Chapter 839
Liu Zhilun has been with Huang Han for eight years, so it can be said that he knows the basics, he knows that with Huang Han's current strength, it is not worthwhile to count the mere gunpowder in the Daming arsenal.

Intelligence shows that the total amount of gunpowder produced by many gunpowder factories in the "Red Banner Army" system has reached more than three times the total output of Ming Dynasty.

It is impossible for the "Red Banner Army" to build the gunpowder factory in the city. Instead, they chose a mountain valley away from densely populated areas, such as Yuanding Mountain, Tiger Mountain, Tianma Mountain, Heifeng Mountain and other hills near "Tiger Cave City". Both have gunpowder factories.

In order to reduce the possibility of huge losses caused by accidents, Huang Han deliberately did not set up a large-scale gunpowder factory.

Small but numerous methods are used to disperse production. A gunpowder factory with two to three hundred craftsmen is the limit. There are also many factories in the mountains near the city of "Hanjiang Province".

The inventory will not be concentrated even more. In the mountains, even the gunpowder depots built in caves can definitely prevent idlers from entering and eliminate fire.

The gunpowder produced by the "Red Banner Army" system is not entirely for military use, and the civilian use accounts for a larger proportion. Too much gunpowder is needed to blow up mountains when building roads, and mine veins when mining, etc.

In order to attract enough attention, Liu Zhilun dispatched Liu Quan to lead a hundred armored cavalry back to the capital on the spot.

He wrote letters to Chen Xinjia, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Liu Zunxian, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry.

Liu Zhilun has also learned badly now. He told the two Shangshu adults in the letter that he learned an amazing piece of information after seeing the general Zhenglu.

Jiannu Xizuo, who was lurking in the capital, was preparing to start sabotage. The goal was to blow up the Xin Factory and Anmin Factory under the Gunpowder Bureau. As for when to start, it is still unclear.

In order to prevent problems before they happen, it is imperative to quickly evacuate the gunpowder stockpile.

If the distribution to each army is far from enough to digest the inventory, it can be sold to the "Red Banner Army", or it can be replaced with the "Red Banner Army"'s self-generated guns and armor, or it can be entrusted to the "Red Banner Army" for storage.

Liu Zhilun believed that with his two letters, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry would not be able to sit idly by, because if an accident happened, the two ministers who received the information and remained indifferent would be very guilty!

The next day, when Huang Han was going to accompany Liu Zhilun to visit several small bastions under construction, Han Zi personally reported the latest news.

Hanzi and Liu Zhilun are also old acquaintances, when he came to report the military situation, he didn't deliberately avoid it at all, and he even took the initiative to invite Liu Zhilun to drink.

The rising tide lifts all boats, and now fools are also well-known. Not only is Zuo Dudu Shanhaiguan’s chief military officer ranked first, but he was also promoted to rank again because he swept away tens of thousands of households in Ordos and beheaded tens of thousands of Tartars.

Now he holds the title of forward general, and is one of the eight generals of the Ming Dynasty.

Of course Liu Zhilun wanted to give face to the number one general of the "Red Banner Army", Le Zizi agreed to Hanzi's invitation, and ordered to eat roasted whole lamb.

Hanzi was excited when he reported. It was Jiannu cavalry and Horqin cavalry with [-] troops crossing Jinzhou towards Chifengwei. It is expected that there will be an encounter in three days.

This is not surprising, the Manchus were still the nominal masters of the grassland tribes. At the beginning of February, the Mongolian tribes within a few hundred miles centered on Chifengwei were targeted to be wiped out or conquered, and many chiefs went to Shengjing to cry to their masters.

Hong Xie had long wanted to send troops. He was not afraid to fight the "Red Banner Army" on the grassland, but farming time waited for no one.

As the world went down, Jiannu didn't want to go to the prairie to fight, because he knew that such a battle would be fruitless, and he couldn't get anything when he dealt with the Mongols in the past.

Now it is time to deal with the "Red Banner Army", which is even more troublesome.Don't even think about it if you get it captured, maybe even your life will be lost.

The reason is very simple, fighting against the "Red Banner Army" for many years without winning a single victory, Jiannu has a shadow in his heart.

The [-] captives who had been released had already told their clansmen what had happened to thousands of white-flagged elites, and now the entire Liaodong knew what happened to Duoduo, knowing that all the Manchurian and Mongolian cavalry who refused to surrender their arms died in exile.

Now that the Master Dianbing faction is going to fight in Yuanbao Mountain, which is thousands of miles away from Shengjing, will the scheming "Red Banner Army" set up an ambush there?
The military aristocrats who lost their morale and built slaves were unwilling to stand out, so Hong ordered Dorgon's general. Unexpectedly, Dorgon fell off his horse and broke his leg that afternoon because of his preoccupation.

Hong had no choice but to consider a replacement. He thought of Abate, but before the order was issued, Abate's eldest son came to ask for leave, and his father was sick and bedridden.

No way, so what if you know that Dorgon and Abatai are unwilling to play?
The prestige-disappeared Hong Jie was knocked out of his teeth and swallowed his blood, so he had to send Hauge to lead the army, appointed Du Du as the deputy general, dispatched [-] soldiers from the Eight Banners, and recruited [-] troops from the Mongolian Outer Domain, mainly Horqin.

It is rather difficult for Jiannu to gather information these days. They don't know how many people from the "Red Banner Army" were looting on the prairie.

To be on the safe side, Hong Jie told his eldest son, Hauge, whom he relied heavily on.

If it is found that the "Red Banner Army" has fewer troops, it can fight. If there are more than [-] troops there, it is necessary to give up the plan to retake the grassland and retreat immediately.

He also emphasized that he could not enter the mountains to march, but had to camp in the wilderness, and the sentry horses had to go fifty miles forward, and they were not allowed to enter the dense forest.

Obviously, Jiannu was afraid of being ambushed, so the possibility of being ambushed again after being so cautious was really small.

The [-] Manchu and Mongolian cavalry came to invade Huang Han, of course we can't take it lightly, the entire Chifeng defense line is under construction, not even a completed fortress.

In the event of a surprise attack, the 10,000+ handymen recruited to build the city fortress will suffer heavy losses.

Now the "Red Banner Army" promises that the compensation standard for death in battle and death in line of duty has been increased to 100 silver dollars, respecting the lives of Han people, even if the handymen who came to build the building were killed by the enemy, their families can also get the same compensation.

This means that if 1000 civilians were massacred by Jiannu, the "Red Banner Army" would have to pay 1000 million silver coins, or [-] million taels of snowflake silver, just for direct compensation.

For the safety of the people, the battlefield cannot be placed in Chifengwei. The ten battalions and the Guards battalion moved eastward to prepare for the battle at the northern foot of Wulan Mountain, [-] miles west of Chifengwei.

At the same time, Huang Han issued an order to Song Pengfei, who had come to Ningyuan, to launch a wave of attacks and advance the defense line to Jinzhou by at least ten miles.

Liu Zhilun is one of his own, and Huang Han didn't hide it when he gave the order.

Seeing that the "Red Banner Army" is about to face the attack of the Manchurian cavalry, how can we ask the "Red Banner Army" to go to Shaanxi to deal with the rogue bandits and 50 to [-] Mongolian cavalry who have grown to more than [-]?

Shaanxi has already occupied more than [-]% of its territory, because Xiong Wencan sent a large number of troops, food and military supplies.

Today's bandits are in full swing, and there are tens of thousands of Manchurian cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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