Chapter 74
What kind of friendship is most worthy of nostalgia?The love of robes and the love of robes that once fought side by side will make people recall for a lifetime.

Huang Han felt that there was a way to burn cold stoves, and asked tentatively: "Does the father-in-law intend to become one of the strong? The humble officer dared to leave the father-in-law with our army to chop dozens of them. After that, the leader of the Jin army was brought back to the capital to report to the emperor. I don't know." Does the father-in-law have the guts?"

A captain of Jinyiwei next to him couldn't bear it any longer, stood up and shouted: "Bold, the angels have always been respectful to you, but what's the reason for you to keep making sarcasm?"

Huang Han didn't even lift his eyelids, sneered a few times, and said loudly:
"Thanks to the kindness of the emperor, I have been promoted many times in the past few months. Today, I finally waited for the angel to come. I finally have the opportunity to ask the angel to bring back the harvest to the emperor to express the heart of a warrior. Why not?

You are timid and afraid of death, you dare not stay and kill the enemy, and you don't force yourself. Why bother to get angry for no reason? "

Fang Zhenghua still remained expressionless, he took a sip of wine and said, "Our family has long been looking forward to going to battle to kill Jiannu, but unfortunately we can't find the opportunity, today Master Huang is willing to take our family with us, just wishing for it.

It's just that the school captains are not allowed to return to Beijing to return to their orders. One of our family will stay with Mr. Huang to chop off Jiannu's head. I wonder if it is possible? "

"Okay, that's great, but on the battlefield, swords and guns have no eyes, and a humble job can't guarantee that angels can't be killed!"

All the guards in Jin Yi squinted at Huang Han, and continued to slander in their hearts.

"This stunned young man really has a poisonous tongue. If Eunuch Fang stays and is beaten to death by Jiannu and Tartars as you said, I'm afraid you will not only lose your career, but also lose your wealth and life."

Fang Zhenghua was not afraid when he heard the words, he laughed and said: "Haha, our family is not vegetarian, if Mr. Huang can live, our family may not lose his life, heroes and bears, we will see the outcome on the battlefield."

"Happy, happy, see you on the battlefield of heroes and bears! Come, come, come, respect the father-in-law for a big mouthful."

"Drinking is also a man in our family, come as soon as you come!"

Drinking happily, of course, there must be singing to add to the fun, Huang Han took the lead in singing Qingpingle Red Flag, and his subordinates were also in a state of excitement after a few glasses of wine, and immediately sang in unison.

"The sky is high and the clouds are clear, and the geese flying in the south can be seen. If you don't destroy the Tartars, you are not a hero, and it is useless to fight the enemy bravely. Willing to be the vanguard of the bandits, the red flag is blowing in the west wind, and today the iron cavalry is in hand, when will we directly attack the Yellow Dragon?"

The majestic male voice sang heroically and majesticly, and Fang Zhenghua couldn't help admiring after listening to it: "It's such a good phrase 'the red flag rolls across the west wind'. I don't know which talented person wrote this phrase."

Song Pengfei next to him said proudly: "Reporting to Eunuch Fang, this poem was written by my mentor. Everyone in my 'Red Banner Army' can memorize and sing, and half of them can write silently."

Zheng Xiaowen, who was also drinking with everyone, had been with Fang Zhenghua and a group of Jinyiwei on the mountain for more than ten days. They were already quite familiar with him. Because of Zheng Xiaowen's identity, the little eunuch and Jinyiwei were more polite to him.

Zheng Xiaowen explained: "Song Baihu's master is Huang Qianshi. Mr. Huang is capable of writing and martial arts. He not only leads soldiers in training, but also teaches those big soldiers to read every day!"

This matter sounds so fresh, Fang Zhenghua's perception of Huang Han is quite different, and he feels that this young military officer is unfathomable.

