Chapter 674
Wang Zhaokun was overwhelmed by the fighting power of the "Red Banner Army". At this time, he didn't care about the idiot's indifference, and took the initiative to go forward and said:
"Master Yang, I may not know the taste of meat for a long time, so I wonder if I can bother you here?"

Hanzi said cheerfully: "My lord Wang is a responsible and good official who can come out of the city with lord Meng. As long as you don't mind sitting on the ground and eating dirty meat by the campfire, I would like to offer you a toast, please!"

Wang Zhaokun said again: "Lord Yang, I have an unfeeling request. Can you ask your army to let go of some dead horses? I want people to send them back to Ningwu Pass. The food in the pass is about to run out, and people's hearts are unstable. At this time Sending back tens of thousands of catties of horse meat will definitely boost the morale of the army and the people.”

Hearing such words, Hanzi began to look at Wang Zhaokun squarely, and readily agreed:

"Yes, Lord Wang can arrange for the people to transport five hundred dead horses back to Ningwu Pass, so that the soldiers and civilians can get a few taels of meat to eat, and tell the soldiers and civilians defending the city that they will surely capture a lot of food if they capture Yangfangbao tomorrow. , since the 'Red Banner Army' has come, the tragedy of starving the soldiers and civilians will not happen."

These words are just and correct, Wang Zhaokun and Meng Ruhu immediately stood up and bowed to the ground, Hanzi hurriedly helped them up, and said: "My lords, don't do this, I am just doing my duty."

Wang Zhaokun said with emotion: "The 'Red Banner Army' is well-deserved of its reputation, and I will play the court tonight to praise Lord Yang!"

Several people drank and ate meat around the bonfire, and soon there was less estrangement. After Wang Zhaokun learned of the deployment of the General Zhenglu, he took the initiative to invite Hanzi to lead his troops to Ningwu Pass.

He also stated that after the "Red Banner Army" takes down Yangfangbao tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, he will actively organize soldiers and civilians to rush to repair the section of the Great Wall that was demolished by the Qing army.

Hanzi has a good impression of Wang Zhaokun, he is a real person, seeing how cooperative he is, he simply asks him to write the victory report of this battle and send someone to report it to the court quickly.

Knowing Yang Dalang's good intentions, Wang Zhaokun was overjoyed, and even more disrespectful of the airs of a civil servant, he saluted to express his gratitude.

There are only half of the defenders left in Yangfang Castle, with less than [-] troops, and less than [-] including the bannermen and the coated slaves.

The next afternoon, Yang Jian and Fang Liandong led 2 people to Yangfangbao.

They were full of fighting spirit, and they didn't even do repairs, and they directly opened the artillery under the pressure of the cavalry brothers to blast the mother.

After three rounds of artillery fire, Yang Jian led the Minnie gunmen to shoot accurately at the cover room, and Lian Dong personally led the infantry to capture the city. It was a total blow to the castle, which was less than half an hour away.

Watching the battle, Wang Zhaokun and Hu Dawei, as well as many generals who had been trapped in the sad city of Ningwuguan, witnessed the coordinated attack of the "Red Banner Army" with infantry, and they were all stunned.

The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" had a one-to-five casualty ratio in the field battle yesterday against the Qing army. Today, the Qing army almost didn't launch an effective resistance after winning the pass, and the "Red Banner Army" infantry rushed into the city.

Is the "Red Banner Army" still Ming's army?With such a strong army in Ming Dynasty, why should I be afraid of Dongnu?It seems that in the future, we will all have to find ways to join the General Zhenglu to have a bright future.

Through watching the battle, all the civil servants and generals who came from Ningwu Pass have a deep understanding, and they will not talk about the regulations not to let the soldiers enter the pass. Now they are all looking forward to fighting with the "Red Banner Army".

The Qing soldiers stationed at Yangfang Fort returned in a big defeat yesterday. In fact, they had no fighting spirit. They knew that they would not be able to defend Yangfang Fort even if more than half of their troops were missing.

They had illusions in their hearts and didn't want to stimulate the Ming army to kill them after they broke the city, so they didn't dare to carry out a massacre. Five or six thousand Han people in Yangfang Fort were rescued.

The Qing army did not dare to burn the city, and the "Red Banner Army" was able to seize a lot of supplies, including more than [-] shi of grain.

The fool reciprocated, and the more than [-] captured Qing troops also took their lives.

Then the naughty Sang Yu released more than [-] wounded Qing soldiers, and clearly told them that the reason why they were forgiven by the "Red Banner Army" was because they did not massacre the thousands of Han people trapped in Yangfang Fort.

If these wounded are left behind, they have to be treated, so why not release them?
These people have basically lost their combat effectiveness, and they will be embarrassed to use them when they go back. However, many Qing troops will learn from them that the "Red Banner Army" does not need to be exterminated. As long as the Qing army does not deliberately massacre the city, the "Red Banner Army" will also accept surrender.

This is actually the content of Huang Han's speech when he organized the study of the senior officers of the headquarters before dispatching troops.

In order to prevent Jiannu’s dying blow from increasing casualties, and to prevent hopeless Qing soldiers from carrying out retaliatory massacres in desperation, the loss of Han people’s population is immeasurable.

Therefore, the principles and policies of both political and military offensives were stipulated, and the surrender of the Qing army was accepted, and the previous style of killing them was not adopted.

Anyway, these people are just left alive, and they will be driven to work all day long as the "Red Banner Army" to create wealth. When they travel across the ocean to colonize, they can also take these people to become the first batch of immigrants to cultivate and build fortresses.

Often when establishing a new territory, the first to come is the most difficult, because starting from nothing is a long process, without the contribution of the pioneers, how can there be cities, ports, warehouses and fertile land?

The capture of Yangfang Fort has yielded a lot. The gold, silver, treasures and food robbed by the 30 Qing soldiers stationed in the past six months are all cheaper than the "Red Banner Army". The total value of property and precious metals has exceeded [-] taels of silver.

Since it was a battle to seize the city, the losses of Jiannu and Tartar war horses were limited. The Ming army captured more than [-] horses, including more than [-] middle and high-grade war horses.

The people in Ningwuguan did not get any military merits, and they have been doing odd jobs with the "Red Banner Army". However, these people have no complaints, because the food rationing in Ningwuguan has been implemented for a long time, and they only have two meals a day.

Fighting with the "Red Banner Army" does not require them to charge forward, but only needs them to do logistics. They can eat three meals a day, and they can eat horse meat for three consecutive days. No one is unwilling.

On the second day after taking Yangfang Fort, the rescued Han people and the Han people found nearby, as well as more than [-] Tartars and Jiannu captives, under the command of hundreds of "Red Banner Army" engineers, repaired the Great Wall. Wan Yu also spared no effort in his work.

Because of Wang Zhaokun's good attitude, Hanzi was pleasing to the eye, and the good news of capturing Yangfangbao was still up to him.

With such a good thing on the table, Wang Zhaokun knew that he would be promoted soon, but how he would be promoted was still unknown, and it was possible to even be promoted to the third level.

Of course Wang Zhaokun worked harder, he decided to continue to follow the "Red Banner Army", and he might get even more credit for it.

Yang Dalang didn't need to fight for power and profit. After the two wars, all the civil servants, generals and eunuchs in Ningwuguan were convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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