Chapter 73
Zheng Xiaowen was not happy anymore, and said: "The lower officials are civilians, and being with the army does not mean that they want to go to battle, and they still do their job well as the chief bookkeeper.

Please rest assured, my lord, Xiaguan likes to ride horses since he was a child, and he thinks he is good at riding, so he won't drag his brothers down.

What's more, the lower official has four servants to protect the two young servants, and there is no need for adults to take special care of them. "

Hearing Zheng Xiaowen's introduction that he was good at riding, Huang Han felt less conflicted.

If you are really in danger, you and Xiaozi will attack the enemy to win precious escape time for the soldiers who do not have riding skills.

There are too many uncertainties in war, if an accident happens, Zheng Xiaowen should not be easily shot to death by Liu Ya, as long as he can escape on horseback.

It's just to emphasize that he must obey orders and obey orders, and also to remind him that military life is not romantic, only bitter and tiring. Huang Han said: "Boss Zheng, the army is tough and the military orders are strict. You must be mentally prepared."

"The lower official is physically strong and thinks that he can stand up to the enemy. Of course, the lower official is a scholar who understands the order and prohibition. Sir, you can rest assured that the lower official will not cause you any trouble."

Song Pengfei, who is not very literate, is busy collecting statistics and distributing food and grass now. It is a good thing to have Zheng Xiaowen to manage the money and food seizures.

Huang Han decided to take Zheng Xiaowen with him for a few days to see the situation. If he is really not afraid of hardship, he will be allowed to join the army in the future.

If he is just a whim and can't bear the hardships of joining the army, he can find a way to give him some credit and promote him to a level or two earlier and send him somewhere to be a master of the eighth-rank county.

Seeing that his son agreed to keep Zheng Xiaowen, Huang Yizhou was a little hesitant, but he held back and told Huang Han not to let Mr. Zheng lose his life.

Zheng Xiaowen is a gilded presence in the army, how could Huang Han put him in danger, so he immediately called the four servants of the Zheng family and told them that their future mission is to protect Master Zheng.

Zheng Xiaowen has armor and is protected by four guards who are skilled in bows and horses, and there are two clever servants who are always around. Huang Han will pay attention to him again. Unless this boy is born to be unlucky, there should be no safety problems.

Zheng Xiaowen's stay immediately played a role. He assisted Huang Han in arranging Jinyiwei and Angel's accommodation and arranging staff to prepare dinner.

Mr. Zheng is a scholar after all, his ability seems to be fine, and he arranges chores in an orderly manner. Huang Han is happy to see him busy, and sits down with Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian to drink and eat meat.

The Ming Dynasty was established for more than two hundred years, and the most useless Jinyiwei was in the Chongzhen Dynasty.But cowardice is only manifested in the face of civil officials and scholar-bureaucrats, and he is still invincible in front of generals.

Huang Han is the best at observing words and expressions, seeing that a Jinyiwei captain of the general banner has a bad complexion, and four little eunuchs who are running errands also have their noses and eyes raised, and he knows it well.

He laughed and said: "The angel and all the emperor's troops have worked hard to come to this remote mountain village. The humble official arranged a bonfire dinner and entertained everyone with barbecue. There is no way. You have also seen that Jiannu and Tartars burned, killed and looted. Empty villages are not spared either!"

The eunuch who passed the decree didn't dislike it, he said: "Just drinking with barbecue on the bonfire, there is a taste of 'eight hundred li points under the command, fifty strings turning outside the fort.' The taste, our respect is worse than obedience."

Huh!This eunuch is not simple, but he can speak well!
Huang Han said: "Didn't you ask your father-in-law for your name?"

"Haha, it's easy to say, our family is Fang Zhenghua, and we came from Neishutang."

"Oh! It turns out that you are the loyal and courageous Eunuch Fang. I'm sorry for your disrespect!"

At this time, the Chief Banner Officer of Jinyiwei who was sitting not far away couldn't help it, almost laughed out loud, and quickly coughed a few times to cover it up.

Everyone who came from the capital knew that Fang Zhenghua had just been spotted by Eunuch Cao, and this was the first time he was out on an errand. The general Huang always said that he was loyal and courageous. Where did he start?
Even Fang Zhenghua thought that Huang Han was just being polite and flattering, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Huang Han really wasn't saying polite words, because he remembered the name of this great eunuch in the late Ming Dynasty, who was not inferior to Wang Chengen.

According to historical records, Fang Zhenghua was one of the loyal and courageous eunuchs in the late Ming Dynasty. He had a family tradition of martial arts and was good at shooting. The Shun army fought bloody battles to the end and died gloriously for the country.

At this time, Fang Zhenghua was just a mid-level eunuch running errands, not a great eunuch. Huang Han saw this man and made up his mind to turn the corner.

Because Fang Zhenghua will become one of the powerful eunuchs who are in charge of ceremonies and Bingbi, judging from his heroic death and resolute refusal to surrender, this person is definitely not a corrupt official.

How many corrupt officials in the world have the pride of being generous to justice?
Huang Han enthusiastically persuaded Fang Zhenghua to stay for drinking, and the poor conditions caused many captains of Jinyiwei to frown.

Huang Han didn't intentionally flatter these people, only Fang Zhenghua showed great respect. At the same time, he was watching his words and demeanor, wanting to see if Fang Zhenghua was a hero as recorded in history.

Roasting mutton, pork and horse meat over the bonfire, Huang Han and all the servants cut up large pieces of meat with daggers to eat.

He told Fang Zhenghua in a loud voice that his small team did not have many troops, but they had been attacking Jiannu and doing everything they could to save the people. The townspeople gave the team a catchy name "Red Banner Army".

It was an unintentional mistake to let the angel wait in the refuge for half a month, because the "Red Banner Army" was chasing Tartars and Jiannu in the west of Yongping Mansion. Funing only found out after fighting side by side with Huang Weizheng and deputy generals.

Fang Zhenghua listened happily to Huang Han's words, and kept looking at the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army".

A few wine pouches and wine gourds were passed among the crowd, and many captains of Jinyiwei were unwilling to share a pot of wine with Huang Han and others who looked dirty, and politely declined.

Huang Han didn't take it seriously either, and after taking a big sip of wine, he handed the gourd to Fang Zhenghua who was sitting beside him. The eunuch was really heroic, he raised the gourd and poured two sips loudly: "Good wine, our family finally saw Daming Qiang today." Army, pain and joy!"

Huang Han took advantage of the topic and said: "Seeing is believing. My father-in-law has never seen us kill the enemy, so he positioned himself as a strong army. His words are a bit rash!"

Several Jinyiwei school captains sitting next to him slandered, "What kind of birdman is this! He is an angel, he praises you with good words but he doesn't appreciate it, instead he says that he is talking nonsense."

Huang Han intentionally spoke rudely, just to see Fang Zhenghua's reaction.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zhenghua didn't care about just a few words at all, he laughed and said: "Our family also reads history books and often goes to the Beijing camp to do errands. Today, we warmed up with Master Huang, drank and ate meat under the watchful eyes of a strong enemy. I saw that there was not a single soldier under your command. With fear on their faces, we can naturally see their demeanor as strong men."

(End of this chapter)

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