A group of heroes drank strong wine and sang: "...If you don't break the barbarians, you are not a hero, and it is useless to fight the enemy bravely. I would like to be the vanguard of the bandits, and the red flag will roll in the west wind..." Of course, it will make people excited, even there are a few in Jinyiwei The pure man couldn't bear it.

After half-drinking wine and following the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" yelling for a while, the Chief Banner Officer of the Jinyi Guard of the Red Flag's blood surged, and he spoke with his tongue:

"Master Huang, a humble man is also a man, and he is not afraid of playing with the Jin army, but it depends on whether the other party is worth it. Does Master Huang have any reason to persuade the humble man to vote with you?"

The Jinyiwei in the reign of Chongzhen was nothing more than a phoenix on the ground, not as big as a chicken, and they could be kept at a respectful distance. Huang Han didn't intend to talk to the chief banner officer of the Jinyiwei who had been staring at him all the time.

But showing off the military exploits and showing off the prestige of the "Red Banner Army" is conducive to expanding the publicity, and by the way, it will also suppress these ignorant Jinyiwei.

He said to Song Pengfei: "Xiao Song, what reason do you think we can come up with to persuade the emperor to join the army?"

Song Pengfei was so clever, he immediately stood up and said cheerfully: "Master, this disciple understands, so go and get the reason immediately. Wait a moment, everyone, and come when you leave your humble position."

After a while Song Pengfei brought a dozen people with baskets on their backs, and they placed 93 Jiannu heads, 81 Tartar heads and more than a hundred Banner heads on the ground by the campfire.

Everyone loves to show off, and Song Pengfei, who is already a sixth-rank military officer in the imperial court, is also unavoidable. He just wants to make these brightly dressed Jin Yiwei feel ashamed.

What are the heads of two or three hundred post-Jin soldiers with different deaths?
Everyone in the "Red Banner Army" who had experienced bloody battles many times continued to drink, eat meat, talk and laugh without changing their expressions. Wang Zhanpeng and Wang Zhicheng, who hated Jiannu, even used the head of Jiannu Ba Yala to kick the ball with the strength of alcohol.

Half of the Jinyiwei captain and the four little eunuchs couldn't stand this, they all vomited up what they had just eaten, and everyone's face was pale.

Although the Chief Banner Officer was a little pale, he was able to compel himself to be calm. After seeing these gains and seeing those real men kicking the enemy's heads for fun, he finally knew how great Huang Han's gains were in guerrilla fighting outside with his subordinates.

He clasped his fists and bowed to salute: "Li Ruolian has learned about Master Huang's military might. If you don't mind, I am willing to stay and follow Master Huang to fight against the enemy."

Wen Wu is the first and Wu is the second. Huang Han doesn't need to show off his force value, he took out about [-] and won and immediately overwhelmed dozens of captains of the Jinyiwei.

Huang Han heard that the chief banner officer reported his family name, clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "You are Li Ruolian? Haha, you are the loyal and courageous Li Ruolian! Disrespect and disrespect!"

Li Ruolian slandered inwardly: "Damn, what kind of person is this! Even the vocabulary of flattering people is changed without changing words. When did I do anything that can be called loyal and righteous?"

Now it was Fangzheng's turn to be happy, he laughed like a night owl with a shrill voice, "Come on, we are all loyal and courageous heroes, drink and eat meat today, and fight the enemy tomorrow, happy, happy haha... "

Huang Han is really not a flatterer. This Li Ruolian is also famous in history. He was the commander of Jinyiwei in Chongzhen for 17 years.

But saying it now will inevitably cause people to misunderstand, after all, it will happen more than ten years later.

Huang Han added himself to the fire and said: "The two of you are not afraid of safety and are ready to go into battle with arrows and stones to kill the enemy. This shows that the humble official thinks that the two are loyal and courageous because they have unique eyesight. Come, come, come and drink. Let's drink a lot today. On the same day, he brandished a broadsword and chopped off the heads of Jiannu and Tartars."

 Begging for a recommendation ticket!Book friends, don't forget, this matter is very important, very important, really important!

(End of this chapter)

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