Chapter 672

Seeing Hu Dawei returning to the city, Wang Zhaokun, the patrol censor who had stretched his neck while looking at the city gate, hurriedly asked:
"Mr. Hu, how many troops have come to the 'Red Banner Army'? Who is the leader? Why did they leave immediately?"

This is not just Wang Zhaokun's question alone. All the civil servants and generals in Ningwuguan want to know the answer, and they are unwilling to hear the news that the "Red Banner Army" has gone and never looked back.

Because the reality is very cruel, the cavalry of the Qing army roared past continuously, and the Ming army did not dare to leave the city at all. The trapped city will not only face the problem of morale plummeting, but also face the dilemma of starving to death.

Hu Dawei truthfully replied: "The 'Red Banner Army' dispatched four battalions of troops plus the guard army as auxiliary troops, a total of 5000 troops. I have just met Yang Dalang, the leader of this elite army.

People were worried that the Jiannu stationed at Yangfangbao would sneak away, and they planned to lead the leading force of more than [-] cavalry to block the retreat of the Qing army so that they could wipe out the Qing army when the [-] infantry and artillery arrived tomorrow. "

"Hiss!..." The civil and military generals of Ningwu Pass, including the eunuchs who supervised the army, were all gasping, "Damn!" This is too awesome!In the eyes of the "Red Banner Army", a city guarded by three or four thousand Qing soldiers is like nothing!
Instead of thinking about how to attack the city, they were thinking about how to not let an enemy go.

The admiral Wang Xizhong clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Haha, our family has been walking on thin ice these days, and from today onwards we are finally free. The 'Red Banner Army' is mighty! The general who conquered the captives will win!"

Wang Zhaokun was in a good mood, and asked Hu Dawei with a special smile, "General Hu, the 'Red Banner Army' is going to encircle the Qing army. I'm afraid you won't be able to sit still right now? Are you planning to run so fast?"

Hu Dawei said: "I am going back to Guancheng to prepare half of the troops to cooperate with the 'Red Banner Army' to capture Yangfang Fort twenty miles away, and strive to fulfill the expectations of Yang Dalang, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, to encircle and wipe out more than [-] Qing troops."

So confident! The "Red Banner Army" only came with [-] cavalry, not only to attack Yangfangbao, but also refused to let the Qing army go to prepare for a siege.

Wang Zhaokun, Wang Xizhong, Xian Zhenji, etc. were extremely shocked, but they believed that the fighting power of the "Red Banner Army" had not been stopped, and agreed to Hu Dawei's request to divide half of the troops out of the customs.

In fact, it is not too much to describe Ningwuguan as critical. It is not that it is in danger when it is attacked by the Qing soldiers, but that [-] to [-] soldiers and civilians have been guarding the pass for several months.

Hu Dawei bringing out [-] soldiers and [-] people will more or less alleviate the food crisis we are facing.

Wang Yushi, who understands wealth and danger, also took a few family members and set off with the army. It was only twenty miles away and he arrived in about an hour. Seeing the sunset, when Hu Dawei and Wang Zhaokun arrived at eight miles east of Yangfangbao, here A medium-scale riding battle has just come to an end.

The defenders of the Qing army were not good at defending. When they found that the "Red Banner Army" cavalry had come several thousand, they chose to take advantage of the enemy's unstable foothold and play cavalry raids.

This is a common trick used by Jiannu, and it works very well. Often, a cavalry raid can frighten the Ming army who is about to seize the city, and then they will choose to wait and see passively.

This time was an exception. The Jiannu cavalry was discovered by the sentry horses of the "Red Banner Army" as soon as they left the city. Hanzi and Sang Yu, who were planning to divide their troops to block the Qing army, were overjoyed and immediately led the troops to fight.

The encounter was imminent, and nearly [-] cavalrymen of the two armies confronted each other in an open field. More than half of the Qing troops were Tartars, and they were no longer the opponents of the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" when the numbers were equal.

What's more, Hanzi's cavalry regiment is still the most powerful existence in the "Red Banner Army", with a total force close to twice that of the enemy's cavalry.

Under the guidance of the cautious patriarch Huang Han, it is the consistent style of the generals of the "Red Banner Army" to fight the lion against the rabbit with all his strength.

Because after each battle, all the generals and participants will sum up the experience and lessons. After the demonstration, if it is found that the battle that has ended can avoid more casualties, the main general who won the battle will not only not receive credit, but may also face relegation.

This is how Huang Han manages the army. Every paoze's life will be respected. He does not support one general's success, but advocates teamwork to maximize the results and minimize casualties.

Hanzi and Sang Yu, the two fierce generals, did not act as heroes, but met the enemy according to the regulations.

In order to minimize the casualties of one's own side, it is the best choice to give full play to the advantages of hot weapons to form a firepower net. Hanzi and Sang Yu ordered more than a thousand knights with Mini guns to start fire one after another at a distance of [-] paces.

At this time, as long as the shooting is leveled, the target of the Qing cavalry group in the galloping state is too large and cannot be avoided. No matter killing a person or wounding a horse, the enemy will be in chaos.

Sure enough, the Qing army, who did not expect the Ming army to start firing guns far away, suffered a lot.

But they did not retreat, and all the generals were shouting: "Warriors, rush! Hurry up and fight close to the Ming army. At this time, the Ming army emptied the firecrackers, and then only the fire sticks were left in their hands. Our army won the victory." in sight!"

Many veterans who built slaves knew this truth. Their previous experience told them that the Ming army fired their guns too early. As long as the Eight Banners were not frightened and approached fifty paces, the Ming army would often disperse.

They shouted and encouraged each other: "Rush, speed up, as long as we crash into the cavalry array of the Ming army, we will win!"

But the old Jiannu's experience didn't work this time. The Ming army's array was still full of flames. It was when the Qing army entered the effective range, and more than two thousand self-generated guns poured down bullets again.

More and more cavalrymen of the Qing army fell from their horses. Many cavalrymen fell directly to death after being shot to death by their horses, and many of them died of trampling after being tripped over by the horses that fell down in front of them.

Jiannu eagerly approached fifty steps, and they did it. At this time, they were facing the cold-armed cavalry of the "Red Banner Army".

In fact, it is a bit inappropriate to be called cold weapon cavalry at this time, because half of them are non-commissioned officers, and they all have two self-generating short guns ready to be loaded.

Hanzi still does not change his nature of charging in person, his personal guards are still the most, everyone is a non-commissioned officer, and at this time they are beating Ma Rufei to try to outrun the general.

Hundreds of self-generated guns fired at close range, and Jiannu also shot hundreds of feathered arrows into the array of armored cavalry of the "Red Banner Army", making a "jingling" sound.

Both sides shot, but Jiannu's bow and arrow shot at the "Red Banner Army" cavalry with cold weapons who pulled down their armor, had all-steel helmets, breastplates, and wore cotton armor, sweaters or leather jackets to keep warm. Mention.

However, after the non-commissioned officer of the Ming army fired the self-generated short blunderbuss, hundreds of lead bullets poured over. No one in Jiannu or Tartar could bear it, and it was useless to have iron armor.

(End of this chapter)

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