Chapter 676

The "Red Banner Army" entered Shanxi to participate in the war less than half a month ago, and put on a posture of closing the three outer gates and strictly guarding the inner three gates.

Of course, people with discerning eyes can see that this is completing the deployment of closing the door and beating dogs!Civil officials and military generals in the court, all living beings in the Jingcheng restaurant and teahouse in the capital city, including storytellers, are all hotly discussed.

Everyone is arguing about how many Tartars and slaves can the "Red Banner Army" kill in Shanxi?No one doubted the ability of the general who conquered the captives, and everyone began to follow blindly. The invincible and tall image of the "Red Banner Army" was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It has only been half a month, and the new currency has already flowed into every family without knowing it. The "Sifang Bank" is waiting in line to exchange the new currency for silver. It is basically invisible. Most of them are soldiers and civilians who come to exchange silver for new currency. .

Emperor Chongzhen's complexion was rarely rosy, and that was because he had eaten delicious food these past few days, and he could fall asleep as soon as he lay on the pillow, and he had a good dream all night until dawn.

During the discussion on the platform, the faces of the cabinet ministers and more than a dozen important ministers were all red.

The cabinet minister He Ruchong temporarily acted as Minister of the Ministry of War, he read the good news just sent by the messenger Wang Zhaokun, the inspector censor, in cadence, and Lao Huai couldn't help laughing out.

"Your Majesty, the veteran Guan Zhenglu's arrangement is intended to drive out all the Jian slaves in Shanxi!"

Wen Tiren laughed and said: "Dongnu deceived people too much. This time he entered the customs for half a year and still refused to retreat. There are not many people who have been tortured by our military and civilian officials. The veterans support the 'Red Banner Army' to kill those rebels viciously. I am determined not to take prisoners."

He Ruchong said: "Your Majesty, Master Liu, Minister of the Ministry of War, asked to lead 2 horses across the Yellow River to pursue Jiannu. I wonder if it is possible?"

Chongzhen asked: "The Jiannu in Henan have retreated? Where have they gone now? Master Liu led 2 horses across the river in pursuit, what should happen if Jiannu counterattacks?"

Wen Tiren, who was good at figuring out the holy will, immediately understood the emperor's thoughts, and said: "The old minister thought that it would be risky for Mr. Liu to cross the river and pursue him. Dongnu has more than [-] cavalry, and the slave chieftain personally leads the troops. How can he not take precautions when he retreats?" prevent?

In case Dong Nu jumps over the wall in a hurry and refuses to fight the 'Red Banner Army', and chooses to turn around and eat Master Liu's [-] pursuers, and then cross the Yellow River and enter Gyeonggi, my Ming's loss is immeasurable.The veteran suggested that Mr. Liu should not act rashly. "

He Ruchong thought it made sense, and said: "Since this is the case, I would like to ask Your Majesty to continue to order the people in Henan Prefecture not to act rashly, and persist for the last few days, so that they will not fail in the end."

Chongzhen nodded and said: "Good! The cabinet immediately drafted an order, strictly ordering civil servants and generals not to fall into the tricks of the Eastern slaves, and guarding the city to protect the lives and property of the soldiers and civilians in the city is the top priority."

Huang Han openly bargained with the imperial court, which of course left a shadow in the emperor's mind. In the eyes of Chongzhen, the "Red Banner Army" was fundamentally different from other Ming armies.

The emperor understood that the "Red Banner Army" could no longer be dispatched by the imperial court, and could only be used after negotiating with Huang Han. The "Red Banner Army" had become a private army.

At this time, Chongzhen must of course preserve the army loyal to him to avoid losses in vicious battles. As for whether Liu Zhilun's department and Lu Xiangsheng's follow-up pursuit can cope with the "Red Banner Army" the emperor will not consider it for the time being.

Why not drive tigers and devour wolves?

There were 12 regular soldiers of the Qing soldiers entering the pass, including 4 Mongolian light cavalry, nearly [-] traitor cavalry from Guanning, [-] soldiers from the Eight Banners, and [-] bannermen and coated slaves. There are [-] to [-] white armors, vests, and step armors.

The slave chief believes that with such strength, he should be able to sweep the Ming Dynasty. Since he left Shengjing in early May and entered the customs at the end of June, after half a year of uninterrupted siege, the fact that the Qing army has won many battles has been proved. .

However, due to the "Red Banner Army" crossing the line, the Qing army was defeated one after another. It had lost more than [-] troops, including more than [-] Eight Banners.

Realizing that due to the lack of reports on the "Red Banner Army" in the past two years, he could not predict that Huang Han's strength had multiplied several times.

No way, Hong had no choice but to knock out his teeth and swallow his blood, and he had to pretend to be calm and confident, but he didn't know that Nu Chief had insomnia all night, and his physical fitness was deteriorating.

The unknown is terrifying. The slave chieftain can't estimate how many troops will be lost in the duel with the "Red Banner Army"?Anxiety of course!

Compared with the slave chiefs, Huang Han seemed calm and calm. He took his time and completed the deployment of closing Shanxi, dividing the 10,000+ Qing soldiers into two groups.

This trick is indescribable. The "Red Banner Army" is equivalent to concentrating all the mobile forces to enter Shanxi for a fierce battle. The Qing army actually concentrated all the mobile cavalry to plunder Daming.

However, after being divided by Huang Han, it became the "Red Banner Army" to concentrate on attacking half of the main force of the Qing army that had entered the pass, and after defeating the Qing soldiers entrenched in Shuozhou City, they would then consider the main force to expand the results of the battle.

Establishing slaves is doomed to suffer big losses. In the decisive battle, not only will the weather, location, and people be lost, but the troops will also be at an absolute disadvantage.

Now there are [-] troops led by the slave chiefs who have assembled in a hurry, plus [-] banners and coats.

The Qing army assembled in Shuozhou City plus the bannermen and coat slaves was less than [-], and the [-] to [-] new slaves developed by the slaves were not counted here.

The Qing army knew in their hearts that if they really encountered a bad battle, not to mention that the new slaves could not even rely on the banners and coats, they could only rely on the Manchurian cavalry to fight hard.

Dorgon and Duoduo have already led their troops to Shuozhou City. With two banner masters and princes, the younger Wakda naturally stood aside, and Dorgon did his part to become the chief general.

Fighting for power and profit with starlings for many years, he has never had the opportunity to command so many horses. Dorgon should have been happy, but he carefully studied and analyzed the whole story of Duoduo's defeat, and felt that his head was as big as a bucket.

Blessings and misfortunes never come singly, and the situation of Jiannu walking and reciting words has not stopped. In the past few days, news of the defeat of the Qing army has been reaching Shuozhou City.

Immediately afterwards, Yangguan Fort was lost and only more than [-] wounded soldiers ran back. It was later learned that these people were released by the Ming army and escaped.

Dorgon was furious, and immediately sent his confidantes to imprison all these people, but the action was still too slow. The entire Shuozhou City defenders knew the fact that Yangguan Fort was lost, and also knew that the "Red Banner Army" was now accepting surrender.

Just when Dorgon was racking his brains to think about how to eliminate the bad influence to prevent the Manchurian cavalry from being depressed, more than a hundred wounded soldiers escaped from Piantouguan.

Yang Danian, Zhang Yang, etc. are all generals brought out by Huang Han. They not only have a superior-subordinate relationship with Huang Han, but also a master-student relationship, and their loyalty is impeccable.

The head of the family asked all the generals to try their best to give the defeated Qing army a chance. Of course, Yang Danian, Zhang Yang, etc. did it with heart, so more than 100 prisoners were released.

(End of this chapter)

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