Chapter 840 Choice
Even if the "Red Banner Army" sends troops to Shaanxi, there may not be 10 troops to ensure safety. If there is a war of annihilation, the number of troops will have to be doubled.

After all, there were millions of rogue bandits, and one hundred thousand Qing troops. There were more than two thousand miles around Shaanxi, and one or two hundred prefectures and counties. It would take a lot of troops to recapture the city and defend it.

Looking at the current situation, how could it be possible for the "Red Banner Army" to mobilize so many troops?

When Zheng Guochang arrived, Liu Zhilun explained the current situation.

Zheng Guochang was ten years older than Liu Zhilun, and now he couldn't bear to gallop on horseback. He arrived in a carriage, so he was two days late.

He was not keen on transferring the "Red Banner Army" into Shaanxi. He always believed that the most important thing for his son-in-law was to flatten Liaodong in five years, and only by successfully recovering Liaodong could he not lose his trust in the world.

Zheng Guochang said bluntly: "Master Liu, the old man thinks that since Shaanxi is lost, we should give up temporarily. Anyway, there are thousands of miles of land there, and Daming has been dragged down for more than ten years.

There are not many good people there, and most of them are frenzied bandits. The Ming army can only defend the natural dangers of northern Sichuan, Tongguan, and the Yellow River.

As long as the General Conquering Captives completes the Ping Liao, the Jiannu and Tartars in Shaanxi will become rootless. Even if they refuse to voluntarily withdraw from Shaanxi, they may conflict with the rogues. "

Liu Zhilun nodded and said: "What Mr. Zheng Ge said hits the nail on the head. There is really no need to mobilize the 'Red Banner Army' for an expedition. As long as we fight well in Liaodong and wipe out a large number of Jiannu and Tartars, the situation in Shaanxi will be reversed."

Zheng Guochang sighed and said: "The Son of Heaven is actually going to the doctor in a hurry. The decisions made in the past few years are really chilling. My great Ming has come to this point, and it has nothing to do with the Son of Heaven's ignorance of people!"

Liu Zhilun said angrily: "First there was Yuan Chonghuan, and then there was Xiong Wencan. How many powerful generals of the Ming Dynasty fell into the sand, and how many elites of the Ming army were buried? Now we can only rely on the general who conquers the prisoners."

Zheng Guochang took the opportunity to ask: "The conflict between the Son of Heaven and the General Zhenglu is becoming more and more difficult to reconcile. You and I have special identities. If the Son of Heaven makes any inappropriate moves, what will Master Liu do?"

Liu Zhilun was silent. He had heard and seen the past few days, and he knew that the situation in the area controlled by the "Red Banner Army" was very good. So many ordinary people could live and work in peace and contentment. Huang Han made great contributions.

It is inevitable that such a great talent will not be integrated into the court and be suspected by the emperor, but without Huang Han in the Ming Dynasty, the already precarious situation will collapse completely, and the destruction of the country and species will be close at hand.

For the common people in the world, Liu Zhilun made a choice.

It took him a long time to let out a long sigh of relief: "I know the general Zhenglu is a man, so I think he will not do anything to the emperor. But if he loses his soldiers and horses, it may be difficult for him to die well. Therefore, I understand what he has done. The arrow is on the string, so I have to let it go!"

Zheng Guochang was very respectful after hearing these words, and said: "Master Liu understands righteousness, I am so polite!"

Liu Zhilun hurriedly returned the gift and said: "After leaving the capital, I came to Shanhaiguan, and then passed through the Liaoxi Corridor to come here. The journey is more than a thousand miles.
What I see is vitality, what I see is the prosperity of all wastes, and the ability of the general who conquered the captives to calm the people and raise soldiers is unmatched. I believe that the level of governance and stability of the country should also be unprecedented. "

Hearing this, Zheng Guochang was even more excited. He grabbed Liu Zhilun's hands and said sincerely:

"You and I don't let the years go to waste. For the rejuvenation of the country and to reduce bloodshed, we must work together to achieve a peaceful transition in our lifetime. The story of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin is not impossible."

Liu Zhilun said: "I believe that General Zhenglu can treat the emperor well. Don't worry, I will firmly stand in the position of the "Red Banner Army". This is the only choice and the only way."

With the support of the cabinet minister Liu Zhilun, Zheng Guochang felt very relieved. After screaming up to the sky, he actually sang a song "Qingpingle Red Flag", full of lofty ambitions like an old man talking about being a teenager.

That night, the two cabinet ministers were both drunk and passed out in the yurt.

Soon the news that the general who had conquered the captives and became the "King of the Hanjiang County" was notified to the whole army by Liu Zaiqi, Jiang Xin, Ruan Dacheng and other propaganda team chiefs.

After each battalion heard the news, they took the initiative to hold a celebration party, and the soldiers drank and sang happily.

It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. Huang Han gave all civil servants, generals, soldiers, handymen, and everyone who worked in the official factories and workshops of the "Red Banner Army" an extra month's salary.

Everything is floating clouds, but it is the most realistic to pay wages to the subordinates, and the soldiers and civilians in the system are even more overjoyed when they get benefits.

The non-government owners in the system and the owners of large and small factories and workshops also joined in the fun after hearing the news, and they also paid the workers an extra month's wages.

The soldiers and civilians who got the windfall income were rejoicing and consuming one after another. The turnover of restaurants, teahouses, and various shops hit a new high, and the commercial prosperity was reflected.

Liu Zhilun and Zheng Guochang stayed in the army for half a month, because it was rare for Huang Han to personally lead the "Red Banner Army" to fight against the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry.

The scouts had already found out the strength of the Qing army. Huang Han was not worried about being defeated at all. He believed that it would not be dangerous to bring the two elders to watch the battle, so he asked them to follow the Chinese army.

Unexpectedly, when the "Red Banner Army" lined up to fight the Manchurian and Mongolian cavalry that was about to arrive on the battlefield, they only wiped out dozens of Qing army scouts. The Qing army stopped fifty miles away, and they formed formation to wait.

People learn better and better, even Jiannu is no exception. What if the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry refused to come to the battlefield preset by the "Red Banner Army"?
Today's "Red Banner Army" is not what it used to be, and the 5 people here are all Class A battalions, including the reinforced battalions of Hanzi and Yang Danian.

Due to the successful completion of the task of cleaning and conquering Wanhu in Ordos, as well as the acquisition of tens of thousands of horses and a lot of cavalry, the Type A battalions of Yang Danian and Fang Liandong added a thousand cavalry and became a reinforced battalion.

At this time, Fang Liandong led tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians to build a city with a circumference of eight miles at the location of the winter camp of Wanhu in Ordos, more than two hundred miles away from Piantouguan. A small castle.

Once this is done, it will be much easier to control the entire Hetao Grassland.

As long as they swear allegiance to the general who conquered the captives, the conquered Mongolian tribes will not be discriminated against, and they can enjoy fair trade. Thirty young and middle-aged men in their tribes who serve in the "Red Banner Army" will receive food and wages.

Too many Mongolian cavalry soldiers who were still treated as handymen and auxiliary soldiers met the Mongolian soldiers in the "Red Banner Army" and learned about their treatment and the living conditions of their families. Everyone yearned for it.

With the pursuit, there will be motivation. The more than [-] Mongolian auxiliary soldiers who accompanied the army in this battle were very motivated, and they killed more than half of the dozens of Manchurian cavalry scouts.

 The next month will still be updated every day, except for some delays in the first week, try to try to update two chapters a day.

(End of this chapter)

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