Chapter 673 Ignore
Hanzi's sharp eyes and quick hands not only quickly pulled out two self-generated blunderbusses to shoot out, but also let go of the two throwing axes that he had never been willing to give up on. His kung fu did not fail, and he watched the throwing axes spin and chop into the bodies of the two tartars.

When Hanzi completed the long-range attack and swung the mountain axe to prepare to slash and chop like before to enjoy his hands, he found that he couldn't find the target at all.

Because the enemy cavalry collapsed, the remnants of the defeated soldiers swarmed back, and many seriously injured horses fell to their knees rumbled while running, throwing the knight several feet away.

When Wang Zhaokun, the patrol censor, and Hu Dawei, the general officer of Shanxi Army, arrived, the "Red Banner Army" that had just finished fighting was cleaning the battlefield.

The civilian and military generals at Ningwuguan couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling when they saw the corpses strewn all over the ground and the thousands of dead horses.

Tiger Dawei is also a battle-hardened man, he has experienced a lot of cavalry battles, and he has never seen so many horses killed after a battle.

This is not surprising, how can the lethality of bows and arrows be comparable to that of firearms.

A well-trained warhorse with rough skin and thick flesh will not buy it if it is shot with a dozen light arrows, but it may fall directly if it is hit by a lead bullet. The gunshot wound plus the sudden fall while running at high speed, Many people were killed on the spot.

The Qing army organized 600 troops to go out to Yangfangbao to fight against the Ming army. One thousand were soldiers from the Eight Banners and the rest were Mongolian light cavalry. In the end, only less than 900 troops escaped, and half of them were wounded. The injury was serious, and I don't know if I can survive the night.

The Ming army suffered more than [-] casualties in this battle, most of which were broken bones. That was because too many horses fell to death on the battlefield, which caused many cavalrymen of the "Red Banner Army" who were sprinting at high speed to fall.

Although they have been armed to the teeth, there are countless broken legs and arms, and those who are unlucky will be in danger of dying if they are stepped on by war horses.

Medical soldiers are used to emergency treatment of trauma, and they have seen many cases of fractures. After treatment, more than [-] heroes have died gloriously.

When Hanzi learned that the casualties were so great, dozens of people were killed in battle, including more than a dozen non-commissioned officers and two military officers, he trembled with distress, Hu Dawei and Wang Zhaokun, who were watching beside him, were almost drooling.

Killed more than [-] Qing soldiers, including [-] real slaves, [-] Tartars, [-] people, none of them were bannermen and Han people Ahha, and captured more than [-] horses that could be used. Dozens of people were killed in battle.

This is simply a monstrous feat!Why did General Yang have a bitter face?
Hanzi told the military medical officer: "You must pay close attention to the wounded brothers tonight. You must not lose any more. All cavalry brothers are precious. I have promised to take them to Liaodong to kill Jiannu. Blood is flowing like a river!"

The medical officer was a young man who had studied with famous doctors Wu Youxing and Li Zhongzi for four or five years. He was one of the first hundred young men who participated in the prevention of smallpox infection. He had confidence in his medical skills.

Saluted: "My lord, most of the wounded are relatively stable at present. As long as there is no internal bleeding, I believe that there are not many brothers who can't make it through."

Hanzi knows that medical officers and medical soldiers who can follow the cavalry movement are also treasures, and the medical equipment they can carry is limited.

As long as the wounded can survive after simple treatment, when the main force arrives tomorrow afternoon, the military hospital will be able to settle down, and then surgery can be performed, and even blood transfusion can be used to continue life.

It was already late at this time, and the horse meat was already rolling in the marching pot. When Hanzi saw Wang Zhaokun, the inspector censor who had the title of the sixth rank, he didn't salute at all.

Because in the "Red Banner Army" there has long been no such stinky rules as civil and military, civil and military people salute each other when they meet each other. .

Seeing that a sixth-rank civil servant did not come to greet him, the idiot ignored Wang Zhaokun without hesitation.

He was very satisfied that Hu Dawei led the troops to come immediately, he happily took his hand and said with a smile: "Soldier Hu is very good, I thought you dare not leave the customs! Now it seems that I was wrong. "

The "Red Banner Army" had already finished fighting, and he rushed to the battlefield. Hu Dawei was very ashamed, and smiled apologetically:
"I'm sorry, I came a step late, and I couldn't help Mr. Yang. Don't worry, when the army captures the city tomorrow, I will personally lead the servants in front of the army."

Hanzi said: "There is no need for that, Erlang under the command of Hu Zongbing has never participated in the 'Red Banner Army''s city-capture drill, and going up rashly will cause unnecessary casualties.

General Zhenglu is the last thing he wants to see the Ming army make unnecessary sacrifices. Tomorrow's main attack will still be done by the 'Red Banner Army'.

Our army is exhausted from the long-distance raid and the fierce battle just now. Tonight, I ask the Tiger General to lead the troops to guard against death, so as to prevent Jiannu and Tartars from slipping away in the dark. "

Hu Dawei gritted his teeth and took the initiative to take on the job with the most casualties-the ant-attached siege, because he wanted to make friends with the "Red Banner Army", and he spent a lot of money on this.

Unexpectedly, Yang Dalang had a high profile, and he didn't need to speak decisively, so he was given a task without risk.

It was obvious that others looked down on the fighting power of his subordinates, so Hu Dawei could only cup his fists and express his stance: "No problem, after this battle, the Qing army has lost its courage, and I am afraid that there are not many troops left. They dared to break through overnight. I will definitely lead my sons and daughters Kill them all without leaving a piece of armor."

Hanzi smiled and punched Hu Dawei on the shoulder, and said: "The main force under my command will arrive tomorrow, good wine and good meat are not available right now, let's make do with it today, let's eat horse meat by the bonfire How about gnawing naan and drinking a few sips without getting drunk?"

Shanxi was hit by natural disasters, there was a great famine, and it also suffered from military disasters. The supply of food was even more difficult. Even the fierce tiger didn't know the taste of meat for a long time and could only eat [-]% full.

At this time, smelling the smell of meat, he accepted the invitation cheerfully, and asked: "Master Yang, the sons under my command are suffering too much, I wonder if my lord can give up some dead horses for them to have a tooth-fighting ceremony?"

Hanzi said: "No problem, the soldiers and civilians brought by Mr. Hu should be entertained by the 'Red Banner Army', now you can order your troops to go down and clean up those dead horses, but the saddles and bridles..."

A pair of saddle pendants are worth three or four taels of silver, how can Hu Dawei be greedy, and immediately said: "Please rest assured, my lord, I will clean up the saddle and bridle and hand it over to the town governor."

The fool laughed loudly and said: "Mr. Hu misunderstood. I mean to ask your subordinates to be more careful. The seized property is also military property and cannot be destroyed at will. Mr. Hu thinks that those saddles and bridles are so big that they can be divided into pieces." walk some."

Hu Dawei is also a man, he has a clear distinction between you and me, and said: "How is this so embarrassing? I am not rewarded for nothing, and I thank Mr. Yang for his kindness. I will personally lead the sons and daughters to the battlefield tomorrow to win the battle." Captured, captured."

(End of this chapter)

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