Chapter 683 Earthshaking
Seeing that Lao Tzu was as thick-skinned as a city wall, and compared himself to Guan Yu, Wu Sangui said helplessly, "Father is right, I will definitely be able to go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss in the future!"

"Damn, once you interrupted me, I couldn't remember what to say."

"What other business do you have? Seeing that Jiannu can't seem to beat the 'Red Banner Army', you want to surrender to Huang Han, right? The key is that he accepts the surrender? Maybe sending him to be stabbed would not make people laugh to death?"

Wu Xiang said unhappily: "Fart, Hei Yunlong, the former deputy general under the command of Dongping Hou Mangui, was defeated and captured and surrendered to become a slave. After two years, he fled back to Daming alone.

The emperor not only let the past go, but also gave him official positions and gifts.

If our father and son turn their backs and defect to Daming at this time, at least we can bring back more than two thousand cavalry.

If you do this, you will be held accountable. I am afraid that in the future, Ming will never be able to instigate any former Ming army generals who surrendered and became slaves. "

Wu Sangui retorted: "Father, you have to figure it out, we are not surrendering to Daming, but surrendering to the general Huang Han who conquered the captives. I am afraid that Daming and the 'Red Banner Army' should be treated differently now, right?
Emperor Ming needs to take the overall situation into consideration, of course he is willing to accept the return of my father and son, but can you guarantee that Huang Han will do the same? "

Wu Xiang laughed loudly and said: "Sangui, my silly son, you are still not experienced in the world! That Huang Han has great ambitions, if he can't even tolerate our father and son, he will not be able to achieve today's achievements!

Weifu reckons that this person will go one step further, why should we surrender to Daming?
To be thrown to Liaodong to fight slaves is still a dead end, and to be thrown to Shanshan and Henan to fight bandits is more ominous than good!We are going to go to the 'Red Banner Army'. "

Wu Sangui wondered: "Father means that Huang Han will stand on his own sooner or later? Is it possible? The Ming Dynasty has been in existence for more than two hundred years, how can it be easily shaken?"

"Hey! My father used to think that the great Ming Dynasty with its hundreds of millions of people would not collapse suddenly, but in the past few years, I have felt a lot about suppressing bandits in the interior.

Sooner or later, the 'Red Banner Army' Anmin Yangbing will soar into the sky. At this time, our father and son will take refuge in it, and it is unknown whether we will be appointed as dukes or marquises in the future! "

"Okay! I'll listen to you! This is indeed a great opportunity to go out of the Qing Dynasty and join the 'Red Banner Army', but what about my family in Jinzhou?"

Wu Xiang was not worried about the safety of his family, because he took Wu Sanfeng, the eldest son of Wu Sangui, who was studying at the Imperial Academy of the Imperial Capital of the Ming Dynasty with him when Wu Sangui surrendered, and his whereabouts are unknown now.

The only ones in Jinzhou’s family are Xuxian Wu Zushi and youngest son Wu Sanfu. Now the elder brother Zu Dashou is the surrendered king of the Qing Dynasty and is still guarding Jinzhou, secretly saving the lives of his sister and nephew. The ability of Zu Dashou, the local snake in Jinzhou, should not be considered too much. Disaster.

Wu Xiang patted his son Wu Sangui on the shoulder and comforted him:
"A real man can't be sloppy in doing things, he should never stop being disturbed by it.

I think that after your uncle surrendered and became a slave, he cheated the then Dajin Khan and the current Emperor Chongde to trust him and fled back to Jinzhou, leaving all the trilogy and two sons behind. What happened?They didn't live well on Jianu's side. "

Wu Sangui said: "One moment and another moment! Uncle is no longer on two boats, he may not be willing to take the risk of offending Emperor Chongde to save people!"

Wu Xiang said: "That's not necessarily the case. Our father and son successfully joined the 'Red Banner Army'. Couldn't your uncle be able to step on two boats again? He will spare no effort.

What's more, if the Qing army loses a lot this time, the situation in Liaodong will undergo earth-shaking changes in the future. Is Huang Han's promise to pacify Liaodong in five years just talking?

Daming naturally became the attacking side, and Jiannu was overwhelmed. How could Emperor Chongde have the energy to kill more than a dozen members of the Wu family at the risk of forcing the Jinzhou Han army? "

After the father and son reached a consensus after some discussions, they immediately contacted the loyal old generals separately. These generals all surrendered and became slaves as a last resort, and their lives were very unhappy.

Now we all know that the seemingly powerful Qing army failed to win even a single battle after encountering the "Red Banner Army", and may be trapped in Shanxi now.

The old master came to contact them to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and join the "Red Banner Army", and these generals happily agreed.

Among these people, there are not many whose families are on the side of Jiannu, many whose families are even in Daming, and some belong to bachelors who can feed the whole family without hunger.

They have admired the "Red Banner Army" for a long time, and they are of course happy to be able to break away from Jiannu and return to Daming to join the "Red Banner Army".

The Qing army began to memorize characters, and the slave chieftain had no luck. He personally led the troops to Ningwu Pass to try to seize the pass.

If the slave chiefs and their troops break through Ningwu Pass, they will be able to join forces with the troops of Shuozhou City that day. By then, the number of troops will exceed 12, and there may be [-] to [-] cavalry.

The "Red Banner Army" finally divided the Qing army into two groups, how could it be possible for them to join forces easily?
Heavy troops sticking to the Great Wall pass on the front line of Ningwuguan is the prerequisite for ensuring the smoothness of the next decisive battle.

Now stationed at Ningwuguan is not only Mengruhu, Wang Zhaokun, but also the Red Banner Army with a thousand infantry commanders, a mixed thousand commanders, two thousand general guards, and forty one-pounder Francois machine guns.

Knowing the importance of Ningwuguan, the fool who rushed to gather fifty miles south of Shuozhou city left Fang Liandong battalion behind, and took away the cavalry Qian Zong and nine field artillery.

Yangfangbao was also guarded by Yang Jian's battalion, which also lacked cavalry Qian Zong and field artillery, plus two Qian Zong guards and several thousand Ming soldiers and civilians.

Hanzi believes that it is enough to defend the city with infantry and forty one-pound Francois machine guns. When attacking the city, it is more efficient to concentrate the 36 three-pound, six-pound, and twelve-pound field guns owned by the Fourth Battalion for salvo.

Tens of thousands of cavalry from the Qing army came all over the mountains and plains, most of them were one-man and two-riders, and Ningwu Pass was full of turmoil.

Others guarding the pass can't stick to it and take advantage of the danger to fight the enemy. Fang Liandong doesn't want to stick to the rules. He thinks that there are enough guards to lure the Mongolian cavalry into the battle to expand the victory.

Two thousand general infantry plus two thousand general guards, minus the men and horses firing cannons at the top of the city, the propaganda team, the military medical officers, etc., the number of people who can hold self-generated blunderbuss and miniguns behind the wall reaches [-]. Two thousand eight hundred.

This has not counted the two cold weapon fighters with a total of 720 people, of which there are 220 four infantry archers.

Fang Liandong confided his plan when Wang Zhaokun gathered to discuss how to deal with the Qing army's siege.

If you defend Ningwuguan, you will be able to make meritorious service and be promoted.Wang Zhaokun didn't want to be troublesome, Ruhu learned from the sentry horse that the slave chief personally led the army, with a total of [-] to [-] troops, and also thought it would be too childish to go out and fight the enemy army, and it was not advisable.

Ningwuguan civil servants and military generals felt that this "Red Banner Army" general was a little arrogant, and they really thought that his subordinates were all possessed by martial gods, and they all sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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