Chapter 682
Zhao Kun was worried along the way, because he was worried that he would be attacked by thousands of Qing cavalry.

At this time, it was a disaster for infantry marching in the wilderness to encounter cavalry with superior strength, and the "Red Banner Army" was no exception.

Because the ground was frozen three feet, it was impossible to dig trenches in a hurry, and hundreds of wheelbarrows filled with food and supplies could not effectively stop the enemy cavalry from charging into the formation.

There were less than [-] infantry, and half of them used cold weapons. With these forces, thousands of Jiannu and Tartar cavalry were fighting in the field. Zhao Kun thought that the possibility of annihilating the entire army was extremely high.

Now that there is a city, there is no need to worry about safety anymore. In fact, even if there is only a city wall behind the cavalry, it can double the defense of the infantry.

Because the formation is backed against the city wall, the infantry formation will not be easily disrupted by the cavalry and crushed to form individual defeats, and it will not be attacked from all sides.

Ruzhou City is located on Wanluo Avenue, with Xiangdeng in the east, Yiluo in the west, Rushui in the south, and Xi'er River in the west.

Ruzhou City is basically a square with a circumference of more than nine li. The city wall is four feet high. There are battlements on the outer edge. medium size.

It's a pity that Ruzhou City was destroyed at the end of Ming Dynasty. Chongzhen was attacked by bandits at the end of the sixth year.

Zhao Kun was prudent in his work, knowing that Henan was plagued by the double scourge of bandits and the Qing army, so he brought a total of [-] wheelbarrows of grain, totaling [-] shi.

A day later, Gu Rushan also led his troops to come, followed by Pei Yuanwu's troops, and Gu Zhun's troops were all infantry, they took a boat down the river to Jingzhou, then came by land, and finally arrived.

It is an iron law that the "Red Banner Army" refuses to be restrained by Ming officials and generals in combat. Zhao Kun didn't expect to get supplies from Daming, so he didn't contact the local officials in Henan, and sent someone to connect with the flag guards.

After completing the assembly and having a city to rely on, Zhao Kun was full of courage. Now he has eleven thousand troops, half of which are regular soldiers.

It's just that the auxiliary soldiers have not all met the standards of the Guards Army, and the equipment is not the standard equipment of the Guards Army. Sixty percent of them use white wax rod spears, and [-]% of the auxiliary soldiers who enjoy the treatment of the Guards Army use self-generated guns.

The banner guard promptly conveyed the news that the main force of the Qing army had crossed the Yellow River to Shanxi. Zhao Kun could finally march on the Great Plains with confidence. The Qing army is not afraid of encounters.

Intelligence showed that the total number of Qing troops escorting supplies was no more than [-] to [-], half of them were traitor cavalry, and most of the rest were Tartar soldiers, Banner Ding, and Yu Ding.

Due to the addition of Gu Rushan's thousand cavalry commanders, Pei Yuanwu's cavalry commander, and Zhao Kun's cavalry commander, the total number of cavalry is close to [-], and they have the ability to counterattack. When encounters occur, they are no longer passive defenses.

The four main generals, Zhao Kun, Gu Rushan, Gu Zhun, and Pei Daneng reached a consensus, and they all vowed to catch up with the rear of the Qing army and tear off a piece of their flesh in order to seize more food.

Because during this period of time, the model of porridge was used to help the hungry people, and a few grain cakes were given to guide the war victims to flee to the riverside, and a thousand and hundreds of shi of grain had been used up.

Thinking that not only Zhao Kun and his family were fighting the rear of the Qing army, but also Lu Xiangsheng, Liu Zhilun, and Fang Zhenghua's more than [-] Ming troops. Their tactic was to attack halfway.

What's wrong with the Yellow River being frozen? Isn't it considered crossing the river by stepping on the ice?
Two to thirty thousand Qing troops escorted 10,000+ Han people and drove a large number of livestock. The carts and wheelbarrows were all loaded with supplies and food.

Lu Xiangsheng proposed to take advantage of the fact that the Ming army was the first to complete the assembly in the north of the Yellow River, timely detect and set up an ambush at the point where the Qing army crossed the river, and when the Qing army stepped on the ice and came to the center of the Yellow River, the whole army launched a general attack.

King Lu Yan didn't give it for nothing, this plan was quite poisonous, and received strong support from Fang Zhenghua, and Liu Zhilun also thought it was feasible and adopted it.

Tang Wang's 2000 troops were also a force. Shi Kunshan was able to participate in the formation of troops presided over by Liu Zhilun and Lu Xiangsheng. After receiving the information, he promptly dispatched banner guards to contact Zhao Kun's troops.

Ever since, when the rear of the Qing army was crossing the Yellow River, it was possible that they would encounter a head-on attack from more than [-] Ming troops on the north bank, and then the team waiting to cross the river on the south bank would be attacked by more than [-] troops led by Zhao Kun, Gu Zhun, etc. The "Red Banner Army" ruthlessly raped and spent, and the consequences were disastrous.

The Qing army in Shanxi lost its fighting spirit, and the four princes reached a consensus, intending to pretend and run away.

The general's slack may not be visible to the grassroots soldiers, but the high-level generals cannot be concealed from it. Rumors abound in Shuozhou and outside the city for a while.

Wu Xiang and his son didn't get a high official and generous salary when Chongde ascended the throne as the emperor, and Wu Xiang was still a first-class general officer because Wu Sangui was not the king of Pingxi. Their father and son didn't even have a last-class baron. mixed up.

This time, their father and son led more than [-] cavalry into Shanxi, and their luck was surprisingly good. They even captured three counties without a fight, and no offensive and defensive battles were carried out, so no troops were lost.

After receiving the order to shrink the defense, the Wu family father and son learned that the "Red Banner Army" had entered Shanxi, and they had mixed feelings about it.

After avoiding the dozens of Gebu Shichaoha who supervised the army, Wu Xiang told his son Wu Sangui:

"Sangui, you will always remember that my Wu family had no choice but to surrender to save my life.

In less than two years at Dongnu's side, as a father, I feel even more that those idiots can't make a difference.

Originally, those beasts who only wield knives and kill innocent people indiscriminately flourished because Daming was too unbearable. Now there are Huang Han and the 'Red Banner Army' Dongnu in Daming will perish sooner or later. "

Wu Sangui looked distressed, and he said depressedly: "Our father and son have already boarded the pirate ship, is there a chance to turn back? Why bother if we knew today?"

Wu Xiang saw his son complaining that he was the master and surrendered, so he was so angry that he slapped his face and shouted: "I don't know what is good or bad. If you didn't raise your hand to surrender when you were a father, you boy would be cut to pieces by Jiannu on the spot. Have a chance to blame Lao Tzu?"

Of course Wu Sangui didn't dare to fight back, but he didn't want to give in, and said stubbornly: "At that time, he was dead, at least he wouldn't be a human being inside and out, and now if he votes for Da Ming again, wouldn't he be a repeated villain who betrayed his former master and abandoned his later master? "

Wu Xiang was so angry that he almost ran away, cursing: "You bastard, repeating a villain is better than a dead man!

Can't you just think in a better way?Do you understand being a father as someone like Guan Erye, who is in Cao Ying and has a heart in Han?

What's more, at that time, not only our father and son died, but also one or two thousand brothers who were loyal to us had to be buried as well.

A decision for the father is equivalent to saving 2000 people, and they will not go to hell if they die! "

(End of this chapter)

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