Chapter 669 Change History
In this battle, the Qing soldiers lost more than [-] troops. When cleaning the battlefield, they captured dozens of wounded Qing soldiers. After interrogating them, they learned that it was a part of the white flag inlaid with Jiannu and more than [-] Tartar soldiers. After a gray nose, he fled.

It is also known that Prince Yu Duoduo, the banner owner, was not among the 5000 people who launched the attack, so he should not have died in the scuffle.

The left-wing cavalry led by Wang Zhicheng has [-] cavalry, and they have witnessed a classic field battle that can be recorded in history.

The Manchus and Mings dispatched more than [-] troops, and the outcome was decided when the "Red Banner Army" had just arrived on the battlefield and had yet to gain a foothold.

The five thousand cavalry of the Qing army launched a group charge and were beaten to death. Only a hundred or so horses that lost their riders rushed into the unfinished formation of the Ming army. It is not a last resort to be reluctant to shoot a horse.

Although the Ming army failed to form an array, they did not delay in firing artillery and firing guns. After defeating the group of five thousand cavalry, they did not stop to form an array at all, but pressed across the entire line towards the Qing army array.

Where did Duoduo have seen such a powerful Ming army, he was already frightened by the loud Ming army artillery fire.

It is the nature of the slaves to bully the weak and fear the strong. Duoduo watched helplessly as the Ming army moved while the whole team did not dare to attack again.

Leaving was the only choice. Just as the Qing soldiers turned around and fled, the Ming army cavalry launched a charge, chasing after the cavalry and firing guns.

The great man in history is really not easy to be buried. He was very clever. He did not die on the battlefield as Huang Han wished. He even swung a saber and chopped off the head of a Tartar. son.

The "Red Banner Army" paid special attention to the military merits obtained by killing the enemy with cold weapons. It was estimated that Shi Lang would be promoted to the rank of non-commissioned officer by the town governor because of his bravery in fighting, and he would also be able to get the position of corps commander.

Holding the Tartar's head that he had chopped off by himself in his hand, Shi Lang's heart was full of gratitude to General Zhenglu at this moment.

He was filled with emotions, as expected, joining the cavalry was the easiest way to make meritorious deeds, and the path pointed by the general was bright!

Once again commanding nearly [-] cannons to fire at the Jiannu and Tartars, the rain of revenge bullets swept across the entire army.

This time it was a field battle between the two armies with a scale of tens of thousands. Sun Yuanhua, who had personally experienced several battles in the year of Tianqi, couldn't help crying when he saw the layers of corpses of the Qing army on the battlefield.

He is educated and insightful, and has long followed his master Xu Guangqi to open his eyes to see the world. Today's field battle is enough to change history, officially declaring that "Jurchen is not enough, and full is invincible." It has become a past tense.

Sun Yuanhua is full of pride. He is not only looking forward to regaining Liaodong, but also looking forward to following the Longwu Navy to the other side of the ocean to see if he can expand overseas territories for Daming.

The infantry teamed up to break through the formation, and the cavalry followed suit. Such a tactic was simple and effective, but Jiannu was not used to it. How would they fight the next battle?
They can't defend the city, they can't fight in the field, and they built slaves to build a country by force. When the force they are proud of is worthless with the cooperation of infantry, it is not far from the end of the country and the extinction of the species.

Only one day has passed, and the "Red Banner Army" reported another victory. This time, more than [-] Jiannu and Tartars were beheaded, and the number of beheadings was doubled.

Among them were three slave-builders at the level of Jiala Ezhen, a dozen or so above Niu Lu Ezhen, four Tazi commanders of thousands, and more than twenty people above the rank of centurion.

Moreover, this is the first time that the Ming army won a complete victory in a field battle with tens of thousands of horses against Jiannu. What will this mean?
The capital was boiling again, the soldiers and civilians cheered for joy, and the sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums was earth-shattering.

Emperor Chongzhen in the Forbidden City was so excited when he received the "Yingzhou Great Victory" report that he choked his throat several times when he wanted to speak.

Wang Chengen, who came to announce the good news, couldn't help sobbing. He also knew that this victory was not just about three thousand, but it was enough to change history and change the situation where Ming was always passively beaten.

He said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, our army can fight Dongnu in the field and win when the total force is close. It is not too long to counterattack across the board. The general Zhenglu is doing well."

Chongzhen stabilized his emotions, and said: "I have waited for this moment for too long, and almost lost my confidence. The Duke of Liao has lived up to my expectations. I will definitely treat Huang's family favorably and pass on the decree to discuss the matter on the platform."

Knowing the news that the "Red Banner Army" won another big victory, Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, celebrates with each other.

Taking advantage of the emperor's joy, he lost no time in submitting his resignation letter at the right time on the platform. The content was sincere and he voluntarily requested to bear the responsibility of the Qing soldiers entering the pass.

Zhang Fengyi is a scheming master. In history, he knew that the Qing soldiers invaded Gyeonggi, and he, the Minister of the Ministry of War, could not escape the blame. He committed suicide by taking medicine and at the same time asked the governor's towns to send reinforcements. He had been working diligently, and finally died of any superior.

History turned a corner, Zhang Fengyi had an illusion and did not take the poison, it was also because the emperor promised not to kill for three years after he sinned against himself, which gave him hope of survival.

During this period of time, the Ming court really did not kill criminal officials or criminals. It seems that only General Zhenglu executed the military law with Shang Fang's sword and took the life of the general officer Chao Pichang.

Zhang Fengyi took the initiative to take the blame and resigned when the "Red Banner Army" was winning consecutive battles, which can be described as far-sighted.

He figured out that the Holy Will had already reached its peak, and he knew that the emperor would not kill them all if he came forward to take the responsibility openly at this time, maybe he would be able to escape unscathed.

Minister of the Ministry of War asked to resign, but the emperor did not make a decision. He discussed the matter with the chief assistant Wen Tiren, cabinet ministers He Ruchong, Zheng Guochang, Kong Zhenyun, He Fengsheng, Huang Shijun, Zhang Zhifa, and Xue Guoguan.

At this time, the cabinet ministers of the Chongzhen Dynasty had changed. Wen Zhenmeng and Lin Bao died, and Qian Shisheng, He Wuzou, Wang Yingxiong, etc. were dismissed.

Zheng Guochang is quite a real person. When the emperor asked about such a big matter, he didn't avoid suspicion or offend others and said with eloquence:
"Your Majesty, our soldiers are not responsible for the invasion of the slaves from the east. Moreover, Mr. Zhang tried his best to recommend the General Conqueror to lead the army. Now that the 'Red Banner Army' has won successive battles in Shanxi, our soldiers should have some strategic planning skills."

He Ruchong remonstrated: "Your Majesty, this soldier thinks that he is unable to relieve the country's worries. It is very good to recommend Mr. Liu, the left servant of the Ministry of War, to take over the post of this soldier. It is just that it is not appropriate to release such an important minister. The veteran advises Your Majesty to think twice."

Chief Assistant Wen Tiren said: "Your Majesty, my resignation at this time is not conducive to the morale of our army. The veteran thinks that it is most suitable to appoint this soldier to go to Shanxi to supervise the division."

The three cabinet ministers, Kong Zhenyun, He Fengsheng, and Huang Shijun, joined in and said: "The chief assistant has far-sightedness and good deeds. At this time, the imperial court sent our soldiers to Shanxi to boost morale."

After deliberation, the emperor, who was in a good mood, finally finalized this major event.

(End of this chapter)

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