Chapter 693 Fighting the Invaders

It is rare to see a big battle involving 10,000+ troops, which is a great opportunity for real military training. Huang Han ordered all the personal guards of the Guards Battalion to attack.

Not all of the more than [-] personal guards were cavalry capable of riding and fighting. More than half of the youths who had just graduated could only reach the level of riding a horse and dismounting to fight. The same goes for people.

Gu Kui, Yan Congyou and the other four personal guards who followed the head of the family for [-] and Ge Daben, they were able to master more than [-] characters because of Huang Yi's stick-style education, and now they have finally been taken care of and become serious military officers. .

Gu Kui and Yan Congyou are now the general manager of the guard camp, He Yongqing and Lei Mingchun are the general manager, and Ge Daben is the general manager.

Gu Jixiang and Yang Xiaochui, the two personal guards trained by Huang Han for two or three years, were not released to serve at the grassroots level, and now they are also the chief officers of the Guards Battalion.

The officers of the Guards Battalion and Gu Jixiang all knew to keep the eight juniors including Huang Ang, Li Zhien, Shi Xian safe, and would do everything they could to keep them out of danger during the fight.

It is not easy for the ancient army to retreat from the battlefield where the two armies are facing each other. Dorgon and Duoduo can only guarantee that the two white flags can retreat completely, and the others can only depend on their own luck.

Dorgon didn't think about the safety of those bannermen and coat slaves at all.

Horqin Mongolia's retreat was very fast. Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili led 6000 troops and even beat the two white flags.

The "Red Banner Army" was not so good as to try to kill [-] to [-] cavalrymen of the Qing army at one time. It would be a worthwhile trip to eat up the seven or eight thousand cavalrymen in front of them. In order to enter Shuozhou City earlier, the infantry began to trot.

The camp outside Shuozhou City was in chaos. It was when the banner guards discovered that the Qing army was beginning to flee, and saw many bannermen and coated slaves preparing to take gold, silver and treasures on their horses and flee decisively.

All of a sudden, the shouts of "Kill the slaves! Kill the Tartars!" were earth-shattering, and many banner men who were riding horses running in the messy camp were suddenly jumped up and down by the Han people who jumped out of their horses, and they were beaten into shapeless...

Many Han people pulled a strong rope to intercept the fleeing bannermen. The Han people did not have long-range weapons, but they prepared a lot of stones and bricks. Many bannermen were smashed beyond recognition by the stones and bricks.

Not only the thousands of Han people who had contacted in advance and refused to be slaves did it, but almost all the Han people who still had physical strength attacked the invaders, even women were no exception.

Wu Sangui has been suffocated to death in the past two years, and today he can finally feel proud. He has a clear goal and intends to kill Wakda.

Wakda is the grandson of the old slave, and the fourth son of Daishan, Prince of Heshuoli. Since his older brothers are all dead and will inherit the position of Zhenghong Banner owner, he is usually domineering. Keda is inferior to a dog in his eyes.

Wu Xiang and his son were the only Han army unit that assisted in the defense of Shuozhou City, and they were fed up with Wakda's restraint in the past few months.

Food supplies piled up like a mountain in Shuozhou City, but Wu Sangui was often made things difficult when he asked for supplies, and he was humiliated by Wakda many times during the period.

At this time, he led the family team to go straight to the position where the [-] Zhenghong Flag Jiannu was located and shouted: "Gusun Wakeda, I am here to kill you! Brothers, it's time to avenge your shame, kill the slaves!"

Wakda suffered a great loss. He didn't expect that the two uncles behind him were already ready to escape, and even intended to lead his troops into the battle, because there was going to be a cavalry duel, and the Eight Banners, who were skilled in bow and horse, had no reason to be afraid.

He believed that [-] regular red flag cavalry were not afraid of facing double Ming cavalry, so he did not choose to flee.

Seeing the rebellious Han army charging in his direction, and seeing the tall and handsome Wu Sangui taking the lead, Wakda, who was itching with hatred, chose to hedge.

He shouted angrily: "Boys, kill all the rebellious Han dogs, and follow Ben Beizi to dismember Wu Sangui!"

In an instant, 5000 men and horses collided with sparks. The sparks were not only the flames of the three-eyed guns of the Han army, but also the sparks that burst out when the swords and axes of the two armies collided.

Zhenghongqi's combat effectiveness is indeed stronger than that of Wu Sangui and his son. Wu Sangui was too optimistic and wanted to beat the dog in the water but failed, and encountered a hard stubble.

This is a cavalry duel with cold weapons as the mainstay. Wu Sangui led the armored servants and Wakda's personal soldiers fought hand-to-hand.

Seeing that the cavalry of the Han army was about to be unable to hold on, Tie Liu, the "Red Banner Army", came to kill, but before the troops arrived, the crackling sound of the guns began to continue, and the Qing army immediately planted two or three hundred.

Realizing that the situation was not good, and feeling that the firearms of the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" were too poisonous, the Red Banner men and horses were immediately discouraged, couldn't hold back immediately, and began to flee in defeat.

Hanzi, Sang Yu, Yang Danian, Zhang Yang and other generals of the "Red Banner Army" were all so angry that the battle they were looking forward to had ended, how would they let Jiannu in front of them go?
One by one, they were chasing horses like flying horses. Amidst the uninterrupted sound of gunfire and the noise of people shouting and neighing, Jiannu fell off their horses one after another...

At this time, the Han army who had defected could no longer find the main general Wu Sangui. Wu Xiang, who was far away from the fighting scene, rushed to look for his son when he found out that the Qing army had fled.

The confrontation of the cavalry with cold weapons was particularly tragic. No one could guarantee that they would not fall off their horses and die under trampling. Wakda and Wu Sangui collided with their elites.

At this time, the cavalry who were killing each other had no time to deal with the fallen robes, they were all dealing with the incoming knives and axes, flying arrows, hatchets, iron bones, and thrown spears...

Wang Zhicheng did not change his madness during the battle. He smashed the heads of five or six Jiannu and Tartars with a knife and stick. Kill two Qing soldiers.

With the expectation of being promoted again, Shi Lang fought more and more courageously, and suddenly heard shouts behind him like a wave, and thousands of teenagers in fifteen or sixteen years old rushed forward.

Everyone recognizes the banner of the Patriarch's Guards Battalion "Red Banner Army". The most passionate fighters are fifteen or sixteen-year-old academic boys. Under the political education of Han nationalism, everyone has a sense of national honor.

Shi Lang unexpectedly found his fellow brother Shi Xian galloping on horseback among the cavalry. He lifted up his visor and raised two heads of the Qing army and shouted loudly: "Brothers of the Guards Battalion, work harder and try to cut down a few Qing soldiers." The military head is an officer!"

Shi Xian saw clearly that the cavalry corporal who was covered in blood and had two levels of gains was actually his elder brother. He felt infinitely honored, but he could not leave the team without authorization at this moment, so he could only shout: "Brother, you are doing well! I respect you Proud!"

(End of this chapter)

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