Chapter 687 Hero Army
It was also because of Wang Zhaokun's active coordination that everyone in the "Red Banner Army" who went out of the customs array was equipped with two layers of armor.

Thanks to the impeccable defense, the casualties of the infantry array are not worth mentioning when they are scattered by the Tazi's feather arrows.

In the end, only a dozen or so unlucky guards were shot into the eyeholes and air holes of their visors by arrows, causing four deaths and nine serious injuries. Most of the other 800 people were slightly injured or slightly injured.

The most casualties were the tiger-like cavalry. When they chased the wounded soldiers, they encountered resistance. Although they finally chopped off more than 150 heads and captured more than [-] wounded horses and returned home, they lost more than [-] people. .

Wang Zhaokun was born as a Jinshi in two rankings, and he is very good at writing articles. He vividly described the battlefield he saw with his own eyes.

When the victory report was delivered to the capital, the military and civilian officials, including the emperor and concubines, were already a bit tired of aesthetics. Even Xiao Kunxing was not as excited as when he just learned of the "Yanmen Pass victory".

Ever since the general who conquered the captives entered Shanxi, there was the "Yanmen Pass Victory", followed by "Yingzhou Victory", followed by "Yangfangbao Victory", "Piantouguan Victory", and now "Ningwu Pass" Great victory.

The "Red Banner Army" has become synonymous with victory, and the soldiers and civilians have great trust in this heroic army!Huang Han's prestige was unprecedented, and "Sifang Express", Sifang Bank and all businesses affiliated to the "Red Banner Army" were booming.

Propaganda is everywhere, and the "Red Flag Daily" keeps publishing articles to spread the word.

Now the soldiers, civilians, and officials of Ming Dynasty all know that buying goods or services related to the "Red Banner Army" is not only getting value-for-money goods, but also making a small contribution to the "Five-Year Ping-Liao".

The hotly discussed "Ningwuguan" victory is completely different from previous victories. The "Red Banner Army" stayed behind to help defend Ningwuguan.

The "Red Banner Army" not only bravely went out to meet the battle, but also won the battle. It is said that the slave chieftain could not bear the failure and fell off the horse on the spot.

As a result, storytellers in restaurants and teahouses have compiled too many versions of stories about slave chiefs falling from horses. There are also many stories about the puppet Emperor Chongde of the Qing Dynasty who was vomiting blood for three times, lost his teeth, and fell into paralysis.

Every time I heard the storyteller telling vividly about the slave chief who fell into a shit, the Han people who listened to the book applauded...

Emperor Chongzhen was excited by the good news that came back continuously. At this time, he didn't think deeply about how to get along with the general Zhenglu in the future.

When the platform played right, the emperor, who was in a good mood, and the excited ministers discussed how to reward the meritorious soldiers, and reached an agreement on the same day, and the imperial edict was issued.

Facing tens of thousands of soldiers led by the slave chieftains, Fang Liandong, the general who dared to line up to resist the enemy, was generously rewarded by the imperial court, and the crown prince Shaobao was promoted to the commander-in-chief of Changping. Upgraded two levels in a row.

Wang Zhaokun, the inspector censor, got two grades of titles and got the fifth rank, and the fierce tiger got the crown prince Shaobao Rongxun...

At the same time, the participating generals of the "Red Banner Army" have been promoted. There are not many who have false titles such as Zuo Dudu, You Dudu, Dudu Tongzhi, Dudu Zhishi, etc. Hanzi, Song Pengfei, Sang Yu, etc. also have a son. There are hundreds of Jinyiwei households.

Chongzhen lamented the abundance of talents under Huang Han's command. An unknown Fang Liandong had never heard of it before, and he dared to go out to fight in front of the main force led by the slave chief himself.

This courage alone should be rewarded. Moreover, in this battle, the "Red Banner Army" also killed Yangguli, a veteran of the puppet Qing Dynasty and held the title of Duke of the country, and wiped out more than [-] elite Jiannu and Tartars.

Even Chongzhen had heard of the name of the old general Yang Guli who built slaves. He knew that he was a famous general in the old slave period.

Unexpectedly, this executioner, who had killed countless soldiers of the Ming army, was actually killed in the hands of a young general named Fang Liandong who had just learned his name today at Ningwu Pass.

In the afternoon, Chongzhen, who had finished instructing a few urgent documents, said with emotion in the imperial study: "How can the general Zhenglu train so many elite soldiers? Why can't the elites of the nine sides of the Ming Dynasty be as good as them?"

Wang Cheng'en said: "Your Majesty, this servant thinks that the biggest reason is that rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and that the generals do not drink soldiers' blood to share joys and sorrows with the robes. This servant has heard Fang Zhenghua tell many times how Duke Liao led his troops in his early years.

The Duke of Liao took the lead in almost every battle, and he didn't pay much attention to food and clothing. During the war, he would barbecue and drink with ordinary soldiers by the bonfire. "

Chongzhen sighed: "Corruption is enough to subjugate the country! It is easy to say that civil servants do not love money, and military officials do not spare their lives, but it is extremely difficult to do. Of course, the general who recruits captives does not want to enjoy the favor and treat the soldiers. Of course, he can win the morale of the army.

It can be seen that the "Five Years of Ping Liao" cannot be a mirror image, and it may be completed ahead of schedule. After the suppression of Dongnu, I will definitely step up efforts to rectify the administration of officials and rejuvenate Daming! "

Seeing that the emperor was happy, Wang Chengen waved his hand to the outside of the imperial study, and after a while, sixteen eunuchs brought four heavy boxes.

The emperor looked at Wang Chengen's confusion and asked, "What good things did my companion bring? It looks very heavy!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the concubine Si Le Chuchu and another concubine Xu Miaoyan of the Great General who had been recruited just now went to the palace to visit the Queen and Queen Yi'an Zhang, and when they learned that His Majesty needed money everywhere, they specially sent the 4 dividends of this year's dividend from the Nightless City in advance. Two silver."

"So that's it. You can figure out how to handle these things. You don't need to bring them here."

"The servant girl is troublesome because all the Huang's sent are new coins, and she is thinking about bringing them here to show His Majesty."

Chongzhen was really interested. When he came to the four big boxes, Wang Chengen opened them one by one, and suddenly the imperial study room was shining with money.

The emperor took out a few gold coins and asked, "Is this the gold coin worth ten thousand wen and ten taels of silver?"

Wang Chengen said: "That's right, there are words on the front and back."

"Well, it's not bad, it's really exquisite, I don't know how fine it is?"

It is true that Huang Han minted coins are about [-]% fine, but they will not be yelled at all over the world. This matter is kept secret, and the novel technology has not been on the market for a long time. At present, no one can accurately judge the amount of gold, silver, and copper contained in it.

"The servant girl can't say it well, and I'm not an expert, but I guess it should be [-]% or [-]%."

The emperor looked at silver dollars, copper plates, and copper coins one by one, and found that although the materials were different, the craftsmanship was exactly the same. The exquisiteness of copper coins was no less than that of gold coins.

He said: "Brother, remember to keep an eye on this matter in the future, and if you find anything wrong with the new currency, report it in time."

Wang Cheng'en said: "The maidservant receives the order!"

Chongzhen thought for a while and said: "It's rare that the concubines of the general who recruited captives are thinking about the queen. I should give them some rewards. How about this? Let Chuchu be promoted to Shanggong rank and give the other concubine Si Le rank!"

(End of this chapter)

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