Chapter 82 Guangqu Gate

Huang Han said: "Stop it, stop it, Hanzi and Xiao Song are both pure and good young people, they can't be led astray by you, an unscrupulous young man."

Zheng Xiaowen retorted: "Master Huang's words are wrong, how can I be considered unscrupulous! When I was studying in the Imperial College, I was a standard model good student."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're a model student here!"

When several people were talking about Fengyue happily, Shi Yingpin came to the door to express his thanks in person.

He already has the merit of defending the soil, and it is a big achievement to get the twentieth level. It should be a certainty to be promoted to one level.

Shi Yingpin, who was pleasantly surprised, saw Huang Han again, said a lot of kind words that he would become friends in the future, and would definitely help each other, and forced Song Pengfei 3000 taels of silver bills before leaving.

Huang Han felt that it was too cost-effective for him to be a favor to make friends with scholar-bureaucrats, and he could get far more than the head reward given by the imperial court.

It's just that this is all a dirty deal behind Yinshan, and it can't be seen.It is a pity that the civil and military generals who need to build slave heads cannot be summoned for auction.

The past two days have been relaxed and happy. The "Red Banner Army" ate well and slept soundly.

Baodi County is less than [-] miles away from the capital. On the way early the next day, a group of people rushed to the gate of Guangqu in the capital before the sun went down.

Now it is mid-February, due to the successive arrival of Qinwang troops from all walks of life, and the great victory in Zunhua, the soldiers and civilians of the capital are no longer in a panic.

Although the city gates of the capital are still under martial law, they are still open for a period of time every day.

At this time, the sun was setting and the Guangqu Gate was of course closed early.

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian brought four school lieutenants to the city to call for the gate, and Shen Liangzuo, the eunuch for ceremonies, rushed to the gate not long after. He was appointed by the Chongzhen Emperor to supervise the Nine Gates and the Imperial City Gate at the end of last year.

Nowadays, the middle-level eunuch Zhenghua has gained a certain reputation in the circle of eunuchs, and has left some impressions in the heart of Emperor Chongzhen.

It was the eunuch and the school captain who returned to the capital three days ago brought back more than a hundred levels of gains. They were all advocating that Eunuch Fang and Jin Yiwei Li Baihu personally took the school captain to participate in the battle of the Jin army after the attack, and now they are still there The territory of Yongping Prefecture waited for an opportunity to make new contributions.

Originally, there were many discussions about the eunuch's delay in returning. Some people even judged that Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua might have had bad luck and happened to bump into a large group of Tartars and Jiannu.

Unexpectedly, this small team not only came back safely, but also brought back a lot of gains. This matter is too novel, and too many people have inquired about it. In recent days, people in the capital have been discussing this matter everywhere.

The eunuchs naturally helped the eunuchs, and Jin Yiwei would seek common ground while reserving differences and agree with the outside world. Now that Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian have given face to the emperor's internal ministers and the emperor's pro-army commander, they certainly spared no effort to brag about it.

These boys are not kind, no one has mentioned Huang Han, the newly appointed chief military attache, maybe the general status of a general is not worth mentioning, and people think it's because they don't talk about it.

More than fifty school captains and young eunuchs talked about how to attack the Tartars by surprise in the teahouse of the capital restaurant. Of course, this topic is very popular among the soldiers and people in the capital. When the school captains and young eunuchs were surrounded by the crowd listening to the story, they sang a Que Qing Ping Le Red Flag.

As a result, many soldiers and civilians in the capital were able to hum: "...the red flag is rolling in the west wind..."

Soon Que Qing Ping Le Red Flag became a popular song on the smelly streets of the capital. If girls in brothels and brothels don't come to this song, they will probably be considered as not keeping up with the trend.

Zheng Guochang heard the news and rushed to the Ministry of War to meet Liang Tingdong. He saw the real gains, and learned that Huang Han really lived up to everyone's expectations.

He thinks the name "Red Banner Army" is very good, festive and positive, comparable to Taizu's "Red Turban Army". Together with Liang Tingdong, he feels that it is inappropriate for eunuchs and Jin Yiwei to steal the limelight.

The old events of the Apocalypse Year are still vivid, and Dongchang and Jinyiwei cannot be allowed to make a comeback. Soon, officials from the Ministry of War and Yamen talked about the "Red Banner Army". For a while, the protagonist of the good story, the first hero of the Zunhua victory.

Gradually, the image of Huang Han, who had only left a vague impression on the soldiers and civilians in the capital, gradually became clearer. Even the red officials in the building were asking what kind of man Huang Han was, whether he was as handsome as Zhao Zilong in Changshan Chic.

When Cao Huachun heard the news, he immediately checked with Wang Chengen the harvest brought back by Jin Yiwei. They were all young and middle-aged men, including [-]th-level real slaves, [-]th-level string-controlling Tartars, and [-]th-level bannermen.

After getting so many heads of the Jin army, it is second only to the victory of Zunhua. Cao and Wang were overjoyed. A lot of gains.

The little eunuchs are not stupid. They all saw with their own eyes that the "Red Banner Army" displayed two or three hundred heads of the Hou Jin army. They should only bring back a small half. Presumably the remaining heads were reserved for Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian brought them back to the capital.

With a plan in mind, these eggless people of course dare to swear that Fang and Li will definitely rush to kill the Tartars and Jiannu again, and get no less than what they brought back.

Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen were overjoyed after checking the situation, and they went together to ask the emperor for credit. Of course, the story of Fang Zhenghua, an eunuch who was not afraid of life and death, stayed in Yongping Mansion to follow Huang Han's troops and strive for further meritorious deeds.

Emperor Chongzhen was really happy with his long face, he remembered Fang Zhenghua who was loyal and courageous, and he also had a good impression of Li Ruolian.

The name Huang Han came to his ears again, the emperor couldn't help being curious, he asked for details, and finally confirmed that Huang Han was the protagonist of that story and the first person who contributed to the great victory of Zunhua.

It can be seen that the strength is enough to overwhelm everything. Huang Han has eye-catching gains and unparalleled military exploits. Deliberate suppression cannot be suppressed. The emperor still remembered him again.

Shen Liangzuo is a high-ranking ceremonial supervisor Bingbi, and now he is still the admiral of the Nine Gates. Of course, he has a heart with the emperor. In fact, the loyalty of the eunuchs in the late Ming Dynasty to the Zhu Ming Dynasty is at least higher than that of the scholar-bureaucrats who read sage books several times.

In Chongzhen's 17-year defense of the capital, the proportion of casualties was the highest among the internal army composed of eunuchs as the main body.

Seeing clearly that Fang Zhenghua and the others were calling for the door, Shen Liangzuo was overjoyed and quickly opened the city gate to let six people enter Guangqu Gate. When they arrived in Wengcheng, Shen Liangzuo couldn't wait to ask Fang Zhenghua if he had won again.

(End of this chapter)

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