Chapter 692 Flying Army

The foreign vassals who were forced to fight had no loyalty to Jiannu, and Jiannu had no affection for them, and even if they led them to rob Daming, they had to collect more than half of the confiscation as a tribute.

These Mongols will increase their loyalty if they follow Jiannu to reap benefits. If there is no benefit, they may lose their lives at any time. These people will choose to flee without hesitation. .

The five thousand foreign vassals were forced to launch the charge reluctantly due to the tyranny of the slaves. Everyone was very passive and kept jogging to delay the time. They all wanted to see the effect of the Han army's charge.

If the Han army breaks in, they will speed up to participate in the cover-up and expand the results of the battle, and share some credit.

If the Han army was beaten to death, the Tartars would take a diagonal line to avoid the "Red Banner Army" formation, flee eastward and leave the battlefield quickly, and then gallop northward until they fled back to their hometown.

What surprised the Tartars was that the Han army did not attack the "Red Banner Army" and turned around to attack their ranks.

These Tartars also belonged to the cannon fodder driven by Jiannu, knowing that the Han army was defecting in battle.

The Mongols were not optimistic about today's battle at first, and now they are even more optimistic. Seeing that the Han army launched a countercharge, none of the Tartars were willing to go all out, and they all chose to leave.

The changes happened too fast, and the Wakda tribe, who was leading three thousand red flag trots behind, had no time to react. In a blink of an eye, the Mongolian light cavalry who found that the situation was not good and turned around and fled broke into chaos.

The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" advancing in formation divided into left and right wings and kept jogging all the time. Huang Han was overjoyed to see Wu Xiang's rebellion as promised, and took the lead in leading the rebels to charge the Tartars.

The Chinese army issued a semaphore and issued an order for the cavalry to raid, and the [-] "Red Banner Army" cavalry immediately rushed forward.

The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" who formed a wall like a wall all pulled down their armor to look even more ruthless. The steel torrent formed by 2 horses was full of aura, which made Dorgon and Duoduo, who were watching from the back, feel depressed.

They have been watching the battle situation closely with binoculars, and they have no confidence in winning this battle. Seeing that the situation is so bad, they are willing to waste time, no matter what Wakda said, they immediately issued an order for the entire army to retreat north.

The Dorgon brothers actually had the strength to fight against the "Red Banner Army" cavalry, but they knew that even if the cavalry won, they could not prevent Shuozhou City from being captured by the "Red Banner Army" infantry. In the end, the Qing Army ended in failure.

They refused to consume their direct descendants just to fight off part of the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" and chose to avoid the battle.

The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" began to charge, the infantry fell behind, and the artillery could not bombard it. Huang Han was really worried that Dorgon would fight bloody battles with the cavalry regardless of gains or losses. defeat.

The cost of training a self-born musketeer is limited, half a year is enough, and the cavalry who can train combat skills no less than the Tartars can't become an army without three to five years of hard work.

Losing too many cavalry in Shanxi, the next series of battles to fight for North Korea and pacify Liaodong will turn into defeating the Qing army, making it difficult to inflict mass destruction.

It was obvious that the Qing army did not want to fight and began to flee. The "Red Banner Army" was destined to fight another cheap battle. It was foreseeable that the losses would be small and the gains would be big. Huang Han, the main force of the Eight Banners, didn't even think about it.

The cavalry wanted to run away, and tens of thousands of well-trained Jiannu and Tartar cavalry began to flee. Without motorized troops and machine guns, it was unrealistic to chase and intercept with [-] to [-] cavalry.

At this time, Huang Han suddenly thought of the Air Force. Aircraft cannot be produced in this era, but hot air balloons can be developed and produced!After accumulating experience, you can even study airships.

Using fierce fire oil as fuel, I opened my own golden fingers to make a burner that can adjust the size of the flame, and trained a "flying army" that can use hot air balloons to launch combat. The blow must be no small matter.

What's more, the "flying army" in the sky can observe a radius of [-] miles with binoculars. In the vast prairie, the field of vision is wider. The enemy's cavalry group will be discovered by one's own side early, and the "flying army" can communicate to the ground troops through semaphore specific location.

The "Red Banner Army" cavalry is almost equivalent to having clairvoyance, and can always be the first to spot the enemy's tracks. Even if the number of troops is not dominant, they can attack accurately, so that they can maintain an absolute superiority in local wars.

When facing a dangerous pass, the "flying army" can use the wind force and direction to cross the pass and reach the enemy's rear. Many houses are thatched cottages.

Fire seeds fell from the sky, as well as fierce fire oil to support the combustion. The fire will happen overnight. How do the backward Jiannu and Tartars deal with the blow from the sky?

Song Pengfei served as the deputy commander-in-chief of this battle. Seeing that the commander-in-chief seemed to be distracted, he didn't know what to think about, so he coughed and said:
"General, the Qing army did not want to fight a decisive battle with our army and chose to withdraw. The officer thinks that ordering the cavalry to chase after their buttocks and kill them for a while is the best result. Please instruct!"

Huang Han came back to his senses and said with a smile: "The Qing army is actually more afraid of death, this result is expected.

Our first task is to rescue hundreds of thousands of Han people from seizing food and supplies in Shuozhou City. As long as we can do this, we will win a complete victory. As for how many enemies we can kill, let's do our best! "

Fang Jingcheng, the eunuch of the supervising army, was also fully clothed. He clasped his fists on the horse, and respectfully asked for instructions: "General, I implore you to allow our family to hunt and kill Jiannu. Our family has been watching. It's really itchy."

Seeing that the victory of the Ming army was a foregone conclusion, Zheng Zhihui was very excited. Seeing that the kung fu eunuch Fang Jingcheng was going to fight the enemy, he said, "General, it is rare for us eunuchs to have such a hero as Eunuch Fang, so let him go!"

At this time, Huang Han had thought about developing the "flying army" and was in a good mood. He told Fang Jingcheng, "Be careful, you must not die in battle, otherwise I will not be able to explain to the emperor and Fang Zhenghua!"

Fang Jingcheng laughed and said: "Our family will not die easily, and our family will follow the general to conquer Liaodong and kill them to establish slaves, subjugate the country and exterminate the species! Let's go!"

At this time, the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" no longer formed a formation like a wall, but formed many battle formations, chasing and intercepting them separately. ride.

Although Huang Han also wanted to ride a horse to exercise his muscles, he found that Song Pengfei, Zheng Zhihui, Liang Tingdong and other civil and military officers had been staring at him, knowing that there was no such possibility.

He knew that now that he was in a position of high authority, not to mention fighting personally, he couldn't even kill the enemy with a minigun. It was impossible for the personal guard camp to tolerate the enemy being so close to the Patriarch. In the future, he was doomed to watch his subordinates kill the enemy from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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