Chapter 689 Rage

People like Huang Daozhou, Liu Zongzhou, Shi Kefa, and Ni Yuanlu are modest and gentlemen, and they are all iron-framed officials who are willing to die for the country.

But they are suitable for living in a peaceful and prosperous age. In the troubled times of the late Ming Dynasty, using such people as officials would actually harm the country and the people.

Seeing that Liu Zongzhou played right out of class, and hearing a lot of unnutritious words, Chongzhen's forehead was full of black lines.

Seeing that Liu Zongzhou had strayed off topic, Zheng Guochang interrupted in time: "Your Majesty, the border crossings are raging with flames, and the mountains and Shaanxi and Henan are full of hunger. At this time, maintaining stability is the main priority. To make the world rule, we must destroy the Dongnu and wipe out the rogues so that the people will not starve." Just die.

The minister suggested that His Majesty immediately issue a strict order to Master Hong and Lord Yang to guard the side wall and cooperate with the 'Red Banner Army' to expand the results of the battle. "

Even Huang Daozhou felt that the remonstrance of his friend Liu Zongzhou was inappropriate at this time, so he went out of the class in time and said: "Your Majesty, the minister seconded the proposal, and the gentleman still repays the grievances directly. The Eastern slaves slaughtered countless officials, soldiers and civilians of our Ming Dynasty. At this time, the Ming army should fight bravely. Kill many slaves for revenge!"

Wen Tiren said: "Da Ming has been tortured by Jian Nu for a long time, it's time for him to be ashamed, and I implore His Majesty to issue an order to counterattack across the board!"

Immediately afterwards, all the cabinet ministers agreed, and then the courtiers were unanimous. They all asked the emperor to order all the Ming army to launch a counterattack to recover the lost land and rescue the trapped soldiers and civilians.

The emperor followed good example and ordered Yang Sichang, Liu Zhilun, Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou, Chen Biqian and others to wait for the opportunity to attack.

The counterattack had become a conclusion, and the ministers changed the topic to discuss the memorial to the general who conquered the captives sent by Zheng Zhihui himself. There are two main contents.

First, the emperor asked the emperor to issue a decree to urge Yang Sichang, governor of Xuanda, to strengthen the blockade of the border wall of Xuanda, and ordered Hong Chengchou, the trilateral commander, to strictly guard against the border wall of Yansui Town, so as to prevent the desperate Qing army from breaking through the defense zone and escaping.

The second one is a bit tricky. General Zhenglu preliminarily estimates that the number of refugees waiting to be fed will reach as many as 500 million.

The imperial court is required to raise relief food as soon as possible, and organize officials to prepare seeds, livestock and farm tools for next year's spring plowing, otherwise the great famine that broke out in Shanxi after defeating the Qing army will face the tragic scene of changing sons to eat.

The Ming family has a lot of big things to do, and after eliminating the military disaster, it has to deal with natural disasters and food shortages. Fortunately, the land of Gyeonggi can be squeezed out of 60 million shi of grain to support Shanxi, but it is undoubtedly facing millions of hungry people. It's a drop in the bucket!
At this moment Chongzhen began to grow dizzy again, feeling extremely irritable.He asked the ministers how to solve the imminent food problem?But the ministers looked at each other and no one had a good plan.

Unexpectedly, the ignorant Liu Zongzhou came out to play the right one again, talking about the faults of the emperor's personal affairs, he must get rid of his cleverness, use the virtuous alone cautiously, teach the world to correct people's hearts, respect Confucianism and respect Taoism, and only then can he save the decline from danger.

The furious Chongzhen couldn't bear it anymore, and relegated Liu Zongzhou to a commoner on the spot and drove him back to his hometown.

When millions of starving people are waiting to be fed, Liu Zongzhou has no good plan, talking about morality, can a gentleman be food?He deserved to be dismissed from office and returned to his hometown!This kind of person is not at all material for an official.

Seeing that the ministers had nothing to do, the emperor asked the civil servants and generals to donate money and food to help the victims in Shanshan and Henan get through the crisis.

