The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 688 Counterattack across the board

Chapter 688 Counterattack across the board
Wang Cheng'en said happily: "Your Majesty is so kind, the two concubines of the Great General Zhenglu should come to thank you. They happen to be in the Palace of Compassion and Ning at this time. This servant will send them to thank the emperor for his kindness."

After a while, Empress Zhou brought Chu Chu and Xu Miaoyan to thank her, and presented a pair of exquisite pocket watches, saying: "Your Majesty, Chu Chu and Xu Miaoyan have a wonderful gift. They know that they can't face the saint, so they sent it to the concubine."

The technology of the watch factory has been continuously upgraded, and the pocket watches have been finalized and started to be produced, and will be mass-produced soon. Of course, the pocket watches given to the emperor are embellished with gold and precious stones to make them more exquisite.

Giving a big gift to the emperor won't hurt you, and you can make money even if you don't need the emperor's reward, because immediately after the emperor accepts the pocket watch, it will be deliberately hyped up by Chu Chu.

In the future, high-end pocket watches will become the most sought-after gifts from the upper echelons of Ming Dynasty, and huge profits will come naturally.

Chongzhen didn't care much about these things, he looked at them without comment, his eyes could not help but glance at Chu Chu and Xu Miaoyan, and finally stayed for a moment on Xu Miaoyan's face when they met for the first time.

There are so many beauties in the palace, but Xu Miaoyan is not inferior, even the cheeky Chongzhen finds it seductive.

He thought, it turns out that General Zhenglu has a weakness!Yes, young man, and a well-built young man is rarely a lecher!
After thanking them, the emperor did not let them leave, and it seemed that he was going to have a chat with them in front of the queen.

Chu Chu observed the words and expressions and found that the emperor looked good, and seemed to be in a good mood, and said:

"Your Majesty, I have something I would like to ask for instructions, and I will go to Nanzhili Nanjing City to renovate a commercial street like the capital city that never sleeps.

The Huang family also wanted to ask His Majesty to write an inscription and participate in the dividends. I estimated that once the Nanjing Everbright City was put into operation, the annual profit would not be less than that of the Jingshi Everbright City, and it would definitely ensure that the Queen would be able to spend an extra 4 taels of silver each year to subsidize expenses. "

Splendid Jiangnan is the wealthiest place in Ming Dynasty. Of course, Huang Han, who is powerful and powerful, wants to get involved there. The city of Nanjing is not smaller than the capital, and the population is close to one million. It should be one of the best metropolises in the world today.

Last winter, when Huang Han had just been appointed by the Great General Zhenglu and won the dukedom of the Liao Kingdom, he refused to waste the great opportunity to gain power and immediately decided to expand the scope of his business, making the management of Jinxiu Jiangnan a top priority.

Huang Han instructed Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu to carry out this matter, and within a few days they sent Cailian to lead a dozen confidantes and maidservants to buy land by the Qinhuai River.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month of this year, the large-scale construction work in Nanjing began, and now it is the renovation period. Chu Chu is thinking of opening in time for the Spring Festival of the tenth year of Chongzhen.

Liao's salary was far from enough, at least three or four hundred thousand taels of silver a month short, Chongzhen knew it well.

For this reason, Huang Han, who promised to "peace the Liao Dynasty in five years", must spare no effort to raise money and food while stepping up his military training.

It is reasonable for the Huang family to go to Nanjing to invest in a nightless city that makes a lot of money. Seeing that the Huang family is planning to bring the Tianjia dividends, Chongzhen feels a little embarrassed.

Empress Zhou knew that the emperor had a good face, so why would she agree to buy a share with an inscription and receive a bonus in front of her courtier's concubine?laughed:
"I want to ask for a favor, please write your Majesty's inscription, I will use this inscription to buy shares in Nanjing Everbright City to get some dividends, and a lot of money to reward those court ladies and eunuchs who are serious about their work."

With the empress to smooth things over, the embarrassment was avoided, and the five characters "Jinling Never Sleeps" appeared vividly on the paper with a swipe of Chongzhen's pen.

