Chapter 690

During this period of time, the news of the "Red Banner Army"'s successive battles and victories spread throughout Shanshan, Shaanxi and all over the country through the Daming Mansion Newspaper and the "Red Flag Daily".

The newspaper "Red Flag Daily" issued by the "Red Flag Army" has richer content. Many educated young people in the army actively contributed articles, and they wrote vividly about the battles they experienced.

Huang Han didn't think about making profits by selling newspapers. An eight-page "Red Flag Daily" only bought ten coins, which was one copper plate. reported" so expensive.

Ten cents for a newspaper is only enough for the cost of paper, printing, and circulation, and it cannot even earn back the manuscript fee and labor. Therefore, there are one and a half pages of advertisements in the eight-page newspaper.

Now the advertising business has not yet made any money, and they are all promoting the products of the "Red Flag Army" system. It is estimated that it will not be long before the merchants of the Ming Dynasty will see the "Red Flag Daily" sell well, and they will feel the benefits of advertising in newspapers. benefit.

When the awareness of advertising is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it is impossible for the "Red Flag Daily" to need subsidies to keep publishing.

Many storytellers in restaurants and teahouses have an additional content, reading newspapers and reading "Red Flag Daily". Due to the rich content of newspapers and a sense of the times, the audience is increasing, and the circulation of newspapers is increasing day by day.

When Xu Miaoru was sorting out the documents for her husband, she accidentally discovered the manuscript "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" written by Huang Han based on his memory two years ago. After reading it, the little girl was deeply attracted by the story.

In order to be able to adapt to the background of the Ming Dynasty, Huang Han emphasized the protagonist's loyalty to the country and the famous clan, and expanded his pen and ink to describe the deep suffering brought to the Han people by the occupation of the alien race and the colonization of the colorful world of the Han people.

Xu Miaoru asked for permission from Huang Han, and at the end of November in the ninth year of Chongzhen, she published a series of long martial arts novels in the "Red Flag Daily", which attracted tens of thousands of readers, making it hard to find a newspaper in the capital for a while.

The writing style of the new novel has influenced a generation. Too many officials, scholars, and even scholar-bureaucrats began to hate the stereotypes and formatting, and the more easy-to-understand vernacular narrative style gradually became popular.

Newspaper readers in restaurants and teahouses not only told the storytelling standards of the serialized martial arts novels, but also told the news about the victory of the "Red Banner Army".

There are so many generals in the Ming Dynasty, and too many people envy the "Red Banner Army" as one of the best. He Renlong, You Shiwei, You Shilu, Wu Zimian, Hou Shilu, etc. all know that the Qing army has declined, and the slave chieftains do not know whether they are alive or dead. It is time to beat the dog in the water.

They also want to block the side wall of Yansui Town and block the Qing army!After Hong Chengchou gave the order, they actively arranged it, and organized cavalry for this purpose in order to get some beheadings.

On the third day of December, Huang Han finally led the "Red Banner Army" to launch an offensive. At this time, there were [-] cavalry in his hands, but more than [-] were newly recruited Ming troops, and their combat effectiveness and discipline were worrying.

The "Red Banner Army" did not have the habit of driving friendly troops to be cannon fodder when fighting. The vanguard and main attacking troops were all strong.

Therefore, the people who launched the attack were still direct descendants of the "Red Banner Army".It's just that four battalions of infantry were missing due to the need for defense, and the total number of ten guards was over [-].

The Qing army entrenched in Shuozhou City and the over 40 coerced Han people occupy too large an area, and Huang Han was not so arrogant that he wanted to encircle and annihilate them.

After all, the Qing army here can gather no less than [-] cavalry, and there should be more than [-] banners and coats with some combat effectiveness.

If the "Red Banner Army" adopts the tactics of siege on all sides, the number of troops in each direction is only about 5000, which is a little thinner.

Dorgon is not an ordinary person either. He chose to concentrate tens of thousands of troops to break through. Not only will the big net of encirclement and annihilation be torn apart, but the "Red Banner Army" will also cause a lot of casualties.

In order to be on the safe side, and also to avoid too much loss, and to prevent hundreds of thousands of Han people from harming Chiyu during the melee, Huang Han personally led more than [-] "Red Banner Army" soldiers and about [-] guards to push Shuozhou City.

Dorgon, Duoduo, Wakda and other Qing army generals led their troops to fight, and the armies of both sides met at a place called Shibalipu in the south of Shuozhou City.

The tactics of the flat-push "Red Banner Army" are simple. A huge army formation is approaching at a constant speed of ten miles per hour. The one-pound Furlong machine gun has been loaded. Once it needs to fire and stop, it can fire without slowing down. Hit in three stages with the self-generated gun.

The cold-armed infantry who marched in formation unsheathed their bows and knives, and the hot-armed infantry all installed bayonets, and all the gun chambers were loaded with lead bullets.

The "Red Banner Army" cavalry is still divided into left and right wings. The left wing is led by Hanzi, and the right wing is in charge of Yang Danian. Their task is to hold the army's position and wait for the artillery fire to ravage the Qing army before launching a cavalry group charge.

All the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" are ready. The troops of Ming Dynasty and Jiannu are about the same. The decisive battle of 10,000+ people is about to break out. Who will be the winner will be announced soon.

Generals such as Dorgon, Duoduo, and Wakda have been using binoculars to observe the advancing array of the "Red Banner Army". At this time, they are not afraid, because the cavalry of the Ming army is only [-]% fast and cannot speed up.

The Qing army was all cavalry. Because they had plundered too many cities in Daming and captured too many, most of the regular soldiers now had two horses, and their mobility was obviously stronger than that of the "Red Banner Army".

Under normal circumstances, an army with strong mobility can gain the dominance of the battlefield, and the party with the mobility has the final say on whether to fight or not.

If it hadn't been for the capture of more than half of what the Qing army had amassed in the past six months in Shuozhou, Dorgon would have given the order to retreat a long time ago, and he would have gathered the cavalry on the way to retreat and choose favorable terrain to fight the pursuers.

Now riding a tiger and having to face a decisive battle, Dorgon really has no idea, even Duoduo, who has always been arrogant, chose to remain silent at this time.

Seeing that Prince Rui and Prince Yu didn't express their views, Wakda, who had already assembled three thousand Red Banner troops, had nothing to do, so he could only ask for orders to organize a tentative attack.

Wakda is also forced to be a rogue. If Shuozhou City was lost without going through a fierce battle, the first person responsible is undoubtedly him, and he is very likely to be questioned and beheaded.

At this time, if you want to or don't want to, you have to go all out and do your best, so don't think about it to preserve Zhenghongqi's strength. It is impossible for Liangbaiqi's two uncles and princes who are younger than him to use their direct lineage to lead the battle.

Wakda knew that Uncle Fourteenth and Uncle Fifteenth intended to preserve the troops of the Two White Banners. When they came to Shuozhou City, they let the 2000 troops of the Two White Banners under his command return to the construction.

After the model of sending 1000 troops from each banner was destroyed by Dorgon, Wakda also concentrated the [-] Red Banner troops he could organize. In fact, he also believed that it would be more convenient to command the brothers of the banner, and the Eight Banners would have seven or eight thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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