Chapter 675

The soldiers and civilians recognized the "Red Banner Army" even more, because since this brave man came near Ningwuguan, the soldiers have had three meals.

Although in order to save food, the mode of rationed supply is still adopted every day, but the soldiers are already [-]% full, and they also eat cooking cakes, horse meat and delicious canned sea fish that they have never tasted before.

The common people still have two meals, but it is no longer just a bowl of miscellaneous grains. In addition to drinking water, there are also dry goods. Every day, they are guaranteed to have a whole grain cake weighing three to two.

The fool has food, man and horses, and powerful offensive force, so he naturally becomes the order issuer of Ningwuguan, and the orders can be executed well.

Today's Ningwuguan and Yangfangbao are united as one, and the Qing army will come here to fight offensive and defensive battles. If they gather all the troops who looted Ming Dynasty, they will be guaranteed to return home.

Among the three groups of people, the furthest target was Yang Danian's group, because it was four or five hundred miles from Yanmen Pass to Piantou Pass.

Biantou Guan is connected to Yajiao Mountain in the east, facing the Yellow River in the west, and is located at the turning point where the Yellow River flows into the south of Shanxi.

This is not only the gateway to northern Shanxi, but also the trading port between northern Shanxi and Inner Mongolia.The circumference of Guancheng is seven miles, and there are three gates in the east, west and south, each with an urn city.

Due to the convenience of the natural barrier of the Yellow River, the Great Wall controlled by Piantouguan has not been fully built. The natural barrier of the Yellow River cliff is even more defensive than the city wall as a barrier.

But the most fearful thing is that the Yellow River will be frozen for thousands of miles in winter. In the past few years, the rogues did not need to seize Tongguan to kill from Shanxi and Shaanxi to Henan because they took advantage of the frozen Yellow River.

The guard general of the Qing army stationed at Piantouguan is Heshuo Erfu Darhan, the brother-in-law of Emperor Chongde, who is inlaid with a yellow banner and Gushan Ezhen. There are only seven or eight hundred Ding and Baoyi slaves.

At the end of June, Darhan used the Mongols under his command to dress up as a caravan selling horses and mules to steal the first pass. There was no brutal offensive and defensive battle. Half of the Ming defenders fled, and more than a thousand were trapped in the pass and became prisoners.

Due to the sudden attack of the Qing soldiers, more than [-] merchants and ordinary people in the pass became trophies without responding.

As a border trade port, there is a lot of wealth here, and Darhan has collected a lot of gold, silver, treasures and food.

Yanmenguan is more than [-] miles from Piantouguan, which is connected by official roads, but they have to bypass Shuozhou City. Therefore, the four battalions of Yang Danian, Zhang Yang, Yuan Siming, and Huang Feng did not divide their troops and marched together. There were only a few small-scale incidents along the way. In the encounter battle, two or three hundred Qing troops were killed.

It took five days for the army to arrive. Darhan was ordered to guard this important pass of the Outer Great Wall. He knew that the "Red Banner Army" was coming, but he did not choose to abandon the pass.

Because Piantouguan is less than five hundred miles away from Guihua City, it is the retreat channel reserved by the slave chief.

Piantou Pass is the first pass of the Great Wall to resist nomadic invasion of the territory of the Han family. The defense is remarkable, but the focus of defense is to prevent the enemy from attacking from the outside. Now it is completely different. The "Red Banner Army" is Attack from the inside out.

Although Guancheng was more than four steps thick and more than four feet high, the Qing army at the head of the city could not carry out effective defense under the intensive artillery fire and minigun attacks.

Darhan originally planned to rely on Guancheng to hold on. He firmly believed that Emperor Chongde could not allow the "Red Banner Army" to block the retreat of the Qing army. As long as he persisted, he would soon wait for reinforcements.

It is also because Piantouguan was taken by a combination of inside and outside, the pass city was not damaged, and the defense function was sound, which enhanced the confidence of the Qing army to stick to it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Danian did not intend to use field artillery to fire solid bullets to cause havoc when he saw that the Guancheng was intact. Instead, he chose the minigun for precise shooting and the one-pound Fran machine gun for shotgun strikes, and cooperated with the infantry to attack the city with swords, shields, hands and ants.

Yang Danian was very confident and believed that under the fire of [-] miniguns, the casualties would be controllable when the sword and shield hand ascended the city.

The actual combat proved that this was indeed the case. The Qing army who tried to hold on was killed and injured hundreds of times on the spot by the rain of bullets. Even Darhan, who commanded the stubborn resistance at the top of the city, was severely injured and his arm was broken by shotguns.

Several personal soldiers risked their lives and dragged the master Darhan, who had fainted due to excessive blood loss, to the top of the city. The Qing troops who lost their command all swarmed to find their horses and headed for the north gate.

When the sword and shield hands climbed the ladder to the city, there was not a single Tartar or Jiannu capable of fighting at the top of the city, only dozens of wounded soldiers who were dying of serious injuries were wailing.

In less than half an hour, [-] "Red Banner Army" cavalry led by Zhang Yang and Yuan Siming crossed the Piantou Pass and went north to chase down the defeated Qing army.

At the same time, Yang Danian and Huang Feng commanded the infantry to wipe out the remnants of the enemy, collected and captured the Han people who were rescued by Anton, and screened out the bannermen and coated slaves who had mixed in with the common people.

More than a thousand Ming soldiers captured by the Qing army were rescued. Among them, dozens of military officers who flattered Jiannu were identified by the soldiers.

An intact Guancheng was obtained, and the food inside was not included in the rations loaded on the wheelbarrows of the "Red Banner Army", which was enough to feed 5 people for more than four months.

After seeing the terrain here, Yang Danian and Huang Feng thought that three thousand general infantry plus 4000 people from the original Ming army and Minzhuang would be enough to guard the pass.

The cavalry led by Zhang Yang and Yuan Siming, who went out to cover up the killing, both had two horses. The Qing army who fled in a hurry that day was intercepted by hundreds.

Darhan, who was seriously injured and unable to ride a horse, could not run away, and when he found out that he was besieged, he ordered his own soldiers to assign Bashku to stab him with a knife and was relieved.

Both Zhang Yang and Yuan Siming were bold and careful generals who had always served as the cavalry commanders of the "Red Banner Army". They knew that the number of fleeing Qing troops was at an absolute disadvantage, so they chased after them and spent the night on the prairie.

The knights of the "Red Banner Army" got up early the next day and chased after them with great results. The Tartars and Jiannu didn't expect that the Ming army is so powerful today, and they didn't go back to camp at night. They were careless.

They were surrounded by Zhang Yang and Sang Yu, who followed and chased them through the snow trampled by their horseshoes. More than [-] Qing troops were killed, and a thousand horses were captured.

On the afternoon of the third day, Zhang Yang and Yuan Siming led their subordinates back to Piantouguan. They gained a lot, not only beheaded the Tartars and built a thousand slaves, but also captured nearly 20 war horses and nearly [-] taels of silver. precious metals.

It can be seen from this that after half a year of looting in Daming, each Tartar and Jiannu had an average of 200 taels of precious metals to carry with them. Most of the Qing troops who fled from Piantouguan chose gold and jewelry. As a result, Zhang Yang and Yuan Siming were so happy from ear to ear.

The "Red Banner Army" does not share the captured items privately, but it does not mean that the officers and soldiers who have been captured have been busy in vain. These will record the meritorious value. In the future, the promotion, silver reward, promotion, etc. of the officers and soldiers will all depend on the meritorious value.

(End of this chapter)

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