Chapter 865
At this time, Chongzhen's resentful eyes scanned the beasts in clothes below, the officials had already developed immunity, and no one looked down on the emperor.

Some of them were whispering, some were looking around, all of them were as thick-skinned as a city wall.

Chongzhen stared at Zhang Fengyi's face and asked, "I don't know how much money Aiqing contributed to invest in the rubber plantation?"

Zhang Fengyi suddenly came to his senses, and he said awkwardly: "Your Majesty, the 'King of the Han River' emphasizes that whoever invests will benefit, from the humble opinion of the veteran, rubber will become popular in the world in the future, and it is very possible to double the investment, even several times or ten times.

Therefore, the old minister took out all the coffin books, borrowed a lot from relatives and friends, and collected 3 yuan in silver coins. "

"So there are so many benefits here! No wonder, no wonder!" The discussion among the ministers suddenly became louder, "Buzzing buzzing..." like a bunch of flies.

A servant said: "Which of the kits made by the 'King of the Hanjiang River' didn't make a lot of money? The old man is willing to give him money to invest."

A member of the staff said: "Bicycles will definitely be popular all over the world in the future, and durable rubber tires are indispensable. This shows that investing in rubber plantations will definitely make a lot of money."

The censor of a certain city said enviously: "Yes, yes! Whoever owns a rubber plantation is considered to have a cornucopia, which can flow gold and silver every day. The "Hanjiang County King" called for investment, and of course everyone responded!"

One of them asked in a low voice: "Master Liang, I wonder if the capital of the rubber plantation is enough. I also have a little savings, and I am willing to respond to the call of the 'King of the Han River'."

Another censor of the Donglin faction, Lara, pulled Sun Yuanhua's lapel and whispered: "Master Sun, I like to do good things that benefit the country and the people the most, and I am willing to spend money to participate in the rubber plantation project. Do you still need capital now?"

The chief officers and entourages of the Jingshi Baogong Troupe all have the awareness of attracting investment, and Sun Yuanhua is no exception. Seeing that all the princes in the court are interested in the joint-stock system, he explained:
"'King of the Han River' has an insatiable demand for capital, and it is still unknown when the rubber plantation plans to increase capital.

But investing in a vehicle factory to produce bicycles, investing in an iron mine to mine iron ore, and investing in a smelter to produce pig iron are all worth investing in!The profits are huge, of course. "

Wu Xiangdao: "In addition to rubber, the components of bicycles are steel. It can be predicted that there will be a great demand for high-quality steel in the future. At this time, investing in coal mines, iron mines, and steel factories and keeping them can make a lot of money."

These words are true. Huang Han is already planning to invest in a steel factory in Kaiping Town, Yongping Prefecture. This is entirely due to the high-quality coal and iron ore resources there.

It is also because when the "Five-Year Ping-Liao" agreement was contracted, Yongping Mansion was one of the prefectures that provided the "Red Banner Army" with natural food and grass, and did not need to pay taxes to the court.

Don't worry about half of the "five-year pacification of Liao" period. Huang Han's strength and prestige will reach a peak when he completes the pacification of Liao Dynasty.
There is no doubt about the mass base of Yongping Mansion, senior generals including Huang Yizhou, Huang Han, Hanzi, Yang Danian, Zhang Yang, Wang Zhanpeng, etc. are all from Yongping Mansion.

In recent years, Yongping Prefecture has raised soldiers and set up industries, making the economic level of Yongping Prefecture no less than that of Jinxiu Jiangnan.

And because there are too many military dependents, too many families can get the military salary and real qualities brought back by their sons, and their wealth should rank among the top in the Daming Prefecture.

Kaiping Town was the first town controlled by Huang Han. For the past eight years, it has been the station of the Luanzhou Garrison Battalion under the jurisdiction of the "Red Banner Army". It has a thousand general infantry and a general general cavalry. "Wave your hand, and there will be [-] young and middle-aged men within three days.

This is not to brag, since taking over Kaiping Town, the life of the miners is getting better day by day.

They can get 30% of the monthly salary higher than ordinary workers in the steel plant. The phenomenon of thinking that they are unlucky when there is a mining accident does not exist. 60 taels of compensation silver is indispensable. Now the pension silver has been increased repeatedly, reaching [-] taels.

Therefore, when the "Red Banner Army" needs the courage of the villagers, it is not a lie to gather [-] miners plus workers from steel mills and coal yards within three days.

The smelters and steel plants invested in the early stage are too loose, small in scale, and outdated in technology.

Kaiping Town is less than [-] miles away from Tianjin Wei Port, and a little over [-] miles away from the "Tiger Cave City" port. The [-]-mile official road has been built long ago, and the service areas set up every [-] miles have now formed market towns.

These years of continuous investment in steel plants, and because too many educated young people have become industrial workers and technicians, have accumulated strength, experience and continuous technological innovation, the conditions for investing in large steel plants are ripe.

The large-scale iron and steel plant "Chigang" invested in Chifengwei is completely capitalized by the "Red Banner Army" system, and it is government-run. In Kaiping Town, integrating resources and investing in "Kaigang" is preparing for private ownership to take the path of the joint-stock system.

Huang Han comes from a later generation, and he knows that the government cannot be large and comprehensive. The government-run steel mills may continue to innovate in the early days, but they may not be able to do so in ten or eight years.

The private, government-run, and joint-stock systems all show their special skills, and the formation of competition is not only conducive to development, but also conducive to the formation of a cost-reversal management model. The quality of steel is getting better and the price is gradually lowering to better serve the society.

Hearing the affirmative answer, many civil servants and military generals were motivated. How could they not know that the steel products produced by the Huang family have become popular in Ming Dynasty, and the quality is unmatched. You can only get the official price by looking for a relationship to approve the note. The black market price is already [-]% to [-]% higher than the official price. .

If anyone has the ability to sell steel and sell it to Tartars and slaves, it is not a lie to get more than five times the huge profits.

The steel produced by Huang's is already in short supply. If bicycles made of steel are popular, how much steel is needed?

At this time, they took out their money to participate in the "Hanjiang County King"'s investment in the steel plant, and it was logical to get high returns. They said one after another:

"Master Sun and Lord Wu, the court is over, and I am the host. Let's go to the sauna and drink in the city that never sleeps. Let's talk about how to participate in the investment of the 'King of the Han River'."

"Master Zhang, it's been a long time since you and I got together. After the next court, I will meet up with a dozen or so people of the same year to have fun together. You must do me a favor!"

"Master Liang..."

"Okay, okay, thank you all for your kind invitation. There are many money-making projects in the 'Hanjiang County King' plan. Regarding investment consultation, I must know everything without saying a word! I will not let you down!"


"Cough, cough, cough!" A violent cough interrupted the sound of "buzzing". It was the chief assistant Liu Yuliang who felt that the officials were too shameful and made a commotion.

Chongzhen on the dragon chair was already so angry that he really wanted to beat up a few civil servants and military generals who were jumping fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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