Chapter 684
Fang Liandong is one of the battalion officers of the "Red Banner Army", and his imperial rank is from the second rank Jizhen general, which is two ranks lower than the fierce tiger's rank.

Seeing that Meng Ruhu, the civil servant Wang Zhaokun, and the eunuch Wang Xizhong disagreed that he should kill the enemy in the lower part of Guancheng, he could only patiently explain:
"My lords, I lead the infantry to fight the enemy with their backs against the pass wall, and there is no conflict with you holding on to the pass city.

This officer promises that if the formation is broken by the Qing army, we will fight to the death, and will not ask you to switch and let us enter the city to hide. "

Wang Zhaokun, who hated Jiannu, was determined to follow General Zhenglu to make contributions, so of course he didn't want Fang Liandong to take the risk of going out to kill the enemy.

Seeing that Fang Liandong said that he would rather fight to the death than ask to retreat to Guancheng, he persuaded him:
"General Fang Shen's loyalty and bravery is a model for my generation, but I have heard Zongbing Yang say that the 'Red Banner Army' pays attention to the safety of soldiers and prevents any unnecessary casualties.

This official believes that it is very important to stick to the Ningwu Pass, and it is really unnecessary to go out of the pass to resist the enemy and increase the casualties. "

Meng Ruhu felt that the words of Xunguan Yushi made sense, nodded and said: "As long as you stick to Ningwuguan, you can stop the Qing army from reinforcing Shuozhou City, and you will contribute to the capture of Shuozhou by the general. There's no need to take risks."

Fang Liandong said sincerely: "This official is really targeting the target, and there is no military risk.

At the head of Ningwu Pass, there are forty small Franco cannons brought by my "Red Banner Army", as well as twenty or so large and small cannons that were originally deployed for defense, and more than forty guns. It is so dense that more than half of the gunmen There is no place to stand, so that our army's firepower advantage cannot be fully utilized. "

This is the truth, fierce as a tiger asked: "How will Fang Shen plan to fully demonstrate the superiority of firepower? I would like to hear the details."

Fang Liandong said confidently: "I personally lead the musketeers out of the pass and line up against the city wall. Between [-] and [-] steps away from the pass wall, you can use a wheelbarrow to load sand and gravel, and tie a spear to form a triple obstacle.

In front of the thousands of musketeers is a unicycle array that can block the intrusion of enemy cavalry, and behind it is a solid city wall.

The front of the battle is only two miles wide, so what if the Qing soldiers come tens of thousands?They couldn't rush forward, so they could only choose to attack in batches, dispatching 6000 or [-] people at once to top the sky.

Outside the city, the soldiers of our "Red Banner Army" lined up and fired in three volleys. Together with the firepower of the cannons at the top of the city and the musketeers at the top of the city, they could pour two or three thousand projectiles at one time, enough to form a firepower net.

The Qing army who was tempted to come didn't know why, how many people would be killed on the spot? "

Meng Ruhu understood, he scratched his head and said: "That sounds quite reasonable! The Qing army will definitely not let the Ming army see the Ming army under the wall, and they will rush up to fight in nine out of ten.

There are three rows of wheelbarrows with long guns that are enough to stop the galloping cavalry. When they approached, they were shelled and shot, and I don't know how many corpses they would leave behind. "

Fang Liandong said with a smirk: "All the cavalry in my hands have been concentrated, and now there is only one Baizong scout.

If there is a thousand general cavalry, I will take advantage of the fact that the Qing army was beaten and fled and rushed for three miles to expand the results of the battle. At the very least, I can cut down the injured tartars and Jiannu who can't run fast.

When we discovered that the Qing cavalry was approaching, our cavalry immediately turned around and retreated to the main formation, and then the artillery on the top of the city continued to bombard his mother. I don't know how the Qing army can break this way? "

Meng Ruhu has more than [-] cavalry under his command. At this time, he got excited and quickly discussed with Fang Liandong how to set up the formation, leaving the patrol censor, military supervisor and eunuchs and many civil and military generals aside.

Wang Zhaokun and Wang Xizhong were not angry either. They smiled and listened to Fang Liandong and Meng Ruhu's perfect plan. They felt that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages and they were all moved. They were also eager to kill the enemy.

Even if you succeed in defending Ningwuguan, you will definitely not get the head of the Qing army, but if you use Fang Liandong to abide by the law, you will also be able to miss the heads of Jiannu and Tartars who were killed under the wall.

Ning Wu, Guan Wen and Wu were all persuaded by Fang Liandong, and immediately made intensive preparations.

Emperor Chongde of the Qing Dynasty would never have thought that if people were unlucky to drink cold water, their teeth would get stuck between their teeth. When he led his troops to try to break through the Ningwu Pass, he discovered something strange, and the Ming army guarding the pass came out to fight.

Taking a closer look, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, because he saw those unicycles and gleaming gun heads, saw the red flags waving, and saw three rows of three or four thousand "Red Banner Army" with distinctive armor lining up against the wall.

This was the first time that Nu Chief had seen the "Red Banner Army" in formation with his own eyes, so he couldn't help but use the binoculars to take a closer look. The "Red Banner Army" was issued to all officers, and the scouts basically had one.

But it is still a rarity in the slave building army, the total number does not exceed twenty, and there are only eight in the slave chief's team, and they are all used to watch the formation of Fang Liandong at this time.

The more than [-] cavalry that were as fierce as tigers did not gather outside the Guancheng, but were ready to go in the city, because there were [-] "Red Banner Army" soldiers and the Guards Army in front of them. It was already crowded, and the cavalry had nowhere to stand .

A row of 1000 people is two miles, and the front of Guancheng is built according to the danger, which is more than two miles and one hundred steps.

The Qing army was all-powerful in horseback combat. Seeing that the "Red Banner Army" was in this posture, if they refused to retreat despite difficulties, they would definitely use their housekeeping skills to break through the formation with horseback coordination.

This style of play is that the cavalry quickly approaches, and then dismounts to form an array. The well-trained war horses find their master dismounted and return by themselves.

At this time, the Jiannu armored soldiers were all holding leather shields, and some Ba Yala, who were stronger than ordinary people, even held iron shields. They trotted forward, pushed to Luzhai, Juma and other obstacles, and fought close to the enemy.

Some cavalry will sprint to shoot arrows in circles in front of the enemy formation, throw throwing axes, and throw guns to provide cooperation within their capabilities for Pao Ze, who dismounts and engages the enemy on foot.

The momentum of the two armies meeting is very important. Ever since the old slave's seven great hatreds against the Ming Dynasty, the confrontation with the Ming army has always been awe-inspiring. Where have you seen the Ming army who dared to line up outside the city and calmly faced thousands of troops?

The slave chief was not in a daze, and knew in his heart that if the general of the "Red Banner Army" was not sure, he would definitely not dare to make such a dangerous move.

At this moment, he really hesitated, because he couldn't think of any countermeasures for the Ming army?
Veteran Shu Mulu Yangguli also saw clearly the posture of the Ming army, and he also saw that the master is difficult to make a decision, and the critical moment is the time to be a hero!

He called for battle loudly, his voice was loud enough to be heard by all the civil servants and generals around Chongzhen.

"Your Majesty, I request you to lead your troops to fight the enemy on foot! This battle will not turn back until those arrogant 'Red Banner Army' are killed at Ningwu Pass."

The old general played against each other, and Hong was very satisfied with Yang Guli's attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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