Chapter 677 Want to cover up
This time, Dorgon learned his skills, and immediately sent Zhengbaiqi's confidantes to imprison these people.

There is a fart to cover up!

These wounded soldiers released by the "Red Banner Army" met more than a dozen groups of sentry horses of the Qing army along the way.

Being in a dangerous situation, whether it was a Tartar or a slave, there was no Qing soldier who was not worried about the future. When he saw a friendly army who had fought against the "Red Banner Army", he would of course ask about the battle situation.

Most of these wounded soldiers who escaped by chance were Tartars, and they all had lingering fears, crying with snot and tears about what happened to them.

Like a gust of wind, Tartars, Jiannu and Bannermen in and outside the city of Shuozhou were all talking about how the Piantouguan, where thousands of elite garrisons were garrisoned, collapsed instantly under the heavy artillery fire from the "Red Banner Army".

They are all describing that the brothers who were killed by the artillery of the Ming army could not even leave a whole body behind. They are all saying that the generals who want to organize an effective counterattack are like idiotic dreams. They all know that the people who escaped are because of " The Red Banner Army" released him with grace.

The news that the "Red Devil" changed his nature and did not kill all the captives was confirmed again. Jiannu was not shaken too much, but most of the Tartars were shaken.

The Tartars and the Jiannu are actually at odds with each other. Too many Tartar tribes were killed by the Jiannu to bleed, and I don’t know how many Tartar control strings have a deep hatred with the Jiannu.

The reason why the Tatars seem to be determined to become servants to fight with Jiannu is because of the result of being conquered, because the suffering and loss suffered by the Mongols can be recovered from the Han people.

When the conqueror is no longer strong, when the loss of attacking Ming Dynasty is far greater than the effort, the obedient Tartars will show their fangs.

The Tartars have benefited from robbing Daming, so why not rob the Jian slaves around them?
It's just that Jiannu's fighting power is strong, and the Tartars can't beat them. If the "Red Banner Army" beats Jiannu to collapse, the Tartars around them may become the most dangerous enemy.

Horqin belonged to the hard-core traitors, and was the first group of Mongols who took refuge in Jiannu. Because they were willing to send the most beautiful and noble women in their clan to Jiannu, they belonged to the most important Tartars.

In the first year of Chongde, Borzigit Badali was conferred the title of Prince of Heshuo Tuxietu, and Borzigit Ukeshan was named Heshuo Zhuolik, who became his younger sister Bumbutai. Prince Tu, Manzhu Xili is the king of Dorobatulu County...

At the time of the founding of the Qing Dynasty, in order to prevent the tail from being too big, the cunning Chongde deliberately organized the Horqin part into seven banners. Badali, Prince Tuxietu.

Zhasaktu Junwang Banner is the owner of Keyouqian Banner, Budachi, Lama Shixi Banner is the owner of Keyouhou Banner, Lama Shixi is the owner, Zhuoli Ketu Prince Banner is the owner of Kezuo Middle Banner, Manzhu Xili, Dongguoer Banner is Hongguoer, the leader of Kezuohou Banner.

In addition, there are two banners of the Guoerluosi Division. The former banner is the main and auxiliary state duke Gumu, and Bumuba is named the Guoerluosi rear banner Zasak Township Duke.

The Horqin people in Daming were the most active in sending troops this time. Except for Hong Guoer, who was sick and unable to march long distances, six of the seven banner owners were absent, with more than [-] troops.

Wu Keshan, Manzhu Xili, and Gu Mu gathered in Shuozhou City. The total number of people should have exceeded [-], but unfortunately it is now less than [-].

The Horqin tribe was the vanguard when they were the accomplices of Jiannu, so Horqin Mongols were killed in almost every battle. Ukeshan and others have lost more than [-] staff, and their morale is now low.

Compared with Horqin, Chahar Mongols are not so tame. Kong Guoer and Ezhe's troops are all inherited from Lin Dan Khan's legacy. They have fought fiercely with Jiannu for decades, and the hatred between the two sides cannot be forgotten so quickly.

If you follow Jiannu, eat well, dress well, have gold, silver, treasures and beauties, have a bright future, and the Tartars who have milk and are mothers will definitely forget the bloody feud.

But today’s situation is completely different from history. The Ming Dynasty had the “Red Banner Army”, and the Tartars still followed Jiannu and could only wait to be “eat to death”.

The Manchu and Mongolian cavalry seem to be strong, but that is when they are at a disadvantage when they can make a fortune by fighting with the wind. Tumed, Karaqin, Chahar, Aohan, Khalkha, Wuliangha, etc. The tribe's cavalry were naturally at odds with Jiannu.

Although the Qing army at this time was not exhausted, many Mongolian tribal leaders were secretly joining forces, and among them were dukes and county kings who had been canonized by the Qing Dynasty.

Dorgon's war was not enough to compare with his Laozi's wild boar skin, he didn't have the decisiveness to just run all the way regardless of how many times the Ming army came.

He was worried about gains and losses, he wanted to stick to Shuozhou City but was afraid that he would not be able to hold it, he wanted to fight the "Red Banner Army" in a field battle but was afraid that the two white flags would lose too much.

The two brothers Dorgon and Duoduo invited the well-connected brothers Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili to discuss countermeasures. These two Mongolian princes are the brothers of Empress Xiaozhuang of the Qing Dynasty who had an affair with Dorgon in history.

A little doll in Fulin was able to become the Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, not only because his mother stole Dorgon to gain support, but also because of Horqin's power.

None of the four princes of Manchuria had a good plan to defeat the enemy. Duoduo witnessed the sharp artillery fire of the "Red Banner Army" and told the three brothers:

"This king started killing people at the age of 11, and led the army with Lao Khan at the age of 13. He never knew what it was like to fight, but when he thought of the decisive battle with Huang Han, he always had the desire to lead his troops far away. There is no fighting spirit.”

Manzhu Xili is four or five years older than Duduo, and he also fought with his father since he was a child. Seeing that Duduo, who has always been defiant, is so afraid of the "Red Banner Army", he asked:

"Prince Yu, is the 'Red Banner Army' invulnerable? You and I have countless warriors with both archers and horses. Can't we organize them to break the formation?"

Duoduo said: "In the past when we fought against the Ming army, we would encounter their firearms every time, but our army was able to defeat them.

But for some reason, the firearms of the "Red Banner Army" are extraordinary. Once in battle, they can always be fired continuously, seemingly endlessly. My Ba Yala in solid armor can't bear a lead , once hit, nine out of ten will die in battle, how to break the formation? "

Wu Keshan felt his scalp tingle when he heard this, and asked in a low voice: "It seems that it is very dangerous for us to stay in Shuozhou City. I don't know what you plan to do next? Do you know when the troops led by the emperor will arrive?"

Dorgon said: "The emperor's men and horses should not be counted on. Yanmen Pass, Piantou Pass and Yangfang Fort have been lost one after another, and the Emperor does not have the Wuzhenchao Ha Battalion by his side. How can we attack the pass that is defended by the 'Red Banner Army'? Now only If you rely on yourself, if you want to fight or go, you have to agree today."

(End of this chapter)

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