Chapter 680
At this time, the capital is no longer gloomy and gloomy, the streets are very lively, and most of the soldiers and civilians who come and go are beaming.

Without him, it was because the "Red Banner Army" reported another victory. "Piantouguan Great Victory" beheaded more than [-] Tartars and slaves, including Darhan, the son-in-law of the old slave and the first-class commander in chief.

Chongzhen hated slavery to the bone, and didn't want the Ming army to kill more enemies. Seeing Fang Zhenghua, the great eunuch with great military exploits, ran back to the capital to ask for orders, and immediately met him in the imperial study room, leaving only Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun to serve him.

Seeing the emperor, Fang Zhenghua explained the benefits of going to war, and asserted that Jiannu had no time to care about others at this time. If the slave chieftains were defeated in the battle with the "Red Banner Army" in Shanxi, the consequences would be disastrous.

Chongzhen has been made a little too optimistic by a series of good news. He even expects that the "Red Banner Army" can wipe out the main force of Jiannu and capture alive or kill the puppet Emperor Chongde. He is not sure whether Huang Han has such strength.

Asked Fang Zhenghua: "Fang Daban, you have won several battles with General Zhenglu, and you should know the overall strength of the current 'Red Banner Army'. Do you think that Dongnu will fight the 'Red Banner Army' in Shanxi? What are the chances of winning?"

Fang Zhenghua was not a jester who relied on flattery to rise to the top, but a real eunuch who was made with real knives and guns. He usually loves reading and art of war. His research object during this time is Huang Han.

He had already figured out Huang Han's intention to deploy the battle in Shanxi, and when he saw the emperor's question, he immediately said frankly: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I am afraid that Dongnu will avoid the battle now. If they really dare to concentrate their forces and fight the 'Red Banner Army' as the main force battle.

The servant estimates that after this battle, Dong Nu will lose the ability to take the initiative to attack from now on. It is inevitable for me, Ming, to switch from the defensive to the offensive! "

Chongzhen felt like drinking sweet spring when hearing these words, and felt extremely happy in his heart. Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun did not expect Fang Zhenghua, who has always been prudent, to have such great confidence in Huang Han, and they looked at each other.Cao Huachun said:

"Brother Fang, how do you know that the main force of Dongnu's concentration is definitely not the opponent of General Zhenglu?

This will be a big battle involving 10,000+ soldiers from both sides, plus civilians and auxiliary soldiers, it will be a big battle of tens of thousands of people. General Zhenglu has never commanded such a big battle. 'Will victory be overly optimistic? "

Being reminded by Cao Huachun, Chongzhen suddenly came to his senses, and he quickly said: "Banban Cao is right. The upcoming battle should be a once-in-a-century battle. There are too many variables. Who can guarantee that victory is in sight?"

Fang Zhenghua said in a calm manner: "Your Majesty, the troops of the General Conqueror are good at firearms. At this moment, Dongnu should be the most interested in concentrating their forces on the battle, so that those small cannons will fire shotguns and leave the enemy's corpses everywhere. .

If the slave chief really lost his head and decided to fight the 'Red Banner Army' in Shanxi, the slaves dare to guarantee that Dongnu will be defeated! "

Seeing that Fang Zhenghua was still full of confidence in the fighting power of the "Red Banner Army", Chongzhen was amused, and said: "After listening to the words of my companion, I am also full of confidence. Let's wait and see!"

Seeing Fang Zhenghua's high profile, Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen also showed joy on their faces.

Fang Zhenghua said: "The servant analyzed that the slave chief did not dare to overwhelm all the soldiers and horses to compete with the 'Red Banner Army'. The final result is that the slave chief led most of the troops back to Liaodong, and our army regained all the lost ground.

Therefore, the slaves and maids rushed back to the capital to ask for an order to pursue them. The purpose was to try to catch a part of the Eastern slaves and intercept the Han people they had kidnapped and the grain and supplies they plundered. "

Chongzhen pondered for a moment and said: "A few days ago, the platform was correct. I discussed this matter with several cabinet ministers. They thought that if Dongnu didn't dare to touch the 'Red Banner Army' and deliberately turned around to eat your troops. If this happens, How do you deal with it?"

Fang Zhenghua said: "The slaves will be extremely careful, they will calculate the time when they pursue, they will send elite cavalry to scout for a radius of fifty miles, and they will also make several emergency plans.

In the event of an attack by the major shareholder slave cavalry, it is necessary to ensure that the infantry can rely on favorable terrain to hold fast or quickly enter the nearest city for defense.

If Dongnu still dared to die at this time and chose to turn around and beat up the slaves, the General Zhenglu would have a lot more time, and their situation in the future would be even more dangerous.

Maybe the "Red Banner Army" defeated the main force of the Eastern slaves near Shuozhou City, and they could still have time to arrange the troops led by the slave chieftains who besieged them. "

Chongzhen didn't know much about military deployment, but he could tell that Fang Zhenghua was confident, and said: "I can give you an order to allow you to pursue, but you must ensure that this brave soldier will not be damaged. If you find something that can't be done, you must occupy the city." Stay safe and stay safe!"

Fang Zhenghua kowtowed to thank him and said: "The servant obeys the order and will definitely bring the people from the capital camp back to the capital safely!"

After the face-to-face, Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun kept sending Fang Zhenghua out of the Forbidden City. Along the way, the three of them talked about the situation in Shanxi. Fang Zhenghua's confidence infected the two of them, and they were full of expectations for the next battle.

Fang Zhenghua, who had received the imperial decree, galloped again. He believed that the emperor would approve the battle if he returned to Beijing in person, so he had already made an appointment with Liu Zhilun to station troops in Huaiqing Mansion and point his sword at Shanxi.

On November 27, the Tianxiong Army, the Jingying troops, and Liu Zhilun's troops joined forces in Huaiqing Prefecture. There were more than [-] troops. There were not many people here who pretended to be numbers, and they had a strong desire to fight, especially the soldiers of Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua.

Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua imitated Huang Han's method of leading troops and carried out a general mobilization to boost morale.

They widely advertised that the main force of the Qing army was going to rescue the Shuozhou battlefield where the general who had been conscripted had lost troops and lost generals, and reminded the soldiers that a great opportunity to fight cheap battles had arisen.

Many old subordinates were soldiers who followed them through life and death, and now most of them have become grassroots military officers.

They believed in the combat effectiveness of the "Red Banner Army", and believed that since the main force of the slave chieftains went to Shanxi to fight the general who conquered the prisoners, the rear troops transporting the looted supplies should be able to attack.

Jiannu plundered many cities, how much gold, silver, treasures, food, and supplies should be accumulated?
The Ming army was excited, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as imposing like a rainbow.

The Tianxiong Army, the Jingying Army, and the former Zunhua Liu Zhilun Department united, and Fang Zhenghua selected more than [-] cavalry to form two sentinel horse regiments, each of which was led by fierce generals Hu Dawei and Zhou Yuji.

When the sentinel horse team investigates, the number of each group must reach a general banner, to ensure that the information can be conveyed to the main force in a timely manner. For this reason, Fang Zhenghua coordinated and gathered more than [-] good horses for them to use.

Whether the intelligence collection is timely and fast, can strike the enemy more accurately, and can avoid being made dumplings by the enemy. Liu Zhilun, Lu Xiangsheng, Hu Dawei, Huang Degong and other civil and military generals all strongly support it, so that most of the sentry horses come from their iron armor Ding team.

(End of this chapter)

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