Chapter 678
In fact, the four princes of Manmeng were already timid, and they were all making their own plans.

Leading his subordinates to bite the bullet and fight the "Red Banner Army" desperately, the result is unpredictable, but his own strength has been greatly weakened.

The Manchu Dynasty, which established the country with military force, paid more attention to combat effectiveness, and the troops under its command were the capital of the chief general. Who would dare to lose all their capital?

Dorgon said: "There are many damaged side walls in the north of Shanxi. I have personally led troops in and out of the Great Wall Passes such as Shangfang Fort, Desheng Fort, Zhenqiang Fort, and Four Castles many times. hit!
With so many troops in the 'Red Banner Army', how could it be possible to help defend all the Great Wall passes?I am afraid that no one can stop my Qing army from leaving, not even the 'Red Banner Army'.

If their cavalry really dare to pursue them, we can concentrate our forces to fight them desperately.

The cavalry of the 'Red Banner Army' lost the foundation of the infantry formation and lacked the support of artillery fire. It is no problem for our army to win the battle.

Don't worry, this king is familiar with firearms and can use them. The shotgun on horseback is not accurate, and it can't be reloaded in the galloping state after being empty. As long as our army has enough numbers, it will definitely win! "

Manzhu Xili listened with gusto and admired: "Prince Rui's words are pearls, and the 'Red Banner Army' relies on the sharpness of the guns. If we really carry out cavalry mobile warfare, as long as our army maintains a double advantage in strength, we can defeat the 'Red Banner Army' cavalry." Very likely."

Wu Keshan came to the spirit and said: "The cavalry we can organize in our hands must be more than [-], and according to the analysis of the 'Red Banner Army', the total number of cavalry is only about [-].

Thinking about it, Huang Han was reluctant to take all the cavalry in a battle, and guessed that when we retreated, the 'Red Banner Army' just launched a symbolic pursuit and pretended to be. "

Duoduo asked: "Brother Fourteen, there are so many Han people in Shuozhou City and piles of good things. Are we going to take some action if we leave as soon as we say?"

Dorgon asked back: "What does the fifteenth brother mean to burn, kill and destroy before leaving?"

Duoduo said: "Of course, slaughter all those Han dogs, burn all the food, and let Huang Han get a charred city of Shuozhou."

In history, the founder of Yangzhou Ten Days was Duoduo. This kid definitely belonged to the category of beasts who killed without blinking an eye. He actually wanted to kill all the Han people who were coerced.

Seeing that this little brother is blindly killing and doesn't use his brain, Dorgon had no choice but to advise:
"It's inappropriate to do this. First of all, my Qing emperor gave repeated orders not to massacre Han people, and then we killed hundreds of thousands of Han people outside Shuozhou City. Isn't Huang Han in a hurry?
At that time, he will definitely try his best to chase and kill us. Even if our cavalry has an absolute superiority in numbers, it is inevitable that we will suffer heavy losses. If we lose too many troops, our situation in the Qing Dynasty will be dangerous. "

Wu Keshan also advised: "Prince Yu, this king also thinks it's best not to provoke Huang Han. If we kill all the Han people here, the 'Red Banner Army' will have to hunt us down whether they want to or not, because they can't. Facing the censure of the court and the army and the people?"

Dorgon suddenly laughed, and said: "The talent of Huang Han is incomparable, the 'Red Banner Army' is so capable of fighting, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty may have already been on his back.

The Ming army in Shanxi is not only the "Red Banner Army" family, there is Hong Chengchou, the commander-in-chief of the three sides in the west, and Yang Sichang, the governor of Xuanda, in the north.

We threw all the food and supplies that we couldn't take away to the 'Red Banner Army'. I don't know how other Ming soldiers would feel when they saw Huang Han's meritorious service and gained such a big advantage? "

Manzhu Xili clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Wonderful! It's beyond words! It's really Prince Rui. We admire your wisdom. Whether it's the Ming army or the 'Red Banner Army', why not see the good things in Manshuozhou City?" They are greedy, and it is unknown if they will fight because of the uneven distribution of spoils."

Dorgon sighed and said: "The Yellow Han has become a climate in the Ming Dynasty. I am afraid that it will be extremely difficult for the Qing Dynasty to eliminate the 'Red Banner Army'. Only the Ming court suspects the Yellow Han and waits for them to cut off their arms."

Wu Keshan said: "This is completely in line with the reality. No master will tolerate the existence of such a powerful courtier. I think Huang Han is also a smart person. He must have self-protection, and he should not waste his strength."

Duoduo said: "I don't think that guy is a thing in the pool. I guess it won't be long before he will rebel against Daming. Besides, the 'Red Banner Army' is so powerful. After my Qing army retreats, the Ming emperor will have to plot against Huang Han." Divide the 'Red Banner Army', I reckon Huang Han will rebel at that time."

The four of them felt much better after talking about it. Everyone was not optimistic about Huang Han's situation in Daming, and felt that the future "Red Banner Army" might have to deal with internal friction.

They reached a consensus not to fight desperately with the "Red Banner Army" at this time. The final result of the discussion was to escape, but they could not run away after hearing the news. To be able to escape.

Compared with the enemy general who was in a mess and always wanted to escape, Huang Han, the leader of the Ming army who had completed the division of slaves, was calm and calm.

His goal is clear, kill many slaves and strive for a large number of seizures!He has already issued an order for Hanzi, Song Pengfei, and Yang Danian to lead their troops to Shuozhou City to hunt down the Qing army while staying behind to help defend.

At this time, the news that the "Red Banner Army" had defeated the Qing army had spread all over Shanxi, Xuanda, and more scattered Ming troops or Ming troops behind a certain Yinshan Mountain came out to defect, not only because of the strong fighting power of General Zhenglu, Also because following the "Red Banner Army" can fill your stomach.

In late November, three groups of troops joined forces fifty miles west of Shuozhou City and joined forces with the Chinese army. Zhang Fengyi, who rushed to Shanxi to find the general who conquered the Chinese army, finally saw the unprecedentedly large "Red Banner Army".

It had no choice but to be huge. The Ming army alone was [-], and the cavalry accounted for a full [-]%.

Martial arts, horseback riding, archery, and reading are all considered skills, and the number of them exceeds [-].

It is difficult to train cavalry. This time, as long as the cavalry of the Ming army took the initiative to seek refuge, they would try to keep them as much as possible. For this reason, Huang Han sent young men with the highest overall quality to manage these people.

Order Liu Zaiqi to adjust the focus of work, and strive to let the cavalry of the Ming army correct their thinking and integrate into the "Red Banner Army" as soon as possible.

At this time, taking in the cavalry of the Ming army is very different from a few years ago. One is because the "Red Banner Army" is well-known, the other is because the generals who conquer captives are so powerful, and the third is because the treatment of the "Red Banner Army" is enough to support their families. It has become a household name. .

The fourth reason, of course, is that after joining the "Red Banner Army", not only does he have a bright future, but his family can also be honored. Even if he dies in battle, he will die well.

(End of this chapter)

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