The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 83 The sense of substitution

Chapter 83 The sense of substitution

Today's Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian are completely different from before.

After all, Jin Jun hacked the enemy face-to-face after personally charging, so he naturally had a murderous look, and his bones were already showing ruthlessness.

Fang Zhenghua was a bit arrogant, he refused to covet others' merits and told the truth, "Reporting to Eunuch Shen, it's a small luck to beat a member of the Jiannu Bubujia to the first level with a small skill array."

Shen Liangzuo was so sophisticated, he had already noticed that the eunuchs and Jin Yiwei who came back said that after they participated in the attack, the Jin army could not be completely trusted, and it was inferred that the military officer Huang Han wanted to cater to the emperor's own army and brought them to get military rewards.

Now I was very happy to hear Fang Zhenghua say that he cut two heads, and said: "Brother Fang, you have saved face for the brothers who came out of Neishutang. Hurry up and show our family the head you chopped off with your own hands."

"Eunuch Shen, these heads are all in the Huangba headquarters outside the city. There are more than a hundred levels in total, including 51 levels of real slaves, including two levels of Bashikuba Yala, three levels of Baya La, young and strong Tartars, Banner has a total of 89 levels."

Fang Zhenghua truthfully reported the number of beheads he was preparing for victory, knowing in his heart that the actual situation should be far more than that.

In fact, Fang Zhenghua also had some opinions on Huang Han who sold nearly half of the harvest, and he finally figured it out.

Fang Zhenghua came from the bottom of the society, and he knew how much it cost to lead troops, especially armored cavalry. As the chief general of the "Red Banner Army", he was always trying to find money, so he couldn't afford to support many soldiers.

Even so, the number of beheadings reported by Fang Zhenghua made Shen Liangzuo laugh like a night owl.

"Haha, it's too revealing. Oh? That famous Huang Bazong also came to the capital? Why don't you bring them into the city?" Shen Liangzuo asked.

"Huang Ba always brought four or five hundred cavalry with a total of more than a thousand horses. If he came straight to Guangqumen, it might cause unnecessary misunderstandings. They found a place about five miles away from Guangqumen that was not built. Chuang Tzu, who was completely burned by slaves and Tartars, set up camp."

"There are too many people, and our family really can't let them enter the city privately. Let's go to the imperial city together to meet the emperor. Let the emperor decide whether to let Mr. Huang lead the troops into the city."

Shen Liangzuo looked at Li Ruolian, said with a smile: "Li Baihu has worked hard, what are you waiting for, let's go together, maybe the emperor will summon you, I don't know, you go and wait to try your luck."

Li Ruolian won the Wu Jinshi examination in the first year of Chongzhen, but now he is just an actual chief banner officer with a hundred households in Jinyiwei.

Moreover, the Jinyiwei in Chongzhen was the most tragic existence in the history of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone shrank their heads like little daughters-in-law, for fear of offending any scholar-bureaucrat and being impeached.

The gap between him and Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, is too great. Seeing that Shen Liangzuo was willing to take him to the Forbidden City, he quickly thanked him with a smile: "My father-in-law has great kindness, great virtue, and a humble job. I will never forget my humble job. In the future, if I send him to a humble job, I will definitely suffer." Insert the knife."

Shen Liangzuo said with a sharp laugh: "That's enough, that's enough, don't be so picky, our family doesn't want you to repay, as long as you put your heart into doing errands for the court, it's not in vain for our family to give you a hand."

The spring was cold, and the emperor, who was still tirelessly reviewing the memorials in the imperial study, heard Cao Huachun's footsteps, and the clever Chongzhen knew that something good should happen.

The eunuchs around the emperor were all ghosts and spirits. They had all practiced to walk silently, for fear of disturbing the emperor. Anyone who could hear the eunuchs' deliberately undisguised footsteps could basically conclude that there was a happy event.

After the great victory in Zunhua, Daming seemed to have changed his luck, and the news of success was frequent, and Chongzhen was in a much better mood these days.

He raised his head to look at the happy Cao Huachun, and said, "Cao Banban, what's the good news?"

"Your Majesty is really insightful! The slaves admire him so much, isn't it a good thing? Fang Zhenghua came back, and he really went into battle himself, and he even killed two Dong slaves with his own hands. Now he is waiting outside."

The people around him not only went to battle to kill the enemy, but also had to return. Chongzhen was very happy, and said: "Show them an audience, but I want to hear how they killed the enemy."

Cao Huachun could hear clearly that the emperor wanted to hear how they killed the enemy, so he immediately understood, so Li Ruolian finally saw the emperor again.

Li Ruolian's status is too low. At present, when he passed the Wu Jinshi examination, he only sneaked a few glances at the young emperor who received the candidate.Unexpectedly, because I followed Huang Han on a whim and got the chance to be a face saint, why don't I like it?

The two of them came to the imperial study to see him, of course they were trembling. It was obvious that the young emperor was very interested, and his words were very friendly, which made the two of them feel like a spring breeze.

The emperor was particularly interested in how the "Red Banner Army" continued to win gains in guerrilla slavery, and he was persistent in asking the end of the casserole.

Although Fang and Li just participated in a battle in person, this personal experience can be described as unforgettable.

They talked about how to drink and sing with the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army", how to choose a battlefield the next day, how to wait patiently in the woods, how to pounce on them when they found out that they were slaves, and how to hack and chop randomly.

The sound of the cavalry raiding and killing was earth-shattering, the blood of Jiannu and Tartars was flying, and the emperor's pro-army and internal ministers joined the "Red Banner Army" to rescue seven or eight hundred Han people. Such vivid battle examples really made the young emperor listen with gusto.

The emperor also specifically asked about Huang Han's age and appearance, and was even happier to learn that Huang Han was actually the same age as himself.

The young emperor was so mad at being beaten by Jiannu, he wished he could ride a horse and swing a knife to kill Jiannu himself. He actually has this level, because the history records that Emperor Chongzhen was able to ride a strong horse and shoot a strong bow.

Now that I have heard the story of Huang Han, a young military officer, who repeatedly attacked Jiannu and won meritorious deeds, Chongzhen has too much sense of substitution.

Everyone has a heroic knot in their hearts, and the emperor is no exception.

Chongzhen even suffered from the fact that he was the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, otherwise he would not have dreamed of iron horses and glaciers, but would have climbed the ice, lying on the snow and fighting Jiannu with real swords and guns.

He was very envious of Huang Han who led a group of bloody men who led a group of bloody men to kill the real slaves and retreat under the watchful eyes of the Jiannu and Tartars. ".

Seeing that the emperor was so interested in Huang Han, Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen knew in their hearts that this young military officer was already in the emperor's heart. Huang Han was capable of both civil and military affairs and had hundreds of iron-armored servants under his command.

What's more, this military officer is also very respectful to the emperor's close ministers and the emperor's relatives. Such a knowledgeable and interesting young talent is rare!In the future, I will get closer to him and form a good relationship!
Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian felt that they had reached the sky by being able to talk to the emperor today. They were grateful to Huang Han for giving him a good opportunity from the bottom of their hearts, and they would of course come and go with the "Red Banner Army" in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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