Chapter 697

Ah Shan found out that the Ming army intercepting in front was not under the banner of "Red Banner Army" and sneered again and again. He said with a strange smile:
"It seems that the Ming army was emboldened by the 'Red Banner Army''s successive defeats by our Qing army! They dared to intercept our tens of thousands of troops in the wild."

Duo Jili said: "Good time, I am worried that there are too few horses to spare, and at least two or three thousand horses can be captured in this battle." He said to the soldiers around him: "Send an order to form an array, and all the horses will be ready for battle." Keep your horse speed and be careful not to slip."

Ashan said: "Master Duojili, the generals of the Ming army who blocked them have some methods, and their troops just blocked the only way for our army to go ashore. If we can't leave the river from here, we have to continue forward for more than [-] li. There will be a section of embankment slope that can meet that.”

Duo Jili said nonchalantly: "The Ming army believes that our army will come back like an arrow, so they will not be willing to fight to find advantages. If we don't teach them a lesson, even if we give up going ashore from here and go forward for another [-] miles, the result will still be the same. Facing these Ming troops."

Ah Shan said: "Does anyone in our army dare to stroke the tiger's beard? I don't believe it anymore. With the Huang Han in the Ming Kingdom, is it true that all the troops have been reborn? I will beat them back to their original form in this battle!"

During the conversation, the Qing army's more than [-] cavalry had already formed their formation, and Duo Jili waved his tiger gun and shouted loudly: "Boys, charge up, kill all the Ming troops in front of you and seize the horses!"

Ah Shan roared: "Brothers, kill them fiercely, and kill the Ming army to the point of fear, lest they always keep haunting eyes on our Qing army."

The formation of the Qing army immediately erupted into bursts of shouts, and most of the cavalry were speeding up. Zu Dabi and Zu Dacheng saw that the Ming army intercepting in front was not the old enemy "Red Banner Army", and they boldly led thousands of soldiers forward.

At this time, Zu Kuan, Zu Keyong, and Xu Changyong did not accelerate at all, and the more than 2000 people they directly led gradually fell behind.

Seeing the cavalry of the Qing army rushing into the formation, the Ming army immediately fired guns and guns, and the three-two-weight lead bullets in the raised guns also shot out of their chests. Dozens of hundreds of boxes and hundreds of tigers rushed together, and all swarms of bees sprayed out. Hundreds of riders were planted.

It's a pity that you can only do one round of firearms such as lifting the gun and Baihu Qiben. The reason for lifting the gun is that the barrel is too long and the reloading speed is slow, and Baihu Qibun and so on are all one-time use.

Just as the vehicle was busy loading guns, Liu Zhilun waved the banner of the Chinese army, and the cavalry on the left and right flanks led by Hu Dawei, Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, Liu Quan, Sun Yingyuan, Liu He, Li Chongzhen and other generals began to follow The Qing army hedged, and the infantry trotted forward in formation.

The civil servants and military generals of the Ming army in the middle army did not sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, because Lu Xiangsheng, an alternative civil servant, was at this time leading the family team to charge, wielding a machete of more than [-] kilograms in his helmet and armour.

36 years old is a great age for a man, the talented Lu Xiang has great lift, and at this time his blood is surging and he is full of pride in fighting for the country.

The eunuch Fang Zhenghua, who is different from others, smiled strangely and galloped on horseback. The three martial artist eunuchs Fang Jinggong, Fang Jingzhong and Fang Jingyong were chasing after him.

Liu Zhilun, Minister of the Ministry of War, does not know how to ride and fight, so he rolled up his sleeves and beat the drums vigorously to strengthen the army.

The civil servants and eunuchs were so fierce, and the generals such as Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, Hu Dawei, Li Chongzhen, etc. who were eager to make meritorious service were even more willing to spare their lives, and they all took the lead in rushing forward.

Master Guan spared no effort to charge himself. Heroism infected all the grassroots soldiers of the Ming army. It's not quite accurate to describe it with morale like a rainbow.

Lu Xiangsheng was full of energy, and his high-pitched shouts came from far away: "Heroes! It's time to be loyal to the country, and follow the governor to kill slaves!"

Fang Zhenghua's voice was very harsh, and he said with a strange smile: "Hahaha, I made a lot of money today, there are countless gold and silver treasures at Jiannu, and my sons rushed up to snatch his mother with my supervisor! Kill!"

The two high-ranking officials were as reckless as crazy, and the soldiers went crazy. The Ming army and the Qing army, which had more than double the strength, collided with each other. The roar of "Kill the slaves!" was earth-shattering...

The Ming army was weaker in combat effectiveness but had a numerical advantage and momentum, and it was inextricably fighting with the Qing army for a while.

At this time, the three Zu Kuan led their subordinates to turn against each other. Because it was difficult to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves, they were worried that they would be killed by the Ming army and did not join the melee.

Instead, he tied a strip of white cloth on his left arm, turned back and rushed into the team escorting the Han people and supplies to kill the bannermen and the coated slaves. Everyone shouted:

"Han brothers kill the Tartars and Jiannu to avenge their revenge!"

When fighting ahead, I was afraid that the backyard would catch fire. Seeing that the Qing army gradually gained the upper hand due to the fact that the Ming army did not have many cavalry, suddenly the shouts of killing behind them were earth-shattering, causing too many Qing troops to understand why.

At the same time, Zhao Kun, Gu Rushan and others led the "Red Banner Army" to attack from behind the Qing army.

The "Red Banner Army" had even fewer cavalry. In order to form a breakthrough, the artillery moved closer and opened fire. After emptying three guns, they immediately moved forward, and stopped to bombard when they found that an enemy cavalry had entered the range.

The sudden sound of gunfire behind the Qing army gave the Ming army and the Han people greater confidence, and the scuffle scene was in full swing.

First, part of the Han army defected and rushed into the middle of the Qing army, causing the team to fall into chaos. Then the rear was raided again, and they saw seemingly endless red on the south bank of the Yellow River, and heard the familiar sound of gunfire from far to near.

Ah Shan was shocked and said: "The 'Red Banner Army' is the 'Red Banner Army'! What happened? Why are there so many 'Red Banner Army' troops in Henan?"

Duo Jili disappointed and said: "It's over, it's over, this battle has no chance of winning, Mr. Ah Shan, we have to make a choice."

Faced with the enemy, and found the red flag fluttering, the Qing army could not support it, and some Tazi soldiers began to flee.

Zu Dabi, Zu Dacheng and other traitor generals saw that the situation was over, they didn't dare to fight and led their troops to break through to the west. Fan Wencheng led eight servants to follow the Han army and rushed out.

Ah Shan let out a long sigh: "Lord Duojili, I listen to you, give the order to evacuate, the emperor asks the crime, I will bear it with you."

Seeing that the Mongols and Han people were unwilling to fight to the death, Duo Jili knew that it was hopeless, so he had to convey the order for the whole army to break through. He and Ashan led the elite of the Eight Banners to rush westward along the river.

The Ming army was not originally arranged for encirclement and annihilation tactics, and no encirclement circle was formed.

Liu Zhilun and others also thought that they couldn't surround so many Qing troops, and found that the Qing troops didn't chase after them when they fled, but tried their best to kill the unlucky ghosts who were one step behind.

The 1000 Han cavalry, in addition to Zu Kuan's [-] men and horses, chose to surrender, and more than [-] people voluntarily surrendered. The slave died.

The Ming army achieved brilliant results. It not only seized a large amount of supplies, but also captured more than 10,000 people and livestock. It also beheaded more than 4000 bannermen and coated slaves, and about [-] traitors knelt down and surrendered.

(End of this chapter)

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