the propaganda team or the town governor, getting the opportunity to join the Guards Army, and becoming a member of the "Red Banner Army" from now on.

A large number of guards turned into full-timers, resulting in a shortage of reserve troops. Huang Han did plan to recruit a large number of Han Chinese who had been tortured by Jiannu to join the army as supplementary soldiers. He arranged for Liu Zaiqi's propaganda team and town officials at all levels to inspect the township bravery. Task.

The three armies that attacked were all four standard battalions with 6000 people, and the guards that took on the task of auxiliary soldiers had 9000 people from eight thousand households. A half-armed army with 5000 people is no longer what the Tunguska savages can do. defeated.

The infantry, artillery and cavalry of the three groups fought together, and the good news came the next day that Song Pengfei's group had completely defeated the cavalry group of the Qing army in the field battle.

At this time, Huang Han also led the guard camp, Yang Hanwei camp, and supply camp on the official road to Shuozhou.

The troops led by Huang Han personally carried [-] civilians so that the guards of two thousand households and more than half of the coachmen did not need to undertake the labor of handyman.

Both the guards and the coachman belonged to the category of auxiliary soldiers, not regular soldiers. They were all looking forward to participating in the battle, hoping to use self-generated guns to kill Jiannu and gain military merit and directly get the chance to become a regular soldier.

The advancing Song Pengfei Group reported that the Qing soldiers had organized more than [-] troops to form a formation [-] miles ahead, which was already the boundary of Yingzhou, Datong Prefecture.

The preset battlefield is an open field, which is 10,000+ acres of frozen wheat fields. The banner guards who are familiar with this area confirmed that the Qing army is also assembled there today, and it is impossible to tamper with it in advance. field battle.

Song Pengfei was used to tricks. If he arrived at the battlefield first, he would definitely arrange engineers to dig a cover to ambush the cannons. In the frozen wheat field, he would use special engineers to shovel a small hole one foot deep at the mouth of the bowl to trip the high-speed cars. horse leg.

Often calculating the enemy is always worried about being calculated, so Song Pengfei asked about the terrain carefully.

If the battlefield preset by the Qing army is not ideal, he will not rush to fight in that area, as long as he chooses to attack Yingzhou City or Shanyin County, which was occupied by Jiannu, he can mobilize the Qing army to fight on the battlefield he preset.

It is found that the Qing army seems to be more confident, and they are still superstitious about the Jurchen's dissatisfaction and invincibility, and their superstitious belief in the field capabilities of cavalry.

Song Pengfei decided to take the initiative to lead the troops to fight. In order to maximize the one-time kill, the Fourth Battalion "Red Banner Army" slowly approached the battlefield preset by the Qing soldiers.

Due to the slowing down of the marching speed, all the one-pound Fran cannons were able to keep up. When they approached five miles, the "Red Banner Army" began to deploy step by step, and more than [-] cavalry were concentrated to protect the left and right wings.

What do you do during training and exercises?Encountering the enemy, deploying, coordinating, moving and encircling, etc. are all subjects. At this time, the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" completed it calmly.

The tactics of the Jiannu field battle were also very simple. From a distance, I saw the Ming army coming all over the mountains and plains. The array was not formed, and the artillery was not in place. This is a good time to launch a cavalry assault.

A full 5000 men and horses came as the first shock wave. Among them, there were [-] Jiannu and [-] Tartars without the traitor Guan Ning cavalry. It is a pity that the Qing soldiers were too wishful thinking.

The one-pound Fran cannon was easy to reload, and the commander Sun Yuanhua was calm and calm. The gunners did not panic when they found that the enemy cavalry charged, but they all laughed so hard that they couldn't see their teeth.

The Qing soldiers were sadly urged, and the group charge of thousands of riders launched should be invincible in the field. It has never been seen that the Ming army, which has not had time to form an formation and is still advancing, can withstand such a thunderous blow.

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, the sound of gunshots and gunshots like popping beans, thousands of lead bullets poured out, and the Jiannu and Tartars felt the critical blow of the firearms troops 160 years in advance, causing many casualties.

The gunners of the Franji one-pounder guns were awesome. After three rounds of fighting, they found that the enemy's cavalry had collapsed, and they pushed the gun carts to try to pursue them.

It's so funny, even the artillerymen are thinking of chasing the remnants, the morale of the Ming army and the mood of fighting can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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