Chapter 671 Ningwu Pass

Hanzi is going to take Sang Yu to lead the cavalry to open the way to ensure the marching speed of the infantry. He is not worried about being encircled by Jiannu's cavalry movement, because he understands his own strength and the combat effectiveness of the Qing soldiers.

If the enemy cavalry wants to successfully trap the 3 cavalry led by Hanzi, they must have [-] horses, and this must be the case when most of them are Eight Banners cavalry.

Hanzi concentrated his cavalry on the spur of the moment, and the Qing soldiers could not know in advance, how could they concentrate their forces in time to set up an encirclement circle?

This is an internal battle, and the "Red Banner Army" has the right time, place and people and these three elements of war.

The sentinel horses, banner guards, and common people were all paying close attention to the dispatch of the Qing soldiers. The "Red Banner Army" could be said to have sharp eyes and ears, and it was impossible for them to fall into the enemy's encirclement without any aim.

Besides, what if they were surrounded by Manchurian cavalry?

The [-] Banner cavalry will eat up the [-] "Red Banner Army" soldiers of the fool, who are more than half of the non-commissioned officers, and it is very possible to fight for three days and three nights.

At that time, the [-] infantry would have already arrived on the battlefield. If Jiannu didn't choose to retreat and be killed instead, he might lose too many troops.

Of the three outer passes, only Ningwu Pass was not lost, and there were six or seven thousand civilian and military generals such as Wang Zhaokun, the censor who inspected the pass, Wang Xizhong, the admiral and eunuch, the Shanxi military officer fierce as a tiger, and the guard Xian Zhenji.

They also organized thousands of young and middle-aged people to assist in the defense, and the Qing soldiers who refused to fight the consumption chose to detour after trying.

The Yangfang Fort twenty miles away became the target of the Qing army and was captured on the same day. For the convenience of entering and exiting, the Qing army drove tens of thousands of Han people to demolish the Three-mile Great Wall near Yangfang Fort, making it no longer dangerous and fully capable of mobilization. The cavalry conducts a group charge.

Since there are many Ming troops in Ningwu Pass, they are quite able to fight, and the commander-in-chief is as fierce as a tiger. After the Qing soldiers captured Yangfangbao, they left 3000 troops to monitor Ningwu Pass to prevent the Ming army from suddenly breaking out.

Hanzi led the team to change horses and gallop all the way, and arrived at Ningwu Pass that afternoon. It is very important to kill more enemies. Hanzi was really worried that the Qing soldiers in Yangfangbao had escaped, so he urgently contacted fierce tiger.

Today's Hanzi is the chief military officer of Shanhaiguan with the title of Zuodudu, and the number one general under the command of the general Zhenglu. Everyone in the Ming Dynasty knows it.

Meng Ruhu, who comes from a famous family in the grassland, worships heroes. When he heard that Yang Dalang led the "Red Banner Army" to the outside of the pass, he immediately left the pass and prepared to have a drink with the fool outside the pass.

Huang Han summed up too many experiences and lessons from fortified cities, Xiongguan being built as slaves, and rogue bandits.

It is suggested that the Ministry of War issue a death order, and the civil servants and generals stationed in the pass and city cannot see the official document of the Ministry of War or the emperor's decree not to allow a single soldier to enter the city.

Therefore, Hanzi did not ask to enter Ningwu Pass at all, and sent people to contact the defenders with the intention of blocking the Yangfang Fort not far away, trying to block the Qing soldiers inside and encircle and suppress them.

Under normal circumstances, Guancheng is completely different from ordinary cities. Guancheng occupies a dangerous place and guards the key points, and cannot complete the encirclement. Only breaking through Guancheng will usher in another vast world.

Therefore, the "Red Banner Army" with an absolutely superior force did not cause too much damage when it attacked Yanmen Pass, and more than half of the Qing army fled in the end.

Now the information from Qiwei shows that Yangfang Fort has been demolished and the Great Wall connected to it has been demolished, just like a county town, except that there are only two gates in the east and west.

When Mengruhu met Hanzi, he found that the general lived up to his reputation. As fierce as a tiger, few people could match him, and standing with Hanzi was still a size smaller.

The idiot speaks quickly, and he is not polite after meeting Mengruhu, and he will not play tricks. He speaks straight to the point. He said in a long and short way:

"Meng Zongbing, the purpose of this official is to recover Yangfangbao as soon as possible, but in order to wipe out more enemies, we must not let the Jiannu and Tartars escape, so I will contact you before blocking the enemy's escape route. Commander Meng is willing, please quickly mobilize people to follow."

The fierce tiger did not expect that the "Red Banner Army" would go to block the gate of Yangfangbao that day, and planned to block all the [-] Qing troops there.

He wondered: "I am familiar with Yangfangbao. The walls there are thick and easy to defend and difficult to attack. Wouldn't it be better if the Qing army took the initiative to retreat? The casualties caused by the fortified battle cannot be estimated!"

Hanzi smiled and said: "It's okay, the cavalry I brought is just the vanguard, and I don't intend to take the pass. As long as the Qing army can't escape, it will be a victory. When the infantry arrives tomorrow afternoon, one or two hundred cannons will roar and wipe out all of them." Enemy is out of the question."

The fierce tiger couldn't believe it, and asked: "Master Yang, can the infantry arrive at Yangfangbao tomorrow? They can still transport the cannons? How is this possible!"

Hanzi said: "Our Red Flag Army is carrying field artillery. As the name suggests, it is designed for convenient transportation and beneficial to field operations. The artillery and guards push the artillery carts on the road. As long as they don't encounter continuous rainy days, they will definitely be able to satisfy the march. speed."

As fierce as a tiger, he said, "There is a severe drought in Shanxi. If it were rainy and rainy, many people would not starve to death. At this time, the official road is indeed quite easy. Master Yang can really ensure that the infantry and artillery can move in place tomorrow?"

"Don't worry, the 'Red Banner Army' has training missions almost every month. The infantry with their luggage can run an average of [-] miles a day and persist for half a month.

Master Meng, if you are not at ease, you can continue to stick to Ningwuguan. If you trust the 'Red Banner Army', you will know if you have a look. "

"You can trust me! The reputation of the 'Red Banner Army' is like a thunderbolt. I have admired General Zhenglu for a long time. This time I have the opportunity to cooperate with the 'Red Banner Army' to fight. I will definitely spare no effort."

As fierce as a tiger, he rushed back to Guancheng to ask for instructions from the patrol censor and admiral eunuch, and prepared to personally lead half of the troops guarding Ningwuguan to join the battle.

Hanzi didn't wait for the reply from the Ningwuguan defenders at all, and immediately led his troops to gallop to Yangfang Fort, which has only two gates in a circumference of more than three miles.

Hanzi's plan was to personally lead half of the cavalry to form a formation three miles outside the east gate, and Sang Yu led half of the cavalry to cross the demolished Great Wall and block the way for the Qing soldiers to flee west.

Hu Dawei had just led a dozen servants to leave when he heard the sound of horseshoes. Seeing that Hanzi hurriedly led the troops to the northwest direction, he knew that the war might break out at any time, and he didn't want to miss it, so he hurriedly entered the pass and dispatched troops.

The civil servants and eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty were relatively good. Wang Zhaokun and Wang Xizhong were still waiting for the generals of the "Red Banner Army" to come to see them.

Unexpectedly, the "Red Banner Army" has never followed these stinky rules, and Hanzi is a pure soldier. He didn't even ask who the civil servants in Ningwu Pass were, and who the eunuchs were, and he didn't stop for a moment. , directly led the troops to kill Benyang Fangbao.

(End of this chapter)

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