Wen Tiren, Zheng Guochang, He Ruchong, Cheng Guoxiang, He Fengsheng, etc. took the lead in pledging donations. Wen Tiren's family was not too rich and bit their teeth to pledge 800 taels of silver.

In the end, Cheng Guoxiang, Minister of the Household Department, brought together a dozen officials of the Household Department. The emperor will get a total of more than 10,000 taels of silver from the ministers for alms. Yu bought grain in the south of the Yangtze River.

Liu Zhilun and Lu Xiangsheng were already on the attack. It didn't matter whether the emperor issued an imperial edict for the whole army to wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

After Yang Sichang received the imperial decree, he felt like he was on his back. As soon as he arrived at Renxuan University, there was a lot of war, and he didn't have time to rectify the troops and build a side wall to build a defense system. The current defense zone is only to hold on to a few cities.

The Great Wall in the Xuanda Defense Zone is nearly a thousand miles away, and there are dozens of passes that Jiannu can attack. No matter how it is arranged, it will not be enough for tens of thousands of Jiannu to attack a little bit, Yang Sichang knows it well.

He still adopted the strategy of sticking to the city and stood still. As for whether the Qing army came to declare the big defense area to break out of the customs, it could only depend on God's will.

The inland Ming army was transferred, which greatly reduced the pressure on the rogues, and because of the absence of the natural enemy Sun Chuanting, Gao Yingxiang, the leader of the alliance, was still alive, and the armored cavalry accumulated by Gao Yingxiang's tribe reached seven or eight thousand.

After several years of fighting with the government and the army, the fighting power of the rogues has risen sharply. Last year, after killing Cao Wenzhao and the one or two thousand former Guanning cavalry, the rogues' self-confidence is completely different.

The rogues either advanced or retreated in the Shangluo Mountains to play hide-and-seek with the Ming army led by Cao Bianjiao, Wu Zimian, Zuo Guangxian and more than a dozen generals, guerrillas, and Dusi, dragging down tens of thousands of Ming troops. It was dragged down, dragged down and complained...

It didn't take long for Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Lao Huihui and other big leaders who were good at fleeing to break free from the encirclement formed by the Ming army and broke into Shaanxi again. They led their troops to the vicinity of Xi'an.

There are rumors that Gao Yingxiang intends to take Xi'an and establish himself as the King of Qin. For this reason, the Xi'an defenders are highly nervous. The troops under Huang Weizheng and Han Zhikuan are the main force guarding Xi'an, and the total number of troops does not exceed [-].

This is still the result of the support from the "Red Flag Grain Bank" and the "Sifang Bank".

Shaanxi is the hardest-hit area of ​​natural disasters and military disasters. The rogues and the officers and soldiers repeatedly fought back and forth. The surviving common people could not complete production and save themselves. The food price was sky-high. .

There are many "Red Banner Army" industries in Xi'an Jiancheng, and there are two generals Huang Weizheng and Han Zhikuan who have a deep relationship with the generals who conquered the captives. Assisting in the defense of this city is an important task of the Shaanxi Military Intelligence Department.

Many officers and soldiers under the command of Generals Huang and Han were developed into banner guards. This was less than 5000 people. Because they could buy food at a limited price at the "Red Flag Food Shop", they did not go hungry.

A hundred or so grassroots military officers and good soldiers were the flag guards or the subjects of the flag guard inspections. The spiritual outlook of this less than 5000 troops was completely different from that of the Ming army in the mainland.

Hong Chengchou was worried that the rogues would really capture Xi'an and capture or kill the King Qin of the Ming Dynasty, so he dared not neglect, and urgently ordered Cao Bianjiao, Zuo Guangxian and others to lead the troops to Xi'an to drive away the rogues.

Tune Wu Zimian, You Shiwei and other generals to lead the troops to Yansui Town. Yu He Renlong and other generals joined forces. Yingbao, Yulin, Yuhe, and Qingpingbao on the middle road.

(End of this chapter)

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