Chapter 72

There was a lot of excitement outside the Houshan Refuge. On one side, Yang Danian and his family seemed to have a thousand words to say, while on the other side, Huang Nongsheng was telling stories to his two older brothers and a pair of younger siblings.

"Our team is now called the 'Red Flag Army', and it is well-known in Yongping Prefecture. When the villagers see the red flag fluttering, they will come to help us, sending food and fodder, and some villagers even killed the laying hens. The wounded and sick should make soup to drink."

The boss Huang Yuesheng said: "It's not easy for the folks, it's enough to be able to do this."

"Brother, our 'Red Banner Army' is a hard-core hero. Everyone is a soldier. Our military discipline is to starve to death and not to plunder the common people. We don't take needles from the masses. Give silver and copper coins above the market price."

Huang Jusheng asked: "The 'Red Banner Army' has to buy everything? How much money will it cost? How can the major general afford these many troops in the long run?"

"That's why the soldiers of the 'Red Banner Army' understand the principle of returning everything captured to the public. They killed Jiannu and Tartars and even stripped their clothes clean."

The younger sister Xueer interjected: "Brother, those ripped clothes are really useful. The materials for cutting coarse cloth, paste, shoe soles, and cotton armor are those rags and rags. I also go to help them every day." Let's do it."

"The 'Red Banner Army' has repeatedly killed the enemy and made meritorious deeds. You also have contributed. Those carefully sewn cotton armors are really good for defense. I have been hit by two arrows. If I didn't have these equipments, I probably would have died a long time ago." Died."

Xue'er was happy when her brother said that these women also contributed something, and she smiled sweetly. "Brother, we all know that the cotton armor is for the soldiers to save their lives, and everyone cares about it."

In a large space in the refuge, a large group of women and girls who were working as female celebrities all ran to the mountain pass to pick up their relatives, but now there are only a dozen of them left.

Zheng Guochang's wife also likes to do some work within her capacity with a large group of women, such as Namianjia, which she is more comfortable with.

She said to Zheng Xiu'e beside her: "Daughter! The Huang family brother is really a hero. I heard that he has gained a lot and captured him back."

For no reason, she suddenly felt her face flushed, and Zheng Xiu'e seemed to see a heroic knight riding a horse and riding auspicious clouds.

She said: "My brother is also going to go down the mountain to follow Huang's brother to the battlefield, isn't mother really worried?"

"Hey! Dong Nu has already hit Gyeonggi. If Daming doesn't fight back, the country will lose the country! Even if he dies for the country, his heart will be fierce. How can mother not let Xiaowen go to join the army?"

"If all the soldiers of my Ming Dynasty are like Uncle Huang and Brother Huang, how can a mere Dongnu enter the customs!"

"Mother heard that Luanzhou was destroyed by Dongnu, and the life and death of Yang's family in Zhizhou is unknown. I'm afraid it's bad luck!"

Zheng Xiu'e's face darkened. Although she had never met her future husband-in-law, she still felt sympathetic when she knew that his family might encounter misfortune.

At this time, the women who went to see their relatives came back one after another, and the two servant girls, Xiaowei and Xiaoyue, also came back after watching the excitement.

In Jiulitai Village at the foot of the mountain, seeing the sun was setting to the west, Song Pengfei set up the secret post and the ambush army, and led everyone to clean up the houses that hadn't been burned down and prepare to stay at night.

In the evening, the people who went up the mountain to deliver the goods came back, and Huang Yizhou accompanied the angel and Jin Yiwei to the village. There were Zheng Xiaowen and his two servants in the team. Zheng Xiaowen's small body was still wearing Wearing a pair of mountain armor.

Huangyizhou brought more than 100 people down the mountain. They not only brought horse feed, but also seven bird guns and fifty sets of fine iron armor with visors.

It took Yang Laoshi and his apprentices [-] to [-] days to make these seven blunderbusses, and there will be [-] more in ten days for delivery. Of course, the sharp increase in shipments is due to the arrival of more than half a month ago. Thirty master blacksmiths and dozens of strong men participated in the making of bird guns.

As long as the manpower remains the same, there will be no less than [-] finely crafted bird guns delivered every month in the future.

Yang Laoshi once again stated that as long as such a good gun is not operated brutally, there is no risk of bombing. If a soldier dies due to the explosion of a bird gun in his hands, he is willing to risk his life for his life.

With a good blunderbuss, Song Pengfei was the happiest. He practiced reloading whenever he had time these days, and he was able to complete the reloading process in the dark night.

Now, including Huang Han, there are only five people practicing birdcracks. Huang Han asked Song Pengfei to serve the next shot to Zhao Kun, Liu Sihai, and Wang Gensheng, and Xiao Song took care of the other four shots.

Huang Han had never received an imperial decree. Although the conditions were simple, under the arrangement of Huang Yizhou, an incense table was set up in the main house of the Huang family that had not been completely burned.

This time kowtow is definitely required, Huang Han ruled three kowtows and nine obeisances, and the Xuanzhi eunuch recited in a high-pitched voice: "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict says..."

Because Huang Yizhou was promoted one after another, this time he did not benefit from the success of the Zunhua victory. The imperial edict was for Huang Han.

The great victory in Zunhua made Long Yan very happy. Huang Han was promoted from a big soldier to seven or eight ranks in a short period of time. It is reasonable to stop for a while, but when the country employs people, it is a special matter. False title, actually awarded to Yongping Deputy General Huang Weizheng's general.

So far, Huang Han and his son have no affiliation. Both of them are actual commanders, and Huang Han's false title is one level higher than his father's.

It was normal for Daming sons to be higher rank than Lao Tzu. The most famous one was Wu Sangui. When this boy was conferred Ping Xibo by Chongzhen, his Lao Zi Wu Xiang didn't even have a title.

The imperial decree issued a reward for Huang Han, and the Ministry of War also awarded rewards to Hanzi, Song Pengfei, Yang Danian, etc. who had beheaded servants. No real money was given, and everyone was promoted to a first-level false title. The specific position arrangement was determined by After Huang Han made the decision, he reported to the Ministry of War.

Huang Yizhou will of course bring his subordinates back to the mountain pass to garrison after finishing his son's mission. It is very important to not be careless there. Moreover, more than [-]% of the houses in Jiulitai Village have been burned down, and there will be more accommodation for more than [-] people. trouble.

Of course, Jinyiwei General Banner will not go back to the refuge. They have completed their mission and set up camp at Jiulitai tonight, and will rush back to the capital early tomorrow morning.

Zheng Xiaowen was jealous of Huang Han's repeated meritorious deeds, and he refused to waste time doing chores on the mountain. He also wanted to bring his family members with the army to share the credit, so he came directly to Huang Han to negotiate.

After fighting side by side during this period of time, Huang Han knew that the four servants of the Zheng family were not bad, everyone was good at bows and horses, but Huang Han didn't know what kind of virtue this twenty-something supervising student was.

Huang Han was worried that swords and guns would be blind on the battlefield. If Mr. Zheng was killed, it would be difficult to explain. The officer will not forget to bring you."

 Begging for a recommendation ticket!Book friends, don't forget, this matter is very important, very important, really important!

(End of this chapter)

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