Chapter 685
The Qing army could not watch the Ming army line up and retreat without going to the battle. Doing so would hurt their own morale and boost the morale of the Ming army.

Hongxie agreed to Yangguli's request to fight. When he was in a dilemma, this veteran who had survived many battles was the main attacker, and thousands of Mongolian light cavalry harassed him.

The moment they entered the formation of the Ming army was the time of death for those daring "Red Banner Army".

He encouraged: "My Qing army is invincible in every attack, and Ai Qing must kill all those 'Red Banner Army' who dare to form an army outside the city to provoke our army."

Yang Guli bowed and saluted and said "cha!" Immediately went to select the armored soldiers.

This Qing army has not suffered from the "Red Banner Army" so far. Everyone wants to make a wonderful appearance in front of Emperor Chongde.

Since there were too many people to go, Yang Guli ordered 2000 people to participate in breaking the formation.

The "Red Banner Army" has a well-organized array, and the battalion and officials are standing in the first row with miniguns in their hands, steel shields and his cold weapon, a mountain axe, at their feet.

The "Red Banner Army", which has won many battles and victories, is not afraid of Jiannu and Tartars. The generals, officials, and non-commissioned officers all take the lead in the forefront, which further stimulates everyone's fighting spirit. At this time, everyone is full of fighting spirit!

The Ming army at the top of the city didn't panic at all, that's how people's hearts are. People's "Red Banner Army" has gone to line up outside the city, and I am still trembling at the top of the city, can I be considered a human being?They are also engrossed one by one.

All the soldiers in front of Ningwu Pass and on the wall were waiting silently. The signal for the whole army to fire was Fang Liandong firing the minigun in his hand.

There was no need to worry about misfiring, Fang Liandong still had two self-generating short guns stuck in his waist. Fang Liandong had carefully checked the guns before the battle, and they were all loaded by himself. It is impossible for all three guns to fail to fire.

In order to reduce casualties, all the "Red Banner Army" in the formation wore helmets and armor. The guards were not equipped with iron armor, only cotton armor, iron helmets, and face armor. At this time, everyone can be guaranteed to have iron armor and leather armor.

That is the equipment of the Ming army concentrated in the city, and it is also the warriors who Wang Zhaokun emptied the arsenal of Ningwuguan and went out to fight the Qing army.

Heroism is the most contagious, and the defenders of Ningwu Pass actively cooperated, and even many generals from the fifth rank and above took the initiative to take off their armor and equipment and go out to face the "Red Banner Army".

"Boom..." The ground was trembling, two thousand and eight bannermen and five thousand Tartar light cavalry came galloping on horseback, and the horseshoes trampled on the frozen ground like thunder.

Yang Guli is a fierce general, and when he got close to thirty or forty steps away from the unicycle formation, he calculated the distance. At this time, the Ming army's blunderbuss was already within reach. He resolutely got off his horse and trotted with his shield up. At this time, the soldiers around him They also dismounted one after another.

The 2000 people used their peripheral vision while running to form a line of battle and pressed towards the Ming army formation.

The Tartar light cavalry who coordinated the attack did not dismount. At this time, one by one, skilled in manipulating the horses, ran out of the diagonal line and fired their bows and arrows continuously.

In an instant, the arrows were like flying locusts, and the wheelbarrow immediately seemed to grow thorns, and many light arrows fell into the formation of the Ming army and made a jingling sound.

Fang Liandong, who had been watching the enemy general Yang Guli coldly, was tall and big, with big targets. No fewer than seven or eight feathered arrows fell on him, but he turned a deaf ear to him and stared at Yang Guli with all his attention.

Yang Guli, who was trotting with his shield in hand, estimated the distance. It was only twenty steps away from the Ming army's wheelbarrow formation. Why didn't the Ming army release their guns?It's approaching, only ten steps away, why is the Ming army's formation still so quiet?
Even closer, Yangguli already felt the huge danger approaching, but he didn't turn back when he opened his bow. He went all out and shouted: "It's time to fight the enemy bravely, warriors charge!" The moment when the tomahawk chopped off a spear.

"Boom!" With a crisp sound, Fang Liandong made a shot, the Minigun didn't lose its chain, and the Minigun escaped from the chamber and flew accurately towards Yanguli who was less than thirty steps away from Fangliandong.

The breast shield is so beautiful that Fang Liandong doesn't need to look for Yangguli's vitals to directly aim at the breast shield and fire. What if he wears iron armor on the outside and cotton armor on the inside and has the protection of the heart shield?
At such a close distance, the Minnie bullet went straight into Yanguly's chest, and it seemed that it didn't penetrate and came out from the back.In fact, it penetrated, but you can't see it now.

Because the quality of Yangguli's armor is really one in a thousand, it is extremely strong, and the penetrating Mini bullets did not break the armor leaf on his back.

There was no pain, it just felt like it came too fast. Yang Guli, a veteran executioner who had survived many battles, only had time to look at his blood-spitting chest before he felt that all his strength was gone. Liaodong forest, sea and snow field appeared in front of his eyes. Hopeful wife and children...

Since the Qing army had no experience in fighting with modern firearms troops, it suffered a great loss. The main generals of the two sides actually approached within [-] steps, which was equivalent to face to face.

Jiannu's stupid attack made it a classic example of killing the enemy leader with the first shot fired by the Ming army leader when the two armies faced each other, and it has been talked about by the Han people for many years.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Dozens of large and small cannons roared at the head of Ningwuguan City, and all the shotgun and solid bullets shot into the densely populated enemy army close at hand.

"Pa, pa, pa" followed by "crackling" three-stage volley followed by free shooting. The dense rain of bullets was not all hopeful. Among them, five or six hundred Miniguns were all targeted, and they were simply bullets. Bite the meat.

With such firepower, does the Qing army have a choice?No, there are only two words "crash"!
It's a pity that they were too close to the "Red Banner Army" Mini shooter, and it was impossible to turn around and run 250 steps out of range, and they were shot down one by one.

In the midst of the gunpowder smoke, whistles came one after another. It was Fang Liandong who found out that the enemy army was defeated and there were not many targets in range.

The sound of gunfire on the battlefield began to fade away, and gradually stopped. At this time, I heard the heart-piercing screams of the wounded and surviving Qing soldiers, and also heard the mournful cries of many horses injured by the artillery fire. .

There was another clear whistle, and then dozens of whistles blew one after another, and the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" all understood that this meant that all of them had completed reloading quickly.

Immediately after the sound of the whistle changed, the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" marched forward in formation. Swordsmen and spearmen assassinated the wounded enemy soldiers.

The unicycle array advanced sixty steps and stopped. At this time, the distance from the Guan wall was exactly ninety steps. The gate of Ningwuguan was opened, and more than two thousand cavalry rushed out of the city to line up behind the infantry.

The Ming army made it clear that they will fight back defensively.

The Qing army was defeated miserably. None of the [-] armored soldiers who dismounted and fought on foot could escape the firepower net, and more than [-] of the [-] Tartar light cavalry who cooperated in the attack were hit by artillery fire.

(End of this chapter)

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