Chapter 691 Exploded

Wakda was unhappy, knowing that the next battle would be difficult to fight, and there was nothing he could do. Who let him do such a bad thing as guarding Shuozhou City?Now I have to bite the bullet and go head-to-head with the "Red Banner Army".

He used Zhenghongqi's 3000 troops as the main force, and drove [-] Mongolian light cavalry from the outer domain, plus more than [-] Han cavalry from Wu Xiang and his son, to form the first wave of more than [-] cavalry.

Wakda is not stupid, and he knows to take it easy. He personally led the Zhenghongqi lineup to press the formation, and ordered Wu Xiang and his son to lead more than [-] Han cavalry to take the lead in attacking the "Red Banner Army" that was approaching with an array several miles wide.

It is common for Jiannu to force the Han army to take the lead, because in the eyes of Jiannu, the Han army is just slaves, the best cannon fodder, no matter how many Han people die.

Wu Xiang and his son had already decided to join the battle, so when they learned that General Zhenglu led the main force to set up camp [-] miles south of Shuozhou City, they took the risk of sending their confidant Wu Houlu to try to contact them.

Wu Houlu is a clever and quick-witted son of the family. He was very happy to learn that the family master planned to return to Daming, and swore that even if he was caught by Jiannu, he would not be able to betray the seller.

To be on the safe side, Wu Xiang was worried that Wu Houlu would be intercepted by Jiannu sentry horses and searched for physical evidence that he didn't even write a personal letter.How to gain the trust of the "Red Banner Army" if you steal from the master and cannot provide convincing proof?
Wu Houlu was lucky enough to avoid the Jiannu sentry horse, and when he found the "Red Banner Army" scouts, he showed up and surrendered to enter the camp. Then he asked to see the General Zhenglu, saying that he was on a mission.

Huang Han manages hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, how can a soldier be able to see what he wants?
As a last resort, Wu Houlu revealed that there was a Qing army unit intending to defect to the "Red Banner Army" and he was the contact person.

Fortunately, the town governor who was in charge of screening worked hard, and immediately asked for instructions without turning a deaf ear. Finally, Wu Houlu saw Gu Kui and Gu Jixiang who came to find out.

Knowing that the two officers who came this time were the personal guards of General Zhenglu, Wu Houlu had no choice but to tell the story of Patriarch Wu Xiang's plan to lead more than [-] Han cavalry to defect.

This is a big matter, and Gu Jixiang and Gu Kui couldn't judge the authenticity, so they immediately reported it to the Patriarch.

Wu Xiang did not betray Daming in history, but his reputation is too bad, he is a long-legged general who is used to abandoning his allies and fleeing.

His concubine Wu Sangui was a rebellious boy who betrayed the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. He even hanged Emperor Yongli of the Southern Ming Dynasty with a bowstring to show his loyalty to Jiannu.

At the critical moment of life and death, the father and son chose to surrender to the thriving "Red Banner Army", which is highly credible.

After listening to Gu Jixiang and Gu Kui's narration, Huang Han immediately asked them to bring Wu Houlu to see him, and after listening to Wu Houlu tell the whole story with his own ears, he gave instructions on the spot.

The "Red Banner Army" welcomes Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui to return to the Ming Dynasty anytime and anywhere. The past is never to be blamed, and rewards will be awarded according to the merits.

Wu Houlu was overjoyed and kowtowed after fulfilling the great trust of the patriarch. He swore that the Han army under the patriarch's command would not be willing to be slaves who built slaves.

Gu Jixiang and Gu Kui made an agreement with Wu Houlu that on the day Wu Xiang's troops would tie a red ribbon on their left arms on the day of rebellion, they would send him back to the Qing army-controlled area outside Shuozhou City.

Since he didn't bring any tokens, Wu Houlu went back very calmly, and he was able to deal with the interrogation and search of the ambush army twice. When he met the Patriarch, he explained clearly the general's reply.

To be on the safe side, Wu Xiang sent someone to talk empty words, and when he learned that the General Zhenglu had chosen to believe in Daxie, the father and son secretly contacted the confidant general, and the traitorous cavalry suddenly surged undercurrents.

When Wakda ordered Wu Xiang to lead more than [-] Han troops to lead the battle, Wu Xiang, his father and son, and dozens of generals who had contacted the defection were all secretly thankful that they had made a wise decision.

They thought that if more than 2000 people really crashed into the tens of thousands of "Red Banner Army" troops with tens of thousands of bird guns, there might not be many people who could survive. The dog thief looks good!

The "Red Banner Army" started fighting, and Jiannu ordered the Han soldiers to rush to the battle to die. If we don't fight back immediately, when will we wait?

More than [-] Han troops rode horses and galloped closer to the advancing "Red Banner Army" less than two miles away. They stepped out of the arc and prepared to turn around. A small half of them took out the red ribbons in their arms and put them on their left arms.

Dozens of Jian slaves in the warlord's team thought that the Han army was avoiding the battle, and just as they were about to suppress it, they found something was wrong.

Wu Sangui personally led the family team to attack Jiannu, and shouted: "Brothers, kill slaves! It's time to return to Ming Dynasty!" With a knife, a Jiannu's head flew up, and a gust of blood rushed...

Too many Han troops broke out, yelling: "You want us to die! No way! You bastard! Kill..."

"Slave killing and returning to Ming Dynasty, we are no longer traitors who have forgotten our ancestors. Brothers are fighting with Jiannu and Tartars!..."

After all, the defection cannot be made public. It is impossible for the more than [-] Han troops to be notified. Only the guards, confidant generals, and some soldiers with credible loyalty knew what to do in advance.

At this time, Wu Sangui hacked to death a warlord's slave vest and yelled. All the Han soldiers knew that the Patriarch was going to lead everyone to surrender to the "Red Banner Army".

The Han army who hadn't been notified didn't know that the chief general intended to turn against him. When Jiannu ordered to take the lead in the battle, his heart was ashamed. Chasing and yelling to cut Jiannu and kill Tartars.

Wu Sangui was not a coward. He knew that defection would deal an incomparable blow to the Qing army. He wanted to get more decapitation and return to Ming Dynasty so as not to be ignored, so he led his troops around and turned back to rampage among the Tartar cavalry of the second echelon.

This is also the reason why Wu Sangui has a high military quality. He sees the formation of the "Red Banner Army" advancing slowly, how can he lead his subordinates close to the formation?

When the army advances in formation, all possibilities of disrupting the formation will be ruled out, and there is a high possibility that Wu Sangui will be attacked if he leads more than [-] people close.

Therefore, Wu Sangui's choice to disrupt the formation of the Qing army can be regarded as a surrender to the general Zhenglu!

Sun Yuanhua, who was waiting for the Qing army to approach and beat them all over the place, saw the dramatic scene and was so angry that it was obvious that a melee was about to happen.

Too many officers used binoculars to see the situation clearly, and all the officers above the commander-in-chief knew that Wu Xiang, the former commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, had sent someone to contact him with the intention of defecting. Of course, the Tartars rushed to believe in the sincerity of Wu Xiang and his son's surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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