The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 699 Don't forget the original intention

Chapter 699 Don't forget the original intention
One's own destiny can only be dominated by oneself, not by others.

A modern person does not have the foolish loyalty that the emperor makes the ministers die. If the emperor and prince of the Zhu family did not have the Huang Han, they would almost be killed by the bandits and slaves.

If they didn't know how to advance and retreat, Huang Han would not feel guilty for adopting a series of methods. At least Huang Han would not be so mad that he would definitely kill Chongzhen's family and Zhu family's princes.

Besides, Chongzhen had an inescapable responsibility for the demise of the Ming Dynasty. During his 17 years in power, he killed seven governors, eleven governors, replaced fifty cabinet members, nineteen chief ministers of the cabinet, and eleven ministers of punishment. Fourteen Ministers of the Ministry of War.

The important officials of the imperial court are constantly rotating like a revolving lantern. How to maintain the continuity of the political program?
From ancient times to the present, as long as the government and units that often change the main person in charge are overstaffed, who can do things with peace of mind when everyone is in danger?
What's more, Chongzhen also set a record for the emperors of all dynasties to kill the big officials in the frontier, which made it common practice to speculate on the holy will, made the ministers tremble, and made them afraid to do things because they were afraid that things would not be done well. Therefore, Chongzhen got the reputation of being the most diligent.

The reason is very simple. While he is worried about the ministers doing things, the ministers are also afraid to perform their duties because they are worried that the emperor will be dissatisfied.

Working under such an emperor, Huang Han would definitely die if he didn't seek self-protection. At most, after his death, because the state affairs were worse, the regretful Emperor Chongzhen would give Zhaoxue and posthumous title.

Huang Han is familiar with the history of the late Ming Dynasty. Zu Dashou and Zuo Liangyu, two representative warlords, were able to live well under Chongzhen and become the generals of the Ming Dynasty.

Even Wu Sangui was able to sneak into Pingxibo, and in his hands he had a large number of troops supported by the exhausted blood of the Ming Dynasty. When the Ming Dynasty was in danger, he deliberately stayed in Shanhaiguan to sit and watch the three-party game between the Ming Dynasty, the fake Dashun, and the Manchu Qing. slave side.

Now Huang Han's "Red Banner Army" is strong and strong, and its strength is far greater than that of Zuo Liangyu and Wu Sangui in the 17th year of Chongzhen.

"The "Red Banner Army" was deliberately ambiguous with a talented and courageous king of Tang, and the pressure on Chongzhen was evident.

The victory of the Yellow River blockade made the Ming army rejoice, and Liu Zhilun dispatched [-] miles to report the results to Hong Chengchou in time, trying to motivate the Ming army deployed in Yansui Town to intercept the fleeing Qing army.

Liu Zhilun was overjoyed to learn that the few seed troops left behind by General Zhenglu who entered the interior to suppress bandits three years ago had taken root and sprouted, and now they have grown to be able to actively attack tens of thousands of Qing troops.

He received Zhao Kun, Gu Zhun, Gu Rushan, Pei Yuanwu and dozens of generals, and stated on the spot that he would truthfully report their achievements and ask the court for rewards for them.

Zhao Kun's senior generals were all part of Chongzhen's three-year-old team following Huang Han, and they were also old acquaintances with Liu Zhilun. Liu Zhilun invited them to join forces and continue to pursue the remnants of the enemy westward, Zhao Kun readily agreed.

Although there were a lot of defeated Qing soldiers and horses, they were exhausted. Of course, the reason was that there was no spare horse to transfer, and they had to dismount and walk frequently to restore their strength.

There is another situation that is even worse. Without exception, the Qing army always carried gold, silver, treasures and valuables with them as much as possible, and they did not carry much food and horse feed.

There were still nearly [-] miles to flee, and the Qing army had to collect food locally to meet their survival needs. Unfortunately, even if the people in this area had surplus food, it was not easy to satisfy the [-] to [-] Qing soldiers.

Therefore, even if all the fleeing Qing troops had horses, they would not be able to speed up. The naughty Liu Zhilun started a big deception in order to motivate the soldiers to chase after the Qing army with the same drive that they could not die in the three years of Chongzhen.

At that time, Liu Zhilun only had a group of rotten soldiers like beggars, but after listening to Huang Han's description of how much gold and silver treasures there were in Zunhua City, he guaranteed that everyone who captured Zunhua City could get no less than 30 taels of silver.

More than [-] dead soldiers ran more than a hundred miles a day with their legs at a super fast speed, and dozens of people died of exhaustion on the road.

Following Huang Han's example, Liu Zhilun analyzed to the officers and men that on average, the value of gold and silver treasures carried by a fleeing Qing army would not be less than 200 taels of silver, plus a war horse and a suit of armor.
The escaped Qing army is conservatively estimated to be between [-] and [-], which means that there may be several million taels of silver there, depending on how much everyone can intercept.

Liu Zhilun stated in a high-profile statement that he only needs to keep a small half of the captured gains from chasing and killing the Qing army and hand them over to the court, and the rest will be counted as rewards to the soldiers.

Fang Zhenghua is a minister of the emperor, and he also endorsed Liu Zhilun's promise. He made a high-profile statement that as long as he can attack and kill more Qing troops, the emperor will give generous rewards to the soldiers who fought bravely. Not only will he be rewarded with gold and silver, but he will also be promoted .

Tens of thousands of Ming troops settled accounts. If a Xiaoqi brother catches up with a Qing army and seizes horses and snatches gold and silver, everyone will be able to share ten or twenty taels of silver.

If you get the decapitation skill, you can not only get silver rewards, but also be promoted to a higher level.

Today's Qing army is no longer "invincible." In the Yellow River blockade, the Ming army has already attacked the Qing army with a number of [-] to [-] and won.

The Ming army, whose self-confidence has been restored, is excited. Coupled with the fact that they have seized a large amount of food, everyone is full and motivated, and they are all advancing.

Of course, the "Red Banner Army" led by Zhao Kun and Gu Zhun outran the Ming army, and the [-] wheelbarrows carried by the army were full of food and supplies.

The "Red Banner Army" never forgets its original aspiration. While killing the enemy, it does not forget to give porridge to relieve the hungry people. It will spread the word along the way, calling on the common people not to be thieves, and if they can't survive, they can find the "Red Banner Army".

It is impossible for the defeated Qing army to take the frozen Yellow River all the time, because it is simply unrealistic. The Yellow River has a huge drop. As long as there is a waterfall that reaches or exceeds a height of one foot and freezes into an ice wall, it will be announced. The road is blocked.

Both Ah Shan and Fan Wencheng knew that they had to lead their troops to march away from the Yellow River, and they found a place where they could go ashore in Jiyuan County, Huaiqing Prefecture.

More than [-] Qing troops fled all the way and robbed all the way. During this period, some horses and horses fell behind. At first, it was because the horses were injured by the artillery fire of the Ming army. Gradually, those who were too hungry and tired fell behind.

The chasing Ming army captured and seized every day, although sometimes only a few levels, dozens of levels rarely killed hundreds of enemies.

But the gold and silver treasures found from the Qing army are enough to prove that Liu Zhilun's words are reliable. Every Qing army carried a lot of property with him, and the value was really no less than 200 taels of silver.

Killing a Qing army can have such a big harvest and inspired all the Ming army cavalry. Every day there will be small-scale chases, and there are many lonely heroes in the Ming army.

(End of this chapter)

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