Chapter 700
The Ming army, who felt that promotion and fortune were close at hand, pursued and fought fiercely, even if they were backlashed by the Qing army, they were willing to fight desperately, even if they fought to the last person.

Therefore, more than once, a Ming army led more than a dozen war horses, carrying several levels of Qing army heads, and the horses returned to the team crying with several robes captured and killed in battle.

The Ming army was chasing after them, and it seemed that they were getting more and more courageous as they fought. Some Qing soldiers of Chinese nationality figured out that they were ready to surrender and could not do it, because the Ming soldiers who were red-eyed saw the Qing army and did not answer. They directly killed people and seized horses. , Grab property.

The "Winged Tiger" department has been guerrilla-building slaves in Shanxi, and it has been quite fruitful in half a year. Relying on the mountains, they attacked many scattered Tartars and slaves who were looting, captured more than [-] war horses, and captured more than [-].

Zhao Shisan is the head of the Shanxi Military Intelligence Department, and his flag guards have long heard of the Ming army's big move, and also know that Zhao Kun, Gu Zhun and other "Red Banner Army" who stayed in the interior have organized to participate in the attack and kill the Qing army.

Jin Minghu, Zhao Shisan, etc. will not lead this bandit armed force to mix with the Ming army. After discussing, they decided to wait for the main force of the Ming army led by Liu Zhilun and Lu Xiangsheng to fight the Qing army, and lead the selected 4000 troops. It is cheaper to choose a favorable terrain to ambush the Qing army.

The "Winged Tigers" moved to the junction of the three major mountain systems of Taihang, Taiyue, and Zhongtiao, lurking in a mountain depression fifty miles away from Liqinshui County.

Here is the official road from Zezhou to Pingyang Mansion, most of which are mountain roads, which are not conducive to cavalry galloping and are suitable for infantry assault.

Bandits, as the name suggests, have roamed the mountains for many years, and they are handy in mountain warfare.

On the ideal mountainous battlefield, the cavalry of the Qing army could not exert their advantages, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, which could just make up for the huge gap in combat skills between some "winged tiger" troops and the Qing army.

Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan personally led their subordinates to set up the preset battlefield, and one or two thousand nearby mountain people also came to help with the work. The hard work of the "Winged Tigers" was not in vain. Five or six hundred Qing troops fell into the ambush circle .

That was when Jin Minghu used a telescope to climb up to observe, and after letting go of three batches of scouts and large troops who built slaves, he activated the mode of closing the door and beating dogs, preparing to intercept some of the Qing army's rear troops.

A large number of falling rocks and rolling logs, which took more than ten days to prepare in advance, rolled down the hillside, smashing to death on the spot more than [-] Qing troops who were passing by and blocking the road.

The Qing soldiers and horses who had passed through the ambush area had no tools, and were helpless in the face of the landslide-like blockage.

Due to the narrow working area, only dozens of people can be dispatched to clear the road at one time. Even if the Qing army has about [-] troops, it will not help. If the cavalry can lead the horses to pass, it is impossible to do it without half a day of uninterrupted transportation. .

After successfully separating the Qing army, the "winged tiger" department did not need to worry about being at a disadvantage in numbers, and three to four thousand people attacked the five or six hundred Qing troops that were intercepted.

Knowing that the Qing army, which had already entered the dead end, was of course stubbornly resisting, the quality of the Qing army's rear troops was excellent. It was because the veterans made a lot of efforts to reduce losses and prevent the Han army from escaping or surrendering, and personally led the elite troops to break the rear.

Therefore, among the Qing soldiers intercepted by Jin Minghu, Zhao Shisan, etc., most of them were soldiers from the Eight Banners. Among them, there were more than [-] white armor soldiers, and there was not a single Han army.

The "Winged Tiger" department suffers from the lack of a one-pounder Fron cannon, and there are only ten miniguns. Most gunners use bird guns, and there are less than two hundred self-generating guns.

It wasn't that Huang Han was reluctant to give the equipment, but he was worried that the puppies would be in vain if they completed the task of killing Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and other big fish heads because they were so bizarrely equipped that they didn't look like bandits or bandits.

There is no doubt that the quality of bandits' armed forces is not high, and their equipment is not comparable to that of the "Red Banner Army" Guards Army, but what they are facing may be the king of cold weapons in the world today.

Therefore, although the ambush was completed in this battle, it was still very difficult. Fortunately, Zhao Shisan and Jin Minghu had accumulated a lot of wealth in the past few years. There were 2000 people under their command with armor, and more than a thousand of them had a combination of iron armor and cotton armor.

Of course, the best equipment of the "Winged Tiger" department is the elite of these pupas. These men live up to expectations and are not afraid of death.

Fortunately, it was fighting in the mountains, and they couldn't run on horseback. Jiannu and Tartars were also forced to dismount and fight on foot, and their combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

Jin Minghu took the lead, and his generals Qi Yuguo, Zhang Shouzhong, Deng Linqiao, etc. also marched forward bravely. Zhao Shisan saw that the Qing army was fighting tenaciously, and his elite kept falling.

Because time waits for no one, if the Qing army blocked in the west digs a roadblock and rushes to support in time, their 4000 people are very likely to be killed by the Qing army.

Zhao Shisan didn't care that he couldn't use his arms at all because of the sequelae of the injury, so he shouted, "Brothers, the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road, all follow me! Kill slaves!" He rushed down with short guns in both hands.

The enemy and the enemy were entangled in a melee, and long-range attacks could not be carried out. Seven or eight hundred bird musketeers and more than four hundred pace archers took up their knives and guns and rushed upwards shouting.

Having no strength does not mean that he cannot help. Zhao Shisan, who was close to the scene of the fight, raised his hand and hit a Jiannu white armored soldier wielding a mace. smashed.

Han Manzhi saw that her husband went all out regardless of participating in the charge, and charged up with more than [-] female soldiers. The female soldiers were all self-born gunners, and the only ten Miniguns among them were also used by the flag guards. In addition, the firing hit rate immediately increased a lot.

Seeing the women and the wounded military advisers all rushing forward to fight desperately, the morale of the "Winged Tigers" was greatly boosted, and they were all playing their lives to attack Jiannu and Tartars, which immediately reversed the decline.

Jin Minghu's kung fu is amazing, the [-]-jin nine-ring machete dances vigorously, and he is indistinguishable from the soldiers who have accumulated a lot of rites, and he is already covered in blood at this time.

Some of the blood came from the splashes of the enemy, and some came from his own wounds, because Jin Minghu had at least three armor-piercing cones shot from close range by Jiannu on Jin Minghu's body.

When Jin Minghu charged, he brandished his knife to protect his vitals. The arrow in his body pierced through two layers of hard armor and penetrated into the flesh again through the cotton armor. Fortunately, it was not fatal and did not greatly reduce Jin Minghu's combat effectiveness.

After Zhao Shisan finished loading again, he saw that Jin Minghu was covered in blood and had a few feathered arrows stuck in it. Worried that he would die in battle, he hurried to help the battle, and shot dead a Jiannu vest at close range.

At this time, Duo Jili, who pierced Deng Linqiao's chest with a spear, saw Zhao Shisan out of the corner of his eye. Before he had time to pull out the tiger gun that Deng Linqiao was holding firmly in both hands, he drew out his waist and took the knife and strode towards Zhao Shisan three.

Seeing that Duo Jili was about to slay Zhao Shisan who was loading the short gun, "Boom!" There was a bang...

(End of this chapter)

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