Chapter 71
Lieutenant Huang Weizheng saw that Huang's father and son Jian were in the emperor's heart, and wanted to make friends with Huang Han, so last night he chose two young and beautiful maidservants to serve him attentively.

This kind of behavior is common in Ming Dynasty. Women in this era have no human rights, slave women are equivalent to commodities, and it is not uncommon for dignitaries to exchange and transfer each other.

Huang Han knows that in this era, wanting to fall in love is a complete joke, and women from good families can't be seen at all, and only in romantic places will there be women who will play tricks with you.

Now someone gave away two beautiful girls, and they can keep them as servants or take over as concubines in the future. Anyway, Huang Han will treat the women who follow him kindly, and accepting them can always avoid their fear of the unknown in the future.

Huang Weizheng generously gave away two little beauties. Huang Han really didn't expect that he didn't even ask the names of the two little girls who came to serve yesterday.

Huang Weizheng is already a second-rank lieutenant general and still so polite, how could Huang Han accept it calmly? He asked Song Pengfei to let him throw the head, waist plate and armor of the first-class Bashikuba Yala to Huang Weizheng's servant leader, The head of the third-level real slave was given again.

The value of these four levels of gains is enough to go to Yangzhou to buy a skinny horse that has been carefully trained by his mother and is best at being a concubine. Huang Weizheng must be very happy.

Huang Han bid farewell to the civil servants and military generals who came to see him off in Funing City and led the "Red Banner Army" westward. On the way, he did not find the Houjin Army who was looting houses, so there was no battle. When the team arrived at Jiulitai Village that afternoon, they saw a mess in front of them. .

It turned out that the Hou Jin army had already come here to loot, and there was no one here, so the Hou Jin army got nothing. The barbarians became beastly, and even collected firewood and deliberately set fire to vent their anger. Jiulitai Village suffered, and more than [-]% of the houses were burned down.

Fortunately, the Jiannu and Tartars would not waste their time going into unknown mountainous areas to rob. Maybe they knew that the mountain people lived scattered and were relatively poor, so there was nothing much to gain.

After the Jin army vented, they did not continue to search north of Jiulitai Village. Huangyizhou, which had already made preparations for the defense, waited in vain for a day and did not wait for the offensive and defensive battle.

Seeing the bleak scene after the fire in Jiulitai Village, Hanzi, Yang Danian and other native servants and warriors were all furious.

They were glad that there was no fluke mentality in their hearts, so their relatives went to the refuge early and were not harmed by the Hou Jin army.

Jiulitai Village was always watched by scouts sent by Huang Yizhou. When they saw Huang Han leading the cavalry back, someone went back to the mountain to report. Two scouts immediately appeared to ask Huang Han to report the situation in the past few days.

Huang Han learned that the eunuch sent by the imperial court to deliver the order is a person who accepts death, and he waited on the mountain when he couldn't see the rightful master who received the order, and a guard in brocade clothes of the general banner who escorted him was also working hard on the mountain. The captain had already started cursing.

Huang Han didn't know how to go up the mountain. It was too troublesome to lead so many cavalry and more than double the number of cavalry horses up the mountain one by one.

After half a month of guerrilla warfare, a lot of food and supplies were seized. Huang Han sent 200 men to take off their heavy armor and lead [-] horses to carry part of the food and all the supplies up the mountain.

When they came back, they had to bring some horse feed, because there were too many war horses, and the horse feed seized this time was obviously not enough.

With the two medical soldiers Guo Xiao and Liu Dashou bringing many Chinese patent medicines with the army to treat and take care of the wounded and sick, the effect is very good.

Except for the seriously wounded who stayed in the hometown to recuperate, the condition of the wounded soldiers sent to the refuge this time was obviously much better than that of their comrades taking care of them in rotation before there were no medical soldiers.

The wounded comrades received timely treatment and meticulous care, which gave the soldiers a lot of peace of mind, and they were more willing to let go of their hands and feet to kill the Quartet without fear of casualties.

The two medical soldiers Guo and Liu have fully entered their roles. They not only have to send the wounded up the mountain, but also go to the mountain to get some medicine and alcohol.

The two have now understood the benefits of alcohol and the importance of disinfection to avoid cross-infection. They have become more and more proficient at suturing wounds.

They have established the medical records of 21 severely wounded people who were raised in their hometowns, and they have agreed with the villagers who adopted the wounded that they will send the wounded "Red Banner Army" back to Jiulitai Village when Jiannu retreats. food and reward silver.

The news that Huang Han came back with the team spread throughout the refuge that afternoon, and all the soldiers and civilians on the mountain were eager to see it.

When Yang Danian, Huang Sifang, Huang Nongsheng, Yang Gu and other descendants of Jiulitai appeared at the mountain pass with 200 people and [-] horses loaded with supplies, the soldiers and civilians were boiling.

Looking at the happiness on the faces of the returning young people, the villagers all knew that they should have won another big victory. After seeing those supplies, they knew that the seizure was very rich.

Seeing her son appearing in the team, Yang Danian's mother said joyfully, "Da Nian, my son! You can count yourself back, and you are so worried about your mother."

Seeing his mother and brother, Yang Danian was of course very happy. He asked, "Mother, how are you? Are you eating three meals a day now?"

"Why do you waste food like this for your mother? There is no need to eat three meals of dry food. It is more comfortable to drink something in the morning and evening."

"Mother, you don't have to worry about spoiling the food, my son can guarantee that you will be well fed and spicy."

"These days are getting better and better, New Year! Work hard on the team!"

The youngest of Yang Danian's family, Yang Dacheng, interjected: "Brother, you are now the chief banner officer, can you tell the young general to let me join the army?"

The folks in Jiulitai all call Huang Han Major General and Huang Yizhou Master Huang, presumably because the Huang family father and son are both officials and Master Huang, and they may not know which one they are referring to. reason.

Yang Danian refused: "Don't even think about it, I will serve my mother honestly at home. I was so skilled in martial arts that I almost died in battle. Can you do it? Now that life is better at home, your wife should be more caring, right?"

"Brother, there are four younger brothers, younger sister and sister-in-law in the family. The wife is now the top leader inside and outside. You should let me join the army. I am also a man, and I know how to improve myself. I also want to be a general in the future."

"Come on, how can you bear the hardships of joining the army with your small body? Besides, my brother wants to help, so I guess you can't be selected! Besides, mother loves you the most, so she can't be willing to let you go to the army."

"Great year! Mom is willing now. You must come from the village, right? Our house was burned by the dog tartars. If our whole family didn't hide in the mountains, I'm afraid we would all be murdered by the tartars." The Major General said it well, everyone does not fight the Tartars, and the villagers will be killed by the Tartars sooner or later."

Yang Danian really didn't expect that Jiulitai Village was burned, which made his mother's awareness improved a lot, and she was willing to let her favorite third child who had studied in a private school for three years to serve as a soldier.

Seeing what my mother said, the third child proudly said: "Brother, I can read and write. If I can join the army, my progress will not be slow. Isn't it just scrambling and waiting? Can I still work hard? I will definitely be able to persevere .”

"Let's not talk about this for now. Today I am leading the people to send supplies up the mountain. I will return to the village as soon as the handover is completed. I guess I will go to kill the Tartars soon."

"Okay, there is no rush for San'er to join the army. Be careful when you fight in the New Year. You don't need to worry about your family. Mother now has a daughter and a wife to take care of her. Life is going well."

 Begging for a recommendation ticket!Book friends, don't forget, this matter is very important, very important, really important!

(End of this chapter)

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