Chapter 681 Anti-water
The Sentinel Cavalry is responsible for the safety of the army. Zhou Yuji and Meng Ruhu are fully responsible. If there is a mistake in the army, the first thing the supervisor will do is to chop off their heads.

Meng Ruhu and Zhou Yuji, who accepted the scouting task, didn't understand that this was because the adults trusted them. They personally led the troops to investigate carefully, and took the lead in the scout encounters. First of its kind.

This is entirely because the selected [-] cavalry are the elites of the more than [-] Ming army, and because Zhou Yuji and Meng Ruhu are rare generals skilled in bow and horse, and because the Ming army has a superior number of people to prepare for it. Unprepared.

The reason why they can be prepared and unprepared is because the soldiers of the Beijing camp are well equipped, and the senior officials above the Baizong are all equipped with binoculars produced by Tiger Cave City.

Based on the relationship between Fang Zhenghua and Huang Han, if you ask for a telescope, you can get it even if you don’t pay. Fang Zhenghua has a clear distinction between public and private, and he refuses to abolish the public for private reasons, and at the same time, he is unwilling to do harm to private interests because of public affairs. Going to Tiger Cave City to purchase equipment is based on the price Payment.

Therefore, the defensive power and equipment of the selected troops in the Beijing camp are close to those of the "Red Banner Army", except that they do not have Miniguns.

It's a pity that the equipment and weapons of the "Red Banner Army" are too expensive, and they can't afford to give an old friend a 5000% discount. The size of only [-] people is similar to that of the "Red Banner Army" which also has twenty one-pound Francois machine guns.

At this time, in order to ensure the safety of the capital camp troops back to the capital as promised to the emperor, Fang Zhenghua must first ensure that there is no fault, and only consider killing the enemy on the basis of the safety of the army.

He concentrated the telescope to equip the sentry horse team, and basically managed to have two for each general banner. With this big detection weapon, the effect is great, which makes Zhou Yuji and Meng Ruhu even more powerful.

Although Zhou Yuji and Meng Ruhu had achieved more than one hundred levels of gains when they led the team to investigate, Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua were very unhappy, and their faces were full of sadness these days.

It wasn't because Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua were pessimistic about the battle situation, but because the stupid Lu Xiangsheng brought a big trouble.

Jiannu had already retreated from Henan, but Tang Wang Zhu Yujian refused to return to Nanyang. He chased and shouted to beat Jiannu until Luoyang City, where he entangled Lu Xiangsheng, the minister of the Ministry of War and the commander-in-chief of the five provinces.

Lu Xiangsheng lived a simple life and didn't know how to refuse. Seeing that the prince of the Zhu family took the initiative to relieve the country's worries, he praised him greatly. As a result, the king of Tang followed him to Huaiqing Mansion, and wanted to follow him into Shanxi to fight a big battle with Jiannu.

During this period of time, Tang Wang, who was like a bird in a cage, lived a fulfilling and happy life. He followed Lu Xiangsheng's example and shared joys and sorrows with the grassroots soldiers, scooping food from the same pot.

When the relatively simple Lu Xiangsheng raised his troops across the Yellow River, he found that the king of Tang had already led his troops to follow and did not dissuade him at all.

Lu Xiangsheng had been chatting speculatively with Tang Wang, but he didn't know that too many civil servants and generals took all this seriously, and the root of the disaster was planted.

Fang Zhenghua and Liu Zhilun dared not to be negligent when they saw the Queen of Tang, they immediately wrote a memorandum and sent it to the capital with an expedited six hundred li to ask the emperor whether to detain the King of Tang?

When Chongzhen learned that the king of Tang continued to march to Shanxi with his troops, he was very angry and funny. At this time, Jiannu had not been repulsed, and it was not time to settle the accounts after autumn. After he issued a secret decree to Fang Zhenghua, he issued an imperial decree to allow the king of Tang to go to Shanxi Kill the enemy.

At this time, many censors and memorials were delivered, and Chongzhen learned that Lu Xiangsheng had a close relationship with Tang Wang during this period, leaving a shadow in his heart.

The emperor also discovered that most of the civil servants and military generals in Henan had written about the King of Tang, but Lu Xiangsheng hadn't heard a single word.

The high-ranking official of the frontier with a heavy army in his hand is not clear about Zhu Ming's prince, and his heart is to be punished!Lu Xiangsheng is in the emperor's heart, but unfortunately it is not a good thing!
The content of the secret decree Fang Zhenghua received was very simple. He closely monitored every move of the Tang king, and when he found any abnormalities, he was promptly arrested and sent to the clan's government for review.

Unwilling to be lonely, Tang Wang has been staying in Nanyang Fucheng for a long time. This time he went out like a bird being released. In fact, he had no intention of challenging the throne. The motive for sending troops was really pure. He just wanted to kill the enemy for the country. !

In the Ming Dynasty, a prince who didn't want to be raised as a pig was not a good prince, but he was damned if he wanted to do something for the country!

Banner Guard Shi Kunshan was reused by King Tang and wanted to assist King Tang to make contributions. Soon after, he contacted Zhao Shisan, the boss of the Shanxi Military Intelligence Department.

The active forces of the "Red Banner Army" concentrated in Shanxi, Henan, Huguang and other areas, striving to maximize the calculation and detain the looted population, livestock, and supplies, and the Qing soldiers marching slowly are in full swing.

The Qing army's attack on Henan caused Ming to lose nothing. How could the "Red Banner Army" deployed in the interior be a spectator?

It's just that the Qing army was in the tens of thousands, and the inland "Red Banner Army" cavalry was too small to complete the raid. Under Gu Rushan's initiative and Zhao Kun's active support, the inland "Red Banner Army" began to gather in Ruzhou a month ago. standby.

I don't know how long the Qing army will fight in Henan. Zhao Kun knows that the main job of the inland "Red Banner Army" is to protect the environment and the people. They must reserve enough troops to deal with the rogue troops and the people. The number of troops that can be assembled cannot exceed [-]%.

In the "Red Banner Army", Zhao Kun has the highest position. He is the person in charge of the Yangtze River defense line. Although he is also a battalion officer, he can restrain other inland "Red Banner Army" battalion commanders during wartime.

Zhao Kun led one general cavalry, four general infantry, one thousand general auxiliary soldiers, two hundred general artillerymen and twenty one-pounder Francois machine guns and marched towards Ruzhou.

After receiving the assembly order, Gu Rushan led a thousand general cavalry, two general infantry, a hundred general artillery, and a thousand general auxiliary soldiers also set out on the road.

Gu Zhun and Pei Yuanwu from Kuizhou Mansion and Anqing Mansion also actively challenged the battle. Among the cavalry they led, only one general was subordinate to Pei Yuanwu, and they also brought two thousand infantrymen and two thousand generals. There are forty small cannons of Langji.

It was already mid-November when the troops assembled in Ruzhou. After the Qing army’s plan to besiege Luoyang failed, they took Ruzhou City, which was less than [-] miles away from Luoyang. .

The Qing army ransacked Ming Dynasty to imitate the bandits, and refused to leave soldiers and horses to guard the captured cities. In fact, the bandits were the worst. They not only set fire to the city, but also deliberately drove the hungry people who were coerced to demolish the city.

Qing soldiers were more disciplined than rogue bandits. Not only did Emperor Chongde not allow his subordinates to kill without reason, but he also refused to set fire to the city. Deliberately demolishing the city was even more disdainful of time-consuming and laborious things.

Zhao Kun, who was the first to rush to Ruzhou, picked up a big bargain, won a city that could be defended without firing a single shot, and finally felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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