Chapter 686 I Need Cannons

The large troops of the Qing army who were arrayed three miles away were shocked and retreated another mile when the Ming army at the head of the city fired a sky-gazing shot.

That's because there are five imitations of Hongyi cannons that can fire eight Ming Dynasty cannonballs at the head of Ningwuguan City. Not accurate but can increase the range.

Five iron balls flew into the cavalry group of the Qing army, bouncing and bouncing on the frozen ground, causing good damage.

More than a dozen war horses in the ranks of the Qing army broke their legs, three unlucky Jiannujia soldiers were killed, and seven or eight were injured.

Although the shells landed far away from Chongde, the civil servants and generals of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were all sweating in shock, and immediately surrounded the emperor and retreated for more than a mile.

At this time, Nu Chief's face turned purple like a pig's liver, and his heart was cold, and the mental blow he suffered was worse than being hit by firepower.

He understands that this doesn't just mean a defeat in an offensive and defensive battle, but that he can see the whole leopard at a glance, which means that the Qing army will encounter such battles in the future.

The ambitious Hongjie had just established the Qing Dynasty and led hundreds of thousands of Jurchens to obtain a large area of ​​territory and a large number of slaves of Koreans, Hans, and Mongols.

He is still working hard, thinking of convincing Daming to recognize the Qing Dynasty first, admitting that his status as emperor is on an equal footing with the emperor of Ming, and then accumulating strength and striving to win the world of Daming.

However, today's situation has caused all the ambitions of the slave chiefs to come to naught. I am afraid that it will never be possible to expand the territory and subdue Ming Dynasty. The next thing to consider is how to guard against the artillery attack of the "Red Banner Army".

"Goddamn 'Red Banner Army' damn Huang Han! Cannons! I need as many cannons as possible! Gunners, I need thousands of good gunners!" The helpless Hong was yelling crazily from the bottom of his heart.

Obviously, the Qing army suffered a disadvantage in today's battle because it didn't have cannons. The hateful "Red Banner Army" knew that our Qing army came from a long-distance attack and must not have brought the Wuzhenchao Ha battalion.

If there were twenty or thirty "God Bless the Great General Cannons" bombarding the "Red Banner Army" array, the veteran Yang Guli would not be killed in vain, and the two thousand armored soldiers would not be defeated like a massacre!

Nu Chief's mind was confused, and the bloody battle of Hunhe that he had personally experienced emerged in his mind. In that most difficult battle, the white pole soldiers and Zhejiang soldiers also used blunderbuss and crossbows to attack from a long distance and beat his father.

Fortunately, the old Khan was determined, so he urgently dispatched the cannons captured from the Ming army, rewarded the captured Ming army gunners, and fired artillery to bombard the Baigan soldiers and the Zhejiang army formations, and finally turned defeat into victory.

All the generals of Manchuria and Mongolia were helpless to see their own defeat, and their faces were ashen. At this time, they were all looking at their master, only to see that his face was red and white for a while, and he was still sweating, and he was still muttering to himself. .

Gradually, I heard clearly, "...Why is there a Huang Han in Ming Dynasty...".

Suddenly, Emperor Chongde uttered a hysterical cry, "I need cannons!" With a bang, he fell off his horse and fainted, with blood flowing all over his face.

The civil servants and military generals of the Qing Dynasty were in a mess, and Du Du quickly issued an order: "Protect Your Majesty, retreat quickly!"

Tulai asked in surprise: "Anping Baylor, what should we do with the bodies of Yang Guli and the two thousand eight banner disciples at this time?"

Doro Rao Yubeile Abatai was really happy to see the eighth brother fainted. The reason is very simple. Ever since the eighth brother became a sweat and even became the emperor, he never waited to see him, the seventh brother, and humiliated him in public many times.

But Abatai thinks that he has made great achievements through hard work, but he only got a Luo Rao. Yu Baylor is not only ranked below the two princes, the fourteenth brother Dorgon and the fifteenth brother Duduo, but also inferior to several brothers and juniors who have been named county kings. Of course, I have a grudge against my eighth brother.

At this time, there is no county king or prince here, and the emperor is dizzy. It stands to reason that it is his turn, the emperor's seventh brother, Doro Rao Yubeile, to lead the army. It would not be the turn of Du Du, the junior, Anping Baylor.

He yelled at Tulai and said, "It's hard to take care of the living at this time, and you are still thinking about taking Yangguli's body. Do you think my Eight Banners have not shed enough blood? Stop talking and retreat quickly!"

In fact, Tulai was just asking questions like a conditioned reflex. He also knew how stupid it would be to rush down the Ming army's muzzle with his flesh and blood. After being reprimanded by Abate, he obediently kept silent.

The Qing army was really knocked out. Seeing that the emperor was dizzy, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and he lost his fighting spirit. It didn't take long for him to leave completely.

Tens of thousands of Qing troops came in aggressively, but they did not get half a bargain at Ningwu Pass, leaving more than [-] dead bodies to retreat. The Ming army at the head of Ningwu Pass saw it helplessly.

They immediately shouted at the top of their lungs, and hugged tightly to Pao Ze, one of the few "Red Banner Army" at the head of the city.

Wang Zhaokun, the inspector censor, and Wang Xizhong, the eunuch of the supervising army, could not help crying bitterly. The Ming army could finally feel proud when confronting Jiannu. This is a historic turning point with milestone significance, and Ming will never be passively beaten again.

At this time, Meng Ruhu had already led the cavalry to follow the Qing army. Fang Liandong had already told him not to chase after him too closely, and not to chase too closely for more than ten or twenty miles to put a little pressure on the Qing army before considering retreating.

As fierce as a tiger, he knew that his [-]-odd cavalry was not enough to fill Jiannu's teeth, and he led his men and horses in pursuit only to show his willingness to fight, and he would not stray too far from the infantry formation.

Knowing that the tens of thousands of Qing troops came here, and that the Manchu emperor personally led the troops, all the military and civilian officials in Ningwu Pass raised their hearts to their throats.

Unexpectedly, it ended in such a comic way. The soldiers and civilians of Ningwu Pass finally broke out in apprehension, and the streets were filled with carnival crowds.

Civilian and military generals such as Wang Zhaokun and Wang Xizhong had the expectation of victory and were very generous. More than a thousand war horses killed outside the city were used by them for general rewards, and even Xiangyong received a catty of horse meat as a tooth sacrifice.

Fang Liandong, who made great contributions, was really happy today. He took out the strong alcohol he carried with the army and shared it with all the Ming soldiers and Xiangyong, ensuring that everyone would drink no less than two taels.

"Shoot when it's time to do it! Don't look back in the water and fire! Destroy Dongnu with wind and fire!..." In Ningwuguan, singing and laughter continued, reeking of alcohol, not only invincible, but also caring and loving for the people" The "Red Banner Army" has taken root in the hearts of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

During this period of time, Wang Zhaokun has been writing good news and experience, but this time is quite different from the past.

He is one of the participants and commanders of this great victory. During the fierce battle outside the city, he has been urging the gunners to fire from the gun position of the Hongyi Cannon at the head of the city. He adjusts the elevation angle and shoots the Qing army's Huanglong Dazhu flag. The direction is his. Ghost idea.

Although he didn't attack the slave chieftain, he scared the enemy back for more than a mile.

(End of this chapter)

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