Chu Chu was promoted, and Xu Miaoyan also got the official status. The two were overjoyed, and now they are even more happy to get the emperor's imperial pen. They will rush to Nanjing to participate in the operation, and strive to make the "Jinling Never Sleeping City" also rich in gold and silver.

On the second day of the Great Court Meeting, all civil servants and military generals of the Ming Dynasty heard the good news of the "Ningwuguan Great Victory", and everyone was refreshed.

He Ruchong, the acting Minister of the Ministry of War, is right, talking about making an order for Liu Zhilun, Fang Zhenghua, Lu Xiangsheng, Chen Biqian, Hong Chengchou, Yang Sichang and others to lead a counterattack across the board.

He said: "The great general who conquered the captives won successive battles, my Ming army's morale was greatly boosted, but the slave chieftain was defeated at Ningwu Pass, so far his life and death are unknown.

The veteran asserted that the Dongnu cavalry had lost their fighting spirit at this time, and the veteran suggested that the defenders of the Ming Dynasty should start chasing Jiannu to recover the lost ground, making the enemy army like rats crossing the street.

Doing so will certainly be able to better support the "Red Banner Army", so that the General Zhenglu can annihilate more Dongnu rebels. "

Lien Chan and Lian Jie of the "Red Banner Army" boosted the morale of the people and boosted the confidence of the civil and military generals. The Chief Assistant Wen Tiren immediately said:
"The old minister espouses the Shangshu of the Ministry of War. At this time, the whole army does not need to worry about which troops will be backlashed. The defeat of Dongnu cannot be reversed! Please make an order from the emperor!"

Zheng Guochang came out of the squad and said: "The fact that they have entered Shanxi and won many battles is enough to prove that the 'Red Banner Army' is a strong army that can fight well.

Dong Nu, who had learned the lesson, should be in a constant state of panic at this time. They must be afraid of being blocked by our Ming army and gather in the pass.

The old minister suggested to immediately issue an order to strictly order Lord Hong and Governor Yang of Xuanda to strictly guard against the Great Wall pass. Responsibilities should be assigned to the people. Where Dongnu broke through the pass, the relevant civil servants and generals will be questioned! "

As soon as this statement came out, there was real information, and there was a lot of discussion in the courtroom, He Ru Chong thought about it before leaving the class and said:
"Your Majesty, the old ministers seconded the proposal. The Tartars and Jiannu repeatedly entered the pass to burn, kill and loot. Our Ming Dynasty was devastated, and more than a million families were destroyed?

At this time, Dongnu has essentially fallen into the mainland of Ming Dynasty. If we can take advantage of Dongnu's fear of war, our army can boost morale and deal more damage to him by relying on the multiple passes.

Dongnu, who has suffered heavy losses, will be beaten, and if he wants to break through the barrier and enter and rob my Daming in the future, he will never have the courage again! "

Liu Zongzhou, the left servant of the Ministry of Industry who had just been reactivated, couldn't help but feel excited when he heard the performance of the two cabinet ministers. He thought that seeing Dongnu was about to fail, at this time he should persuade the emperor to be a gentleman and stay away from villains, and said:
"Your Majesty seeks treatment too urgently, uses it too strictly, issues orders too annoyingly, advances and retreats too lightly. All ministers are afraid of crimes and pretend to be wrong, and are unwilling to perform their duties. Therefore, there are people who are not used, and those who are paid but not paid. There are generals who cannot To manage soldiers, soldiers cannot kill thieves.

And every time a villain is compared to a villain in Zhou, the gentleman is different from himself alone.Therefore, since ancient times, there has been a gentleman who is a villain, but there is no one who is better than a gentleman who is a villain.

Your Majesty sincerely wants to advance the gentleman and retire the villain, and decides to deal with the opportunities of chaos and ebb and flow, so he still uses middle officials to participate in the system. ..."

Liu Zongzhou has a great reputation, and he is called two weeks with Huang Daozhou. In fact, these two people can only do learning, and in later generations they are only scholars who are suitable for studying party history and theory.

(End of this chapter)

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