Chapter 70

The last time Han Zhikuan sent [-] cavalrymen, four of them were killed and six of them were recuperating in the shelter. Three of them should be disabled.

There are still 20 people following Huang Han, and these people have at least received the treatment of the corps leader.

They learned that the main family would take another [-] cavalrymen in Funing to serve as servants, so they rushed to the Funing cavalry camp just across the wall from the temporary camp that night to tell Zeng Paoze.

Knowing that Liu Fenyong and Yuan Siming, who have become the chief banner officers of the "Red Flag Army", and a dozen former comrades in arms came to visit the brothers. The barracks was very lively, and the soldiers gathered around Yuan Siming to ask questions.

Liu Fenyong, Yuan Siming and the following [-] cavalrymen under Han Zhikuan's command had a small feeling of returning home, and everyone happily chatted with their former comrades.

"Brother Liu, I heard that you 'Red Banner Army' are paid in full and on time. Is that true?"

Liu Fenyong said triumphantly: "That's not all, our current food and salary standards are completely based on the Guan Ning cavalry, and the equipment and food of the brothers are better than those of the Guan Ning army. Look at our outfits and the guys in our hands, what is it? something!"

Yuan Siming knew that there were many people here with impeccable combat effectiveness, so he wanted to trick more good soldiers into joining the "Red Banner Army", and also thought that his general banner could be fully staffed, instead of the fact that there were only two small banners with a serious shortage of troops. .

He said: "Following the 'Red Banner Army' has a bright future. Let's not talk about the distance. Just in the middle of last month, we entered Zunhua City. Even general rewards and military merit rewards were awarded. Many people won no less than 100 taels." Where is the silver?"

A little banner officer named Sang Yu exclaimed: "Mother! Old Yuan, you are not bragging!"

Liu Fenyong said: "Bragging? Lao Yuan is being modest. He has three levels of decapitation skills. The head reward plus the general reward and the military salary may be no less than 200 taels of silver."

Yuan Siming looked at Sang Yu and said, "Old Sang, you used to be a man who refused to admit defeat. You often competed with the small flag I brought at that time. I also admire your proficiency in arching and horses. How about you show your hands tomorrow for our Patriarch to see?" , the brothers will get promoted and get rich together in the future?"

Sang Yu swallowed a big mouthful of saliva and said loudly: "Go, if you don't go, I am no worse than you before. Now that you have become the general flag officers of the seventh rank, I am still a small flag and a small soldier. I am ashamed to see it." man!"

Liu Fenyong intentionally teased Sang Yu and said, "Our Patriarch has negotiated with Deputy General Huang and Han Gueran that we can only bring 50 people. Can you ensure that you will win out of a few hundreds of cavalry? Would you like us brothers to help you to ask the Patriarch?" carry?"

"Hurry up, I'm selected into the 'Red Banner Army' based on my real knowledge, so I don't need to go through the back door!"

Liu Fenyong said: "Okay, see you tomorrow at the school's military field, my brothers wish Brother Sang the best."

Yuan Siming loudly said to Qianpao Ze, who was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside: "Brothers, this opportunity is rare, so hurry up! See you tomorrow."

Early the next morning, the refreshed Huang Han brought his servants to the Martial Arts Field to select servants.

Due to the propaganda of the [-] "Red Banner Army" fighters under Liu Fenyong and Yuan Siming last night, [-]% of the Funing garrison cavalry who took the initiative to come to the martial arts field to accept selection today.

This is not surprising, these big-headed soldiers are all born in hardships, with a bad life. The purpose of being a soldier is to eat food and earn military pay to support their families. Joining the "Red Banner Army" can not only increase wages, but also get the opportunity to fight for military service, promotion and fortune. Of course, everyone strive for.

As for the "Red Banner Army" who often took the initiative to attack and build slaves, there would be casualties, which were ignored by everyone, because the Jin army also lost all casualties after the defenders of Yongping Mansion did not attack?

What's more, with the example of former comrades-in-arms following Huang Han's prosperity, most of the cavalry are determined to risk their lives for a bright future.

On the martial arts arena, several hundred Ming army cavalrymen tried their best to demonstrate their cavalry skills. Everyone was in a good state of mind, which showed that they cherished the opportunity of being selected by Huang Han as family soldiers.

After the demonstration of riding and shooting, Huang Han selected fifty cavalrymen who were strong and looked simple and honest. In addition to the original cavalry warriors, the number of cavalry servants counted now reached 410.

Sang Yu, the little banner officer, really didn't embarrass himself, he was favored after his first appearance, Huang Han not only kept him, but also gave him the treatment of "Red Banner Army" little banner officer.

In the past, there was always a probationary period for recruiting newcomers. During this period, the military salary was halved. Today, the 50 people admitted are Ming army cavalry who are skilled in bow and horse, and they belong to the winners of the [-]th selection. It also violates the principle of fairness.

Now that there is a large amount of gold and silver treasures, those yellow and white things will not be taken away with death, Huang Han is not stingy, and is willing to turn financial resources into the motivation of the soldiers.

He announced in a high-profile manner that he would increase the treatment of the servants who had just been taken in, the same as the old servants.

Ordinary servants are paid two taels of silver a month, and their true colors are five buckets of wheat.

This kind of treatment was comparable to that of the Guan Ning Army, who had the highest salary in the Ming Dynasty. The fifty new soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" cheered loudly with excitement: "The 'Red Banner Army' is victorious."

Just after noon, Huang Han, who had finished his work and took over the family, was going to take his troops back to Jiulitai Village.

Neither Huang Weizheng nor Han Zhikuan stayed. When parting, Huang Weizheng held Huang Han's hand and took a step to speak.

"Brother of my family, I wonder if the two maidservants I served last night are still suitable? They are all girls from a good family, and they are both virgins!"

Huang Han thought that there was something important, but it turned out to be so-and-so, he didn't know what the other person's intention was, so he could only vaguely say: "That's right, that's right, Mr. Huang is very grateful for his love and humility."

"We are all members of our own family who don't speak foreign language. After the Jin army retires, I will send the two of them to Jiulitai Village to serve Gaotang. I don't know what you want?"

There is still such a good thing, thinking of the sweet scene yesterday, thinking of the two gentle and lovely little girls, Huang Han seemed to smell the faint fragrance of virgin again, it was inevitable that his little heart was beating, he blushed and said :

"It's so good. My mother really needs a few caring people to serve me. Thank you sir on behalf of my mother."

"Hahaha, it's easy to say, easy to say, my brother has a bright future in the future, and the two servant girls are blessed."

Huang Han's brow was sweating, he was really not used to accepting little girls as gifts in this era.

Besides, he only spent half an hour in the shower, and this fragrance was passive. The two little girls threw themselves into his arms, and he himself resisted not to move.

Because Huang Han guarded his body like a jade, the beautiful girl who combed his hair and warmed the bed without moving at all, the two little lolitas loved the hero in their hearts even more. into the inner courtyard.

 Begging for a recommendation ticket!Book friends, don't forget, this matter is very important, very important, really important!

(End of this chapter)

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