Chapter 698

Liu Zhilun, Lu Xiangsheng, and Fang Zhenghua's attack plan was successful, and because a part of the "Red Banner Army" suddenly broke out, the result was better than expected.

The rear of the Qing army was completely ruined. It lost a small half of its men and horses, plus more than [-]% of its banner men and coat servants. The carts and large animals were completely lost.

The "Red Banner Army" attacked swiftly, and the Qing army found that they were intercepted by the enemy and had no intention of fighting. Zhao Kun, Gu Zhun, etc. achieved a lot of gains and a large number of seizures with very few casualties.

The 2000 men of the king of Tang were not empty-handed, and they got [-] levels of gains. Among them, there were more than [-] Tartar soldiers, more than [-] slaves, and more than [-] horses were captured.

The Ming army received a large amount of food and supplies, thousands of pairs of leather armor, iron armor, and more than 80 taels of silver, each of which was extremely excited.

Excited, Liu Zhilun wrote a victory report on the spot and dispatched Kung Fu eunuch Fang Jingyong to bring a few people to the capital to report the victory. He knew that the emperor cared about their troops very much, and wanted to let the emperor share the joy of the Qing army's victory as soon as possible.

Fang Zhenghua also handed Fang Jingyong the two captured Qing army Jialaezhen banners, and asked him to shout the victory all the way, trying to let as many soldiers and civilians as possible know that the Ming army had won the "Yellow River Victory".

After the good news was conveyed to the capital, Chongzhen was really happy. He was even happier than learning that the "Red Banner Army" had defeated the main force of the slave chieftains at Ningwu Pass.

The Ming Dynasty needed a strong army, but the soldiers who dared to fight were concentrated under the command of the general who conquered the prisoners, which made Chongzhen restless.

Now it has been proved by actual combat that Fang Zhenghua and Liu Zhilun's soldiers also have the demeanor of a strong army, and they will receive key support in the future.

Although Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong army can fight, but this person is not clear with Tang Wang, so he can't make great use of it!

Chongzhen was already thinking about taking back Lu Xiangsheng's military power, and secretly surrendered him and threw him far to the south to be a second-rank envoy who did not lead the army.

Liu Zhilun's memorabilia stated the roles played by Zu Kuan, Zu Keyong, and Xu Changyong, who had rebelled before the battle, in this "Yellow River Victory", and asked for credit for them.

Emperor Chongzhen made a high-profile statement that as long as the former civil servants and military generals of the Ming Dynasty who surrendered and became slaves chose to return to the Ming Dynasty and forget the past, he not only did not pursue the crimes of Zu Kuan and others, but also gave the chief officer and lieutenant general a lot of treatment and rewards.

Although Wu Sangui was seriously injured and could no longer serve the army from now on, grasping the principle of fairness in rewards and punishments is clearly the foundation of the "Red Banner Army".

The "Red Banner Army" town governor, after on-site research and searching for the parties to verify, determined that Wu Sangui's defeat of Wakda should have won the first victory in the "Shuozhou Great Victory".

After the victory report was delivered to the capital, the heroes of the "Shuozhou Great Victory" were promoted to rank, and Wu Sangui was awarded the honor of Prince Taibao and Yin Yizi Jinyiwei Qianhu by Chongzhen.

It's just that I don't know if Wu Sangui, who was seriously injured and lost a leg and may be paraplegic, can give birth to a son?
But Wu Xiang was very happy. Although Wu Sangui was brave, he was a concubine. The eldest son Wu Sanfeng and the third son Wu Sanfu were the descendants.

He has already received news that the eldest son who lost contact was originally detained in Zhao Prison, but now he has been released by the emperor's decree, and he will come to Shanxi to visit his second brother soon.

It is impossible for the emperor to waste the world that the emperor gave Wu Sangui. Even if Wu Sangui has no children in the future, he can adopt the son of his eldest brother or third brother, who is also an honor of the Wu family.

Half of Wu Sangui's troops were lost, and more than 500 were injured. It is estimated that half of them will be disabled, and there are only more than [-] people who are still capable of fighting.

Without Wu Sangui leading the troops, Wu Xiang, who thought he was too young and physically weak, simply didn't want to be a general. He handed over all the troops to the General Zhenglu for reorganization, and he didn't even keep most of the servants. Only Wu Houlu and other four families were by his side. have children.

The imperial court restored the treatment of Wu Xiang as a military officer in Liaodong. The imperial decree did not specify how to arrange the actual shortage, nor did it require Wu Xiang to go to Beijing.

This commander-in-chief, who is used to running away in battle, would be ridiculous if he stayed in the "Red Banner Army" to lead the battle. Huang Han arranged for Wu Xiang to manage the logistics, and then let him participate in the review of Shanxi merchants.

Wu Xiang has been doing business for many years and has rich experience and many skills.

With this old fox assisting the educated youth of the "Red Banner Army" to play Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu and other eight imperial merchants, it is a perfect match.

This is really in line with the saying "Garbage is resources in the wrong place!" As long as Wu Xiang is not allowed to fight, he can still do other things with his IQ and ability to adapt to the wind.

It is relatively easy for the imperial court to reward civil servants and military generals. Most of the main meritorious personnel are from the "Red Banner Army". You only need to give a lot of false titles, and you don't need to think about how to give them actual awards.

It's just that how to deal with the king of Tang is more difficult, because Lu Xiangsheng's memorabilia clearly stated that the king of Tang not only put on his helmet and armor and rode a horse to participate in the fight, but also beheaded a first-level tartar.

How easy is it to kill the enemy with the fighting power of Tang Wang?However, with the cooperation of dozens of selected strong men led by Banner Guard Shi Kunshan, a besieged Tartar bumped into Tang Wang who was wielding a waist knife.

It was the first time he had the experience of beheading the enemy, and the king of Tang was so excited that he cut off the head of the Tartar himself and brought it to Liu Zhilun, Lu Xiangsheng and others to praise him.

Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua had nothing to do with this unreliable Tang king. They couldn't compare him to his status, so they couldn't order him to return to the Nanyang fiefdom immediately, so they had to write a secret note to ask the emperor for instructions.

Banner Guards had secretly reported to Huang Han what King Tang had done. It was Huang Han's instruction to support King Tang. He was not preparing to support another Zhu family emperor, but to put a little pressure on Emperor Chongzhen.

In the future, the game between Huang Han and Chongzhen will continue. Chongzhen has been emperor for nearly ten years, and the country has gone from bad to worse, and the people have no means of living. This is enough to show that he is incompetent.

There are countless examples of unqualified emperors being kicked out of power without a change of dynasty. As long as the powerful ministers help a prince, it is not difficult for Chongzhen to lose the throne.

In the early years, Emperor Wanli was controlled by Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, the queen mother Li, and the eunuch Feng Bao, the chief eunuch of the ceremonial supervisor.

In the future, Huang Han used means to let the self-willed Chongzhen discover the possibility of being abolished. It is estimated that he will know how to compromise.

This kind of thing is not impossible in Ming Dynasty. In the orthodox 14th year of civil fort change, Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen Beizheng Wala buried hundreds of thousands of Ming troops. As a result, he was captured by the enemy and the capital was besieged.

Power minister Yu Qian actually abandoned Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen, united with other ministers to invite the Empress Dowager to make King Zhu Qiyu the emperor, and actively organized the defense of the capital.

Later, it became even more dramatic. Zhu Qizhen, the deposed Ming Yingzong, not only returned to the capital with his whole beard, but also turned himself over and became the emperor again. Yu Qian's fate would definitely not be good.

A lesson from the past, Huang Han can't learn from Yue Fei, can't emulate Yu Qian, and can't follow Zhang Juzheng's path of no return.

(End of this chapter)

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