Chapter 670
Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, went to Xuanda and Shanxi to supervise the division, and Liu Zhilun was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of War. Since he was still on the front line in Henan at this time, the cabinet minister He Ruchong temporarily took the post of Minister of the Ministry of War.

Zhang Fengyi was ecstatic after receiving the imperial decree, knowing that he had escaped, he hurried to Zijingguan the next day, unwilling to stay in the capital for a moment.

In fact, Zhang Fengyi is not a treacherous person at all, he is capable and shrewd, and he is also a frontier poet.

Why is he written in such a mess in "History of Ming Dynasty"?
That's because most of the editors-in-chief of "History of the Ming Dynasty" are traitors and traitors, and the whole article is full of flattering words such as "I am a Qing Dynasty", just their age.

Zhang Fengyi's works have been handed down from generation to generation, and there are too many insulting words to Jiannu between the lines. The most typical one is the transliteration of Nurhachi as "Nurhachi".

There were so many literary prisons in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it is not surprising that Zhang Fengyi was turned upside down.

The "Red Banner Army" marched forward with three groups of troops, and each route had about [-] cavalry that could be used intensively.

Not only the scouts will scout the surrounding area, but also the banner guards and bodyguards operating in this area will send timely information, and even many ordinary people will take the initiative to report the movement of the Tartars when they see the red flag waving.

The title of "Red Banner Army" was first called out by the folks in Yongping Mansion in the spring of the third year of Chongzhen. Now that they have fought for more than seven years, they are not what they used to be, and their reputation has spread far and wide.

The military and civilian officials in Shanxi and Xuanda are familiar with it, and they were all ecstatic when they saw the red flag waving.

Tens of thousands of people and the collapsed Ming army volunteered to sign up to participate in the fight against the invaders. Even many officials raised their swords and asked for pens to join the army as a pawn under the command of the general who conquered the captives.

The Qing soldiers seemed to have fallen into the ocean of the People's War. The triumphant "Red Banner Army" found that there were no more than a thousand enemy cavalry in front of them, and the cavalry directly formed a formation to charge and kill them. When they found that the Qing soldiers were trying to hold on to the strongholds, forts, and cities, the artillery would go up again. Boom his mother.

Faced with such a powerful army rashly, the Qing soldiers really had no choice but to flee in anticipation.

It is of course unrealistic for everyone to run away, at least Wakda in Shuozhou City cannot escape, and he dare not abandon the city to escape.

At this time, the kid was already terrified, because within three days there were many news of the defeat of the Qing army. The news that Prince Yu Duoduo led more than [-] troops in the field was defeated, and the news that more than [-] troops were lost hit all the troops hard. Children of the Eight Banners.

Anxious, Wakda sent a messenger to send a message, asking the nearby Qing army to approach Shuozhou City quickly. To be on the safe side, he also sent three messengers to Henan to report to Emperor Chongde that the "Red Banner Army" was coming. Along the way, there was overwhelming bad news.

Of course, the news of the Qing army’s deflation spread wildly among the coerced Han people. Many Han people who were good at adapting to the wind and had been traitors for a month or two suddenly took a 180-degree turn. When they faced their compatriots, they would never Dare to raise eyebrows.

Under the leadership of the banner guards, with the cooperation of the ever-increasing number of Han people, and with the helpless new traitors deliberately pretending to be deaf and dumb, there are more than [-] young and middle-aged Han people preparing to start a riot. More than five hundred wielding knives.

Fortunately, Jiannu was not stupid, and he refused to trust the new coat slaves. In Shuozhou City, there were only Manchu cavalry, bannermen, and coats brought from Liaodong.

Otherwise, if you really complied with the words of the boss, when the Ming army attacked the city, the rioting Han people immediately created chaos, and this fortified city was also captured because of internal cooperation and external cooperation.

Doesn't Jiannu like to gather around to fight for aid?Huang Han also liked it. He deliberately led the troops to move towards Shuozhou City slowly, just deliberately leaving time for Jiannu to concentrate the troops.

It is known that the soldiers who established slaves and entered the customs did not carry artillery. Only some cavalry of the Han army had firearms such as three-eyed blunderbuss, and the others basically used cold weapons.

Wouldn't it be a disservice to the ancestors not to strive for such a good opportunity to kill more Jiannu and Tartars?

The Qing soldiers were defeated in the battle of guarding Yanmen Pass in an instant, followed by a big defeat in the field battle. Now they have learned to make full use of the cavalry's mobility to avoid battles.

The four battalions attacking in the northwest direction had only sporadic battles for several days in a row, and there were not many gains.

The chief general Song Pengfei realized that Jiannu, who was bullying the weak and afraid of the hard-working, had given up, and promptly arranged for Wang Zhanpeng to lead two thousand general cavalry to attack Yingzhou, and Wang Zhicheng to lead two thousand general cavalry to attack Hunyuan Prefecture.

He himself and Yang Guobing led the infantry to besiege Shanyin County, which is the closest to Shuozhou City, the base camp of Jiannu Shanxi.

Fortunately, Song Pengfei responded in a timely manner. Wang Zhanpeng and Wang Zhicheng didn't need to conduct offensive and defensive battles at all. The Qing soldiers had already received orders to shrink their troops and had no intention of holding on to the city.

They didn't expect the "Red Banner Army" to come so fast, and they didn't know that the soldiers and horses who came to seize the city were the more than two thousand cavalry they could see. They mistakenly thought that these troops were just forward troops.

Running was the only choice made by the Qing army. The original plan to set fire to the city was too sloppy due to the rush of time, and it was impossible to engulf the Han people in the city to escape.

Therefore, the two battalion leaders Wang Zhanpeng and Wang Zhicheng not only completed the capture of the city, but also rescued tens of thousands of Han people and took a lot of supplies and food, but the gains were not enough.

Song Pengfei and Yang Guobing's plan was also completed smoothly. The Qing army voluntarily gave up Shanyin County, but they had time to kidnap all the Han people in the city and set a fire.

The good news that the "Red Banner Army" captured Yanmen Pass effortlessly and defeated more than [-] cavalrymen of the Qing army in the field spread like wildfire. In just three to five days, Huang Han's number of troops has now doubled.

It was the Minzhuang who refused to take in the defeated Ming army and asked to join the army when the three-way army was advancing triumphantly. One person gave two cooking cakes and instructed everyone to find the general who conquered the prisoners.

The disbanded Ming army did not become bandits and came to look for the "Red Banner Army" at this time. Such behavior is worthy of encouragement. After the necessary screening, most of them were left to temporarily serve as guards, with a number of more than [-].

Many relatives died at the hands of Jiannu, or were taken hostage to Shuozhou City. Life.

Such a source of soldiers was something he couldn't ask for, so of course Huang Han would stay, and he would collect more than ten thousand soldiers.

How powerful should an army with more and more troops be?
The military action of the "Red Banner Army" entering Shanxi is destined to gain both fame and fortune. Maybe minus the battle damage, it is not known that there will be an extra [-] guards when they return.

After receiving the task, Hanzi was more decisive. He arranged for Yang Jian and Fang Liandong, two battalion officers, to lead the infantry and artillery to march at a speed of more than [-] miles a day. Ningwu Pass.

Concentrated cavalry is used by Hanzi the most, and the cavalry directly under his battalion should be the king of the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" because the proportion of non-commissioned officers is [-]% higher than that of other battalions.

(End of this chapter